The Travel Essentials When You Travel With Your Cat

When you travel, you get to enjoy better if you travel along with the pet that you really love. Travelling can be moreover fun and exciting when you carry with you your favorite cat pet for this cat has been with you for the rising and falling times of your life. There are several preparations that you have to ensure and check first whenever you have decided to travel with your pet cat.

Spend some time to go to a veterinarian so that you can have your cat checked if he or she is healthy before the travel. Before you can actually travel, airline companies or travelling companies would also see to it that your cat is allowed to travel and it helps a lot if you get a certification from the veterinarian. Before you jump off to your planned travel, have the cat vaccinated days before the date of the travel so he or she can rest. To better achieve a proper behavior during the travel, it would be best that you give your pet cat a sedative during the travel.

It is nice to look at a cat with a cat tag, better check a cat tag that is not tight nor loose. It is actually safe for the cat to have a cat tag for this will serve as a reference for the people who would happen to see your cat if ever it will be lost. The picture of the cat that you have is also very helpful especially when it comes to search options for the cat. This generation is really advanced for you will be able to observe that some cats have these implanted microchips which can be scanned in a cat's scanner. Because of this method, determination of your cat is very fast and convenient.

This simply means that whenever you travel, you have to prepare two luggage, one for you and one for the cat. So you will be able to provide a safe and happy travel for the pet, always prepare a food, toy, plate and bed for the pet cat. Be a girl or boy scout when you have a pet, be ready with a first aid kit in case something would happen. If ever you will be staying at the hotel, check whether the hotel of your choice allows pets to stay for it not, where would you let your pet stay while you travel. Consider buying a pet carrier or barrier for your cat so that safety can still be assured during the travel for you and your cat.

Clicker Training a Cat

Clicker training a cat uses a clicker to encourage or reward the cat when it responds as you wish. A clicker is generally more successful that voice commands because the sound of a clicker is heard more clearly and doesn't change tone as a human voice will. The click is also short and to the point whereas words or sentences of praise take far longer from the cat's point of view.

Clicker training a cat is most effective when the training is carried out with a view to the following:

making the cat behave as you wish

taking notice of its behaviour

emphasising its behaviour

Guidelines when clicker training a cat:

Click the clicker and give the cat a treat.

Encourage the behaviour your want and click when he does it but not afterwards.

Only click once as an expression of enthusiasm and give another treat.

Only get your cat to practice the behaviour for short periods. Three five minute training sessions daily are far more effective than hours of repetition.

If the cat misbehaves, ignore him but click and treat when he behaves as you want. For example click and treat your kitten when he uses his litter tray or scratching post but not when he pees on the floor or scratches the furniture.

Click when your cat accidentally does as you want as well as when you ask him to. Encourage him to perform the behaviour but don't position him or hold him down.

Click and treat when the cat more or less gets it right. It doesn't have to be perfect. Lying down instead of sitting is fine.

Make sure that you always have the clicker and some treats with you when you are clicker training a cat so that you can swiftly react to good behaviour.

If you need to tell your cat off, make sure that the clicker is out of sight.

Cats react far more positively to encouragement and don't understand rage and shouting as a dog might which is why the completely non-emotional use of a clicker works so well for cats.

Don't forget to pet your cat too; the clicker should never take the place of a loving relationship with your pet, it is just a training method, nothing else.

Clicker training a cat is perfectly possible with perseverance and patience and it will be to both your benefits in the years to come.

Black Cats - How Did These Felines Become Associated With Halloween?

Those who celebrate Halloween can recognize the costumes and decorations that are traditionally used during the season: witches, monsters, ghosts, pumpkins, and of course, the black cat. Most of these characters and symbols are quite creepy, which makes them an obvious choice for the spooky Halloween season... but what about the black cat? These beautiful felines are not outright scary, so how did they become associated with All Hallows' Eve?

Black cats are a relatively new addition to the Halloween season, all because of their dark coloured fur. As stylish as the colour black is today, it was not always believed to be a good colour. Ancient beliefs and religions including the Druids in Ireland, and Christians in England and America strongly believed that the colour black represented something bad or evil. Black cats are not only dark in colour but they have a mysterious personality, which is a big reason why people became very superstitious of them.

These unfortunate felines were especially given their bad reputation during the Dark Ages. During this time people became obsessed with purging their towns of witches and witchcraft. Witches were believed to take on a familiar, which was a lower-level minion who would help them to enact their dark deeds. These familiars were often felines. Strangely enough, witches did not choose only black felines, they chose all kinds of cats, yet somehow black-coated cats were the only type of feline to be given a bad reputation.

Why black cats?

