What can i feed my cats everyday other than store bought hard cat food?


I saw an episode of Oprah a while ago about her dogs. She feeds them rice and chicken and other things. I was wondering, is there anything like that that I could feed my cats? I know cat food from the stores have the proper nutrition and everything, but I would really love to see them enjoy their food, rather than eating the hard food where it seems like its going to break their teeth. I mean, if I were them, I surely wouldnt want to eat that stuff. hehe.


They make premium cat foods which are much better for them. If they dont have other problems, you could mix the wet with the dry. You can make your own cat food, but it isnt easy and its expensive. You need to make sure the meat is the right quality, and they must get taurine which means buying organ meat. You could do that as a treat. when you feel like it. I doubt your cats care that much about what they are eating, it isnt ideal but my cats have done fine on a mixture of dry and wet grocery brand food (dry in the morning wet at night). If your cat has skin problems or other health issues, you need to be careful about the diet. Talk to your vet before making any big changes, and you may want to transition slowly if it is a big change in diet.


Because nutrition is one of the most important keys to your cats health and longevity, one of your most important responsibilities as a cat owner is to provide your cat with the necessary nutrients required for its growth and maintenance. To do this, it is first necessary to understand what cats need in their diet. Commercial cat foods are formulated as dry, semimoist, and canned. These products differ in water content, protein level, caloric density, palatability, and digestibility. The differences are primarily attributable to the processing methods used by petfood manufacturers. I know one of the best cat-food that i used to feed my cat >> http://www. agritura. com/index. php/cat/c3…


Cat food from grocery stores or department stores are not proper nutrition. Become knowledgeable about cat nutrition and your cats will benefit. Check this site: http://www. catinfo. orgAlso type in "feline nutrition" as key phrase in a web search, for other sites with much info on what cats should (and should not) eat.


You can feed raw to your cats. But you have to freeze the meat for a few days before serving it. And it has to be in small portions. I feed my cats raw on the weekends and canned on the weekdays. I usually give them beef heart, beef liver, chicken necks, chicken liver, chicken heart or turkey wings. I would love to give them more variety like venison but thats expensive for me. They are very active cats and have very healthy clean teeth. And you are completely right about cats not liking dry food. Its very unnatural for a cat to eat dry food. This is a really good website about raw feeding cats. http://rawfedcats. org/And this is a great article on why cats need canned food. http://www. littlebigcat. com/index. php? action=libraryact=showitem=whycatsneedcannedfood


Tinned catfood actually has some rather horrendous "ingredients" in it. Mine get raw mince, vegetables and a vitamin cocktail everyday. They also get free access to to biscuits and fresh water ( of course)


I think u can feed the roar chicken wings good for thee teeth i have to cats they eat just about any thing they love tins of tuna it just depends on weather or not they are going to eat it they might be fussy with some thing new


It is possible to make cat food at home. It is no harder than preparing any other recipe, and it is only expensive compared to feeding the cats some cheap crap cat food full of fillers (which is why it is cheap, but also why it is less nutritious. If you do not care to study up on the topic, simply giving them some ordinary meat leftover from one of your meals once in a while could be quite the treat for them, and will not put them harmfully out of balance. Do bear in mind that onions and garlic can cause Heinz Body Anemia in cats, so be careful to feed them meat which has not been seasoned with that. If you want to do some research, you can find out enough about feline nutrition to make all their food homemade, and have it be so well balanced that it is healthier than _any_ prepared cat food. Here are some places to start: http://alter-idem. smartmonkey. org/cats/w… http://www. cathelp-online. com/health/die… http://catfood. tribe. net/