How accomplish you amuse your dog to stop eating the cat aliment and the cat to stop eating the dog aliment?

Orange Megalopolis

I already started feeding my cat on the table (which I don't according to doing) however it's the alone place my dog can't amuse the aliment.Any more, my cat has started eating the dog aliment on the floor and neglecting her aliment.


same deal here! ERRR i abhorrence cats on the tables and stuff however i did it! not sure provided this is what you accomplish or not however this does seem to work! we own feeding times at our abode! the dog amuse's fed at a time and provided he don't eat it all at that time he loses! alone water dish outside then! he has upto 1/2 time to eat his aliment! provided he don't it waits till the following feeding! they apprentice quick and noticed the schedual and eat it up when asked! any more i don't own to worry approximately my dog's aliment getting ate by the cat! the cat's are the same way tho they don't eat it all! and i don't attention however they amuse there aliment at the same time! worth a shot and it's healthier for your dog not to aloof allowance a complete dish outside! plus provided you dont that you don't understand how even he is really intaking and provided youw atch you will apprentice alot approximately their systems! and provided once learnt you alone charge to let the dog activity outside side for poo 1-3 times provided you accomplish it right! any more pee is a altered story


its a scream, however neither of my dogs really bother with the cats aliment that is right following to their dog aliment, however the cats cherish the dogs aliment.I aloof put some of it together with their cat aliment and they are pretty cheerful.Or aloof let them eat the dog aliment Report Abuse

Blooming Grove

lol I own the same trouble, the puppy wants the cat aliment & the cats want the puppy chow......I own a utility room off the galley where I any more food the cats and accumulate the litter pan (puppy has a fascination for cat poop, too, I had to rush to scoop or chicken feed the litter as soon as the cats own 'finished' lol).Altho it has a door I can fast, I any more own a tension child gate across it...the cats own total access, Poochie doesn't.As far as the puppy chow problem, I food my papillon twice a time and ride shot gun over the bowl so the cats don't muscle their way in....I don't place aliment on the floor and let the dog nibble all time...what puppy doesn't eat in 30 minutes gets tossed so the dog has learned scheduled feedings and that has fabricated potty training alot easier.You gonna own to add vigilance and some tough cherish to the feeding, the pupy twice a time at a specific time and accumulate the cat from horning in, and food the cat in another room with a door or a gate to stop the dog....great luck.


Scheduled feeding times for the dogs, and put the cats aliment somewhere up aerial.My cats aliment is on top of my dryer so the dogs can't amuse it.


food your dog on a scheduel dont accord unlimited aliment.After 20 minutes pick up the aliment and neither can amuse the the other reason its been put out.

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