Some people believe that black-coated cats were targeted because of their nocturnal nature, and their glowing eyes. Black furred felines can easily disguise themselves during the dark hours of the night. This would have been a scary thought for anyone during these witch trials, especially since some people believed that witches would disguise themselves as a cat at night.

So back to the original question... how did black cats become associated with Halloween? These dark furred felines likely piggybacked on the stories and traditions of their witch counterparts. Any time a story about a witch is told during the Halloween season, her black feline is often right alongside her.

Besides ancient beliefs about black cats being evil, there is no real evidence that black-coated cats are bad luck. There's nothing to fear about these beautiful felines during the Halloween season, or during any other time of the year. In fact, black furred cats are believed to be good luck in many places all over the world, so consider yourself lucky if you are the owner of one of these lovely felines.

Diabetes in Cats: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment

Feline diabetes does not differ much from the human version of the same disorder. It has generally the same symptoms, causes, and dangers, making it just as important to treat and diagnose in a cat as it is a human. Untreated diabetes will shorten a cat's lifespan dramatically and could lead to several complications. The early symptoms are obvious to the knowledgeable cat owner who knows what to watch for, and diagnosis and treatment are not difficult. It only takes a little perseverance and some knowledge to overcome this problem.

Signs and Symptoms
The first thing a cat owner will notice when their feline has developed diabetes is an increase in appetite along with a reduction in weight. This is due to the cat's body breaking down proteins and fats in order to compensate for the inability to produce or utilize insulin. This leads to high levels of sugar in the bloodstream and urine, which causes increased thirst and urination. The four classic symptoms of cat diabetes are ravenous appetite, weight loss, increased thirst, and increased urination.

Cats that are at Risk
Generally, feline diabetes affects cats that are older and obese, and males are more likely to develop diabetes than females, although this disorder does not discriminate and can affect any cat at any time. Feline diabetes has a good chance of resolving itself if the cat is encouraged to lose weight gradually, but immediate veterinary assistance to diagnose and treat this problem is imperative, as untreated diabetes is a life threatening condition.

If Left Untreated
If left untreated, diabetes will dramatically shorten a cat's lifespan. Increased sugar in the bloodstream causes the blood to become thicker, making it difficult to flow through veins. This puts stress on the heart and other vital organs and results in poor circulation. A fatal complication of feline diabetes is ketoacidosis, marked by loss of appetite, lethargy, weakness, dehydration, and difficulty breathing. An affected feline who has reached this level should see a veterinarian immediately and will probably have to be treated with intravenous fluids. Another complication of diabetes in cats is peripheral neuropathy, which is a weakening of the extremities, especially the hind legs. Affected felines very often walk on their hocks.

A veterinarian will diagnose diabetes via lab tests, physical examination, and testing for high levels of sugar in the blood and urine.

Of the two types of cat diabetes (insulin dependent and non-insulin dependent), approximately 75% of the cases are insulin dependent. Insulin dependent means the cat must receive scheduled injections of insulin. Non-insulin dependent means the cat must take oral medication, usually glipizide, which assists the body with utilizing insulin.

Those cat owners faced with the dilemma of administering insulin shots to a cat on a daily basis should not fear. Insulin needles are very small and typically the cat is not even aware they are receiving a shot. The dosage and scheduling of the medication will be determined by the veterinarian based on a blood sugar profile over the course of a twenty-four hour period. This will indicate to the veterinarian what times of days the cat's blood sugar spikes or dips and to what degree.

Just as in humans, part of the treatment for diabetes is altering the cat's diet. A diet that is high in protein is best for diabetic cats. While humans do well on a diet of carbohydrates, cats are carnivores and are not physiologically suited to consuming high levels of carbohydrates, yet many popular cat foods have high concentrations of carbohydrates because it's more cost effective. It's important for cat owners to read the label. A cat food with less than 10% carbohydrate content is ideal for the diabetic cat. This is more often found in wet cat food as opposed to dry. The best bet is to read the labels and look for less than 10% carbohydrate content, the lower the better.

As with humans who are diabetic, cats that are diabetic are also prone to hypoglycemic episodes (bouts of low blood sugar). Treating diabetes successfully is all about keeping blood sugar levels at an optimal level. Blood sugar levels that are too low or too high are both equally dangerous physical states. Any bout of low blood sugar can be confirmed by testing blood sugar and should be reported to the veterinarian immediately. This is a common occurrence, as insulin dosages do indeed need to be altered from time to time.

With so many factors that affect blood sugar levels, including food intake, hormone levels, and physical exertion, it can seem like a juggling act at times to keep blood sugar levels on an even keel. With the help of a veterinarian and a little observation and loving care from the owner, a feline with diabetes can live a healthy, happy, and active life.

Cat Food Ingredients - Know What You Buy

Few people really know what the common cat food ingredients are, in the majority of commercial cat food. Most people are comforted by the pretty pictures on the packet or can, and believe or assume that the manufacturer have the health of their furry friend at heart. After all, there are plenty of veterinary endorsements.

Sadly, nothing could be further from the truth. For a start veterinary endorsements mean absolutely nothing. It has always been possible to buy people. There will probably always be people who care more about their bank balance than their ethics.

The commercial pet food industry is a multi billion dollar industry, so they can afford to buy even highly priced recommendations.

Few people realise that the majority (all?) of veterinary colleges around the world are heavily subsidised by the commercial pet food industry. Universities are always short of money, looking for new ways to keep going. The commercial pet food industry is only too pleased to step in and help, because they can heavily influence the students.

Not only that, but veterinary colleges pay no attention to the importance of diet. This vital aspect of animal health care is given over completely to an industry with a heavily loaded vested interest.

And how well the graduates have learned, with practically every veterinary clinic groaning with packets and cans of commercial pet food from floor to ceiling.

There are a multitude of problems with the ingredients in commercial cat food, regardless of the price tag. They vary from poor quality 'raw' ingredients, to the wrong type of food for the species, to a high chemical load, even to the inclusion of hazardous ingredients such as melamine or plastic that have no business being in anyone's food.

For the purposes of this article, just one of the common cat food ingredients is under scrutiny. Propylene glycol is an alcohol used as a solvent. It is used to prevent melting in extreme heat or freezing in extreme cold. It is commonly found in personal care products and cosmetics. It is used in animal feed to keep it moist. It is also used in the pharmaceutical industry. It is found in hydraulic fluid and industrial anti-freeze.

When propylene glycol is applied to the skin, as with personal care products, it is absorbed through the skin and finds its way into the blood stream. When animals are fed food which contain this chemical, it is absorbed by the body a lot faster.

Some known effects in humans of the ingestion of ethylene glycol (very similar to propylene glycol, with similar effects) are irritation (to the eyes, skin and throat), dry skin, headache, backache, kidney problems, swelling (oedema), the death of cells (necrosis), drowsiness, slurred speech, stupor, vomiting, respiratory failure, coma, convulsions and death.

Other conditions that are linked to propylene glycol are allergies, endocrine disruption, immune deficiency, neurological problems, toxicity, growth and development issues, reproductive problems and cancer.

Cats who are fed food containing propylene glycol tend to develop Heinz Body Anaemia (HzB). This is known to lead to diabetes, hyperthyroidism, lymphoma, and liver problems.

In cat food, you are unlikely to find this listed as an ingredient. Laws for animal feed are poor at best and generally don't require adequate labeling of ingredients.

The higher the concentration of any chemical, the more devastating the results. Even a low concentration consumed over an extended period will eventually cause problems.

Learn about typical cat food ingredients before buying the product. Better still don't buy any brand. Make it yourself from scratch. It's easy and no more expensive.
For more information on how to feed your cat, click on the link below.

Cat Urine Solutions: Get Rid of the Odor for Good

Cats are one of nature's most fascinating creatures and are so enjoyable to watch. There are many reasons to love cats, but cat urine is not one of them. Felines have probably the most pungent smelling urine and feces of any other domesticated animal. Feces can easily be picked up and disposed of properly, but what about cat urine? Urine will soak into a carpet and many people find it nearly impossible to completely get rid of it, but it is possible. There are a few simple rules one must go by to get rid of cat urine on carpet for good, but first it's a good idea to understand the physics behind the problem.

When an animal urinates on carpet, it doesn't just soak into the carpet, but also into the padding. If left untreated it will even soak into wood or particle board floors. A product that simply sits on the stain or is rubbed into the carpet fibers will not do anything about the urine in the padding. Those kinds of cleaners will eliminate the stain on the carpet itself, but the stain always comes back the next day once the urine in the padding has time to soak back up into the newly cleaned carpet fibers. Even when a cat owner thinks they have won the battle, it's usually not the case.

The next problem is the residual odor. Just because the human residents cannot smell it, doesn't mean the cat cannot. If a cat smells the residual odor of urine, it will likely think that spot is an appropriate place to go and use it again. Only a truly effective cat urine remover product will remove the odor to such a degree the cat doesn't even know the stain was ever there.

The best answer so far is enzymatic and bacterial cleaners. Enzymatic cleaners have components that actually eat the urine, thus removing the stain. Of this category of cat urine removers, here is a list of the most highly praised:

1. Nature's Miracle Stain and Odor Remover
This product uses bacteria that consume the urine. It does a great job of this and receives many positive reviews from consumers. There is another product on the market by the same company called, Nature's Miracle Urine Destroyer with which consumers are not quite as happy, stating the urine smells better than the product. A 32 ounce squirt bottle of Nature's Miracle sells for about $7.

2. MisterMax Anti Icky Poo
This is another urine remover that garners high praise from consumers. Not only does it use live bacteria to destroy stains, but it's also nontoxic to humans and pets in addition to being environmentally friendly. This product can be found in a gallon size jug for about $32.

3. Simple Solution Extreme
This is a spray on product, which is not typically the best choice to get down into the carpet padding, but still receives high marks from reviewers. It touts itself as being the only pro-bacteria formula. Cat owners can pick up a 32 ounce spray bottle of this for about $9.

4. Equalizer Stain and Odor Remover
Consumer reviews of this product are stellar; stating it not only eliminates the stain, but neutralizes the odor completely ensuring the cat will not use the same spot again. This product sells for approximately $10 for a 20 oz aerosol can.

5. Fizzion
Another highly praised urine remover is Fizzion. One of the nice things about this product is that they sell tablets the consumer can mix with water to refill the spray bottle once it's empty. This eliminates waste in the landfills and saves the consumer time and money. A 32 ounce spray bottle of Fizzion, complete with a two-pack refill, sells for about $7.

After one or two applications of any of these products, it's a good idea to then follow-up with a steam cleaner. Only use the steam cleaner after the product has been given good time to work its magic. If the carpet is steamed right away, the heat will kill the bacteria. The steam cleaner will get down into the padding and lift any residual urine that may be left over. Once the carpet has then been allowed to cool off and dry somewhat, follow-up once again with another shot of the urine remover. This will ensure the stain and odor are gone forever.

By following these instructions and recommendations nearly any urine stain can be completely removed, even those stains that have been around awhile. In fact, that spot on the carpet will probably be the cleanest of the entire house. Not even the cat will know they ever went there.

Pancreatitis In Cats - Easily Prevented, Easily Cured

Pancreatitis in cats, as in anyone, is when the pancreas becomes inflamed. The condition can be acute (short lived) or chronic (there for the life of the cat). The pancreas is an important organ of the digestive system, the renal system and the respiratory system. Diabetes is a common consequence of any pancreatic problem.

The veterinary diagnosis of this condition is poor, as the symptoms are rather vague and similar to those shown in other health conditions. These include lethargy, poor appetite, dehydration, higher breathing rate and a low body temperature. Vomiting can also occur. Aneamia may develop. Fluid can accumulate in the abdomen.

The veterinary treatment for this condition can be complicated and includes hydration, withholding food, and medication. The common medications used are dopamine, analgaesics, corticosteroids and metronidazole. These may control the symptoms, but will lead to further problems.

Some of the common consequences that contribute to pancreatitis in cats are the side effects of veterinary medicines, trauma (such as an accident), internal parasites and infections. But by far the most common cause of this condition is the diet.

Commercial cat food is high in fat. Even fresh pet mince from your local butcher is high in fat. It's how they dispose of it. A diet high in fat is one of the leading causes of pancreatitis. Day in day out, your cat is being fed this substandard food.

Another problem with fat is that it is high in toxins. So not only does it contribute to a serious ailment, it is creating high toxicity.

An acute episode of pancreatitis can occur in a reasonably healthy cat after a meal high in fat. For example, after a holiday period, when people have been cooking a lot, they may offer their cat some of the spoils. A lot of chicken skin, other fatty left overs or licking a roasting pan could cause it.

In most cases, the cat will recover on their own.

However, as the years go by, if the diet remains high in fat, this can lead to the chronic form. A fat cat gives a good indication of their diet - high in fat, usually commercial cat food.

In preference to the common, and toxic, veterinary medication, isn't it better to work out the cause and rectify that? By feeding your cat a quality, natural diet, in keeping with their evolution, you are ensuring their good health, free from both common and rare diseases.

Pancreatitis in cats can be treated far more successfully when their diet is changed to a quality, natural one. In effect, you are removing the cause and increasing their nutrients. In time, a complete cure can result. However, additional support may be required. This can come by substituting veterinary medicine for homeopathic medicine, which can work very quickly.

For more information on how to keep your cat healthy naturally, click on the link below.

Why Kids Love Cats So Much

There are many children who want to have a cat for a pet. Perhaps, your children are among these who desire to have one. If you are wondering why children love cats so much, the below reasons will provide some insight into this.

Cats provide good entertainment. Surely, you have seen a cat scamper across the tops of furniture, shimmy up the walls and jump down from high places and land right on his or her feet. To us who are grown, these behaviors are annoying. We wish that the animal can stop behaving in this fashion and stay out of the way. Kids, on the other hand, find these behaviors to be funny. They sit and watch in amazement, and they laugh heartily. Kids also enjoy playing games with their cats, like fetch, and they like to teach them how to do tricks. When these animals entertain these children, they will stay out of the hair of the adults and have something to do during boring times.

Cats are also nice to cuddle. The reason this is the case is because felines are nothing but big, warm fur balls. If you buy your child a cat who loves to be held, then he or she will cuddle with your young one for hours. Your young one can enjoy companionship while doing homework, and this pet can keep him or her company while sleeping at night. If your child has something comforting to sleep with, he or she will not be scared and feel the need to crawl into your bed to bother you while you are sleeping or taking some time for yourself.

Cats offer children lots of affection. When your child feels sad, the cat will crawl into his or her lap and stay there until he or she feels better. There have been some cases when a cat has been known to wrap his or her paws around his or her owner's neck and give a hug. If your kid ever experiences this while sad, this will mean a lot to him or her.

Kids love cats because it does not require a lot of work to take care of them. All kids have to do is clean out the litter box, provide food and water and make sure the animal remains safe. It is not necessary to walk a cat, take it out to go to the bathroom or bathe it.

If you get a boy cat for your child, then you will want to get it fixed. If you do not, he will feel the need to mark his territory. The male cat will urinate all over your furniture, clothing and other odds and ends. Because cat urine smells, you do not want this to happen. You will also need to get the animal declawed, whether it is male or female. If you do not, curtains will be torn up, furniture will be scratched and the pet will ruin things around your house because he or she will feel the need to use various objects as scratching posts. If you take these precautions, your child will enjoy his or her pet, and your house will remain clean and orderly.

How to Walk Your Cat On a Leash

Most cats love being outdoors, the fresh air and stimulation is great for them and they love the warmth of the sun. Unfortunately, there are some downsides to being outside because many cats will roam and may get lost, injured, kill birds or other wildlife or get into things they shouldn't. A cat leash is an excellent way to take your cat outside for fresh air and exercise while still keeping him safe and protected. Leash training a cat may sound like an impossible task, but it's really not all that difficult. All it takes is some time, effort and a little patience.

The first step is to measure your cat and shop for an appropriate cat leash and harness. Do not use a collar to walk your cat, because if your cat decides to run, the collar could injure his neck or even strangle him. A leash attached to a collar is simply an unsafe choice for your cat. A harness and leash are a much better option. There are many harnesses and leashes to choose from that are specially made for cats. Browse through your local pet store or shop online to find a harness that will fit your cat and not be too heavy. It's also a good idea to pick up some cat treats to encourage and reward your cat when he does well.

When you get the leash and harness home, let your cat inspect them and get used to them being near him. Give your cat treats and lots of praise so they learn to associate the harness with "good" things. Once your cat is used to the harness, you can try putting it on him. It may take a little while, but once it's on, make sure to give your kitty lots of love, praise and treats. At first, you'll need to leave the harness on for a short period to let your cat get used to it. Each day, leave the harness on for longer periods of time until your cat hardly notices their wearing it, while continuing to give your kitty lots of praise and encouragement.

Now it's time to introduce the leash. Clip the leash to the harness and let your cat get used to how it feels. As usual, give lots of encouragement, praise and treats to your cat to reward good behavior. Once he seems comfortable; encourage him to walk a few steps in the same direction as you. If he won't take a step, use a treat to encourage him to take a step forward. If this doesn't work, try picking him up and moving him a foot or two in the right direction, then repeat the process with a treat all over again until your cat begins to get the hang of it.

Remember, to be patient and keep trying. It may take a little time, but with some gentle persuasion, you'll soon be walking your cat on a leash with poise and confidence.

What Are The Different Types of Cat Toys?

Have you looked online for cat toys and quickly came to realize there are many types to choose from?

There are interactive toys, battery operated electronic toys and the traditional balls and mice.

What are these toys?

Let's try to explain a few of the different types to help you find the right toy for your cat. First we'll take interactive. This is the type of toy that allows you and your cat to play together. Playing with your cat helps to create a bond and your cat learns that you are a fun person that likes to play. Every cat is unique and has its own personality. Cats in general love to play but each cat will have a difference in his or her choice of toy. Things that jiggle and move are ever so enticing to them. For example, a toy attached to a string is an interactive toy and often referred to as a pole toy. You hold the pole and wiggle it on the floor or in the air for your cat to jump for and chase. The object of the game (for the cat) is for the cat to catch the toy and the object of the game for you is to encourage the cat to try and get the toy. When playing this game it is important to allow the cat catch the toy at times. If your cat chases the toy but is unable to catch it, they'll eventually lose interest in the game. Let your cat stalk and grab the toy frequently to keep the game interesting to your kitty. Your fur baby quickly learns that this is fun because he or she can get their prey. Cats have a natural hunting instinct and this type of game is so much fun for them. You'll have a million laughs watching the techniques that your kitty applies to try and get that toy!

Electronic toys are modern inventions aimed at keeping your kitty busy without your intervention. They usually are operated by electricity or batteries. One example would be the Mouse in the House toy. It runs on electricity and can be set to start up at a certain time. Let's say you leave for work early in the morning, your cat will probably have a nap and awaken mid morning looking for something to do. You could have it set to start up a few hours after you leave and the sound will attract the attention of your cat. A little mouse moves around different obstacles before disappearing in his house. Your cat will attempt to grab the mouse while it's moving toward his house. This toy will have the mouse run in and out of his house several times before turning itself off. Kitty has had their little game of hunting and returns to napping. Kitty has now had some exercise between naps. Exercise is a good thing to help keep your cat happy and healthy.

Battery operated toys include yet another type of toy that can be considered interactive. An example is the laser toy. It's merely a tiny flashlight with a powerful red led inside operating on batteries. Basically, this toy emits a red dot. Move the dot around on the floor and most cats will go crazy chasing it. Your cat will not tire of trying to catch it. There are many cat toys that operate on batteries which allows your cat to attempt to get a moving object. The only requirement for battery operated toys is, of coarse, the batteries and remembering to turn the toy off when playtime finishes.

Relatively new on the market are solar operated toys. These toys require direct sunlight to make the moving parts entice your kitty. They never need batteries and turn on or come to life automatically as sunlight appears on the toy. They work best in a window that gets direct sunlight for a good portion of the day.

There are also the traditional toys such as balls and mice. Lets take mouse toys for example, the possibilities are endless. Some are enhanced with catnip, some rattle, some come in bright colors and others have a realistic look to them. You'll find mice adorned with feathers, leather tails, felt ears and beaded eyes and even some with bells on their tails. They come in a variety of sizes from tiny to jumbo. The mouse toy is as original as cats themselves and we haven't found a cat yet that doesn't like them.

If you're bringing a new kitty into your home, try different types of toys to learn which types he or she prefers to play with. Exercise is very important to the health and well being of your kitty. Encouraging your cat to play helps to keep him or her happy and healthy. We hope that we've given you some helpful information on some of the different types of cat toys to better choose the right toy for your cat.

Cat Obesity: Tips for Slimming Down Your Fat Cat

I have seen far too many people think their pudgy little cat is cute. However, did you know that cat obesity is just as dangerous in our furry little friends as it is in humans? Therefore you'll want to do something to cut down on your cat's weight as quickly as possible. This can be a little difficult if you have an indoor cat as generally they don't get the exercise they need. However, if you follow the tips in this guide you should be able to make even the laziest cat in the world drop the excess pounds.

First and foremost, you'll want to determine if your cat is overweight. Some cats appear to be a little chunky, but that is how they should be due to their breed. To quickly check, you should feel around your cat's ribs, they should be easy to identify. If you cannot feel the ribs then your cat is overweight. There are also a number of online 'calculators' which will also help you determine whether your pet is suffering from cat obesity.

One of the biggest tips I can offer is to change the food your cat is eating. You should look to purchase better quality food, such as a grain-free food that doesn't contain corn. Cheaper foods contain more fat and fillers than they need to, and they also don't have the proper nutrients. Therefore, cheaper foods could do your pet a lot of harm, so steer clear of those. Don't worry, purchasing better quality cat food isn't that much more expensive and you will probably need to feed your cat a lot less. In fact, purchasing a higher quality pet food will save you money in the long run, as it will result in fewer trips to the vet, because you'll have a healthier cat.

Another helpful suggestion is to invest in a pet food bowl with a portion control dome in the center or what is often referred to as a slow feed bowl. I have been very successful using these types of bowls in the past to slim down my fat cats. These food bowls help to control pets that gobble up their food too fast, which can result in overeating.

The next step is to cut down on the treats that you are offering your pet. Many people give their furry friends cat treats on a daily basis, and this contributes to cat obesity more than anything. Save the treats for special occasions, and even then, you can purchase 'low fat' treats from your local pet store, so use those instead!

You will also need to exercise your cat more often. If you have an indoor cat, then grab a leash from a pet store and take them for a walk at least thirty minutes a day. This is also great exercise for you as well! Also, interactive toys are a great way to keep your cat active and can also strengthen the bond between you and your pet. My cat's love the Da Bird feather toy, which they absolutely can't resist; even my laziest kitty will get off the couch for this toy. It is by far the best cat toy I can recommend for interacting with your furry friends.

Finally, ease your pet into the diet plan gradually, especially if you are changing their food. This is because sudden changes in food can wreak havoc on your cat's digestion, and can even make them sick.

Follow these simple tips and you should start seeing your kitty drop those excess pounds. When you are putting your cat through a 'weight loss' regime, you will want to constantly check them to ensure that they are actually losing weight. So keep feeling around those ribs, and weigh your pet from time to time. Remember though, your goal is to get your cat down to a 'healthy' weight, don't take it too far, plenty of people end up with a cat that is far too skinny, and that is not what you want.

Tips on How to Stop Your Cat From Spraying

Cats are affectionate and loving creatures that make wonderful pets and companions. For all their good points, one drawback of a having a cat is that sometimes it may spray its urine. While this may be unpleasant or even a real nuisance, it is a problem you can do something about with a little bit of effort.

When a cat sprays he is marking his territory and leaving a message to other cats that this is his territory. While both female and male cats spray, it is more common in males who have not yet been neutered. When a female sprays, it may be due to stress about her territory and she wants to mark the area as "hers".

One thing you can do to help stop a cat from spraying (or to at least reduce the frequency) is to have them spayed or neutered. Getting your cat "fixed" makes sense for so many reasons, and preventing spraying is an added bonus. The surgery is simple and inexpensive, and the younger the cat is when the surgery is performed, the greater the chance they will not develop the spraying habit.

If, for whatever reason, your cat has not been "fixed", or if he or she has already developed the spraying habit, there are other steps you can take to help stop them from continuing their spraying habit. One option that you may wish to try is low doses of veterinary anti-anxiety medications. These are especially useful when your cat sprays due to anxiety. Talk to your veterinarian to see if this treatment plan is the right choice for your pet.

If you feel that stress may be the cause of your cat spraying, then finding the source of the stress and addressing it may help your cat feel more relaxed and less likely to spray. Some common causes of stress in a cat include things like: a new baby in the home, a change in your daily schedule, having a new pet in the home, or even illness in the cat. If any of these are an issue, then it's important to spend lots of extra time with your pet and make them feel comfortable, loved and secure in their place within your home. If the stress is due to illness, then a trip to the vet can take care of this problem.

If your cat always sprays in a particular area, then there are mechanical devices on the market that can help. I have personally used motion sensor devices in the past, with a lot of success, the motion sensor detects when the cat is in the area and it will spray a harmless aerosol to repel them. The cat soon learns to avoid the area. This may break the spraying habit. Some people recommend using an aerosol bottle to gently squirt their cat with water should they see them getting ready to spray. Ask your veterinarian for recommendations for what is best for your pet.

Spraying is one of the reasons that so many cats are abandoned each year. With a little effort, you can stop them from developing the spraying habit and you can enjoy a long and happy, spray free life with your cat.

About Maine Coon Cats

Maine coon cats are thought to have originated in Maine. In fact, the Maine Coon is the official state cat. The other half of their name results from a myth believing they were the genetic result of mating between domestic cats and raccoon's. This is an impossibility, but the legend was born long ago, probably due to its very fluffy tail, and the name stuck. Although popular show cats in the late 1800′s, they saw a decline in popularity due to more exotic breeds being introduced into this country. Around the 1950′s the Maine Coon enjoyed a boost in popularity as breeders began to notice what a handsome and hearty cat they truly are.

Physical Characteristics

Maine Coons come in all different colors, although the most common color is the brown tabby. Eye colors can range from gold to green and sometimes even blue. The physical characteristics of the Maine Coon are that of a big, hearty, healthy cat who obviously evolved in cold climates. Their coats are very thick, shiny, and resistant to water. The fur on their backsides is thicker and becomes shorter toward the front. The tail and ears are thicker and furrier than other breeds of cats. These cats are one of the larger breeds and their feet are disproportionately large for their size. Females typically weigh in at around nine to twelve pounds while their male counterparts can reach anywhere from thirteen to eighteen pounds. People in general commonly misjudge their size as being much larger than reality due to the extremely thick coat.

Perhaps one of the more interesting characteristics of the Maine Coon is their voices. The sounds they make almost sound like chirping. It is strange indeed to hear such a high-pitched voice come from such a large breed of cat.

Maine Coons Personality

Maine Coon cats are really just big kids. They mature more slowly than other breeds of cats and their youthful playfulness they never seem to grow out of. While they are very social cats, they are more simply just joyful observers, content to watch their human roommates engage in activities of daily living and sometimes even try to help out. They are not generally territorial and seem to cohabitate well with dogs and other cats. Their gentle playfulness and quirky ways make them a great addition to any home with children. Many owners report that the Maine Coon can be trained fairly easily, such as to submit to walking on a leash.

Care and Maintenance

While they are long-haired cats, their special coats need no more than a weekly brushing. Food may be left out, as they are typically not a breed that will eat themselves to obesity, but they are heavy water-drinkers and need a constant supply of clean, fresh water.

Common Medical Problems

Every breed of dog or cat is susceptible to certain genetic problems. For the Maine Coon, the most common problems are hip dysplasia and cardiomyopathy. The breeder from which the cat was obtained should know the genetic line and what problems have been inherent in its ancestral line.

The wonderfully playful Maine Coon is definitely a breed all its own. It's rugged, distinctive look, clownish antics, and gentle social nature makes it a favorite among cat lovers everywhere, not just in Maine.

Cat Hair Loss: Causes and Treatment

Sometime during your cat's life they may experience hair loss, this can be something that is perfectly normal and will clear up on its own. However, you should never wait more than a few weeks if your cat is experiencing hair loss, instead you'll need to consult with your local veterinarian. This is because despite it being a common condition, cat hair loss is something which can be linked to a number of serious diseases; some of them even fatal. Therefore, it is recommended that you get your cat to a veterinarian as soon as possible to determine the cause of the problem.

Your vet will carry out a biopsy on the skin of your pet, and perhaps take a blood sample. This will help determine whether your cat has a serious condition. The vet will then recommend various medications that you can use to assist your pet in combating their cat hair loss. There may also be surgical options available depending on what is causing the condition.

If your cat is experiencing hair loss then more often than not it has not been caused by anything too serious. In fact, the condition is easily treatable and hopefully it will disappear on its own within a couple of weeks.

Your pet may also be causing 'self-inflicted' hair loss. Your vet will inspect the skin to check for broken roots. If there are broken roots, then the hair loss will more than likely have been caused by your cat. A common reason for your cat's 'self-inflicted' hair loss could be due to stress. There are some cat breeds that have a more "nervous" personality, but even laid back cats can experience stress brought own by environmental changes, such as moving to a new place, a new baby, loud noises, and even a new cat being introduced to the family. If you feel your cat may be suffering from stress, you can purchase calming agents that can be placed throughout your home, I often use Feliway plug-ins around my house which have proven very successful in keeping my cats calm and relaxed.

One of the biggest causes for cat hair loss is ringworm. Your vet should be able to diagnose this with ease as all the warning signs will be there. Often this will be the first thing that the vet will be on the lookout for. This will be easily treatable with medications and should take a couple of weeks before hair growth begins again.

If nothing is found after blood tests or ringworm checks then there may be other factors at play. One of the biggest causes of cat hair loss is allergy to foods, even if they haven't been present before. Your vet will most likely supply you with a cat food trial to test your pet for allergies to the foods they are eating. The diet they are placed on will last anywhere from 8-12 weeks. Sometimes you will be given prescription foods, other times you will be supplied with a 'diet plan' that you can prepare for your pet at home. Though the second option is much more rare and many vets will not prescribe this option.

As mentioned previously, if your cat is experiencing hair loss then you'll need to see your veterinarian as soon as possible. Whilst it is unlikely there is a serious disease present, it is better to be safe than sorry, and the earlier the condition is diagnosed, the greater the chances of your cat remaining healthy.

The Best Flea Control for Cats

Fleas: the uphill battle of every pet owner

Every cat owner has an extreme disgust against these bloodsucking creepy parasites. This war against fleas is epic and fragmentary, yet every cat owner fights their own respective battles.

Anyone who owns a cat has faced the uphill battle against trying to keep their cats or kittens against flea attacks, a task that has verified to be simpler said than done. Yet fleas are a massive trouble for pets.

4 best flea control for cats

The following are some of the best weapons to keep fleas at bay. There are 3 stages, these include a battle against these insects, the outdoor environment and finally the home. All the below mentioned weapons really works, and is safe for the owner, the cat as well as the environment. Some of the most effective natural flea control for cats includes:

1. Flea combs: this is one of the most effective weapons to fight against fleas. While using a flea comb always keep a bowl of soapy water solution just nearby for dipping the comb in. The pesky insects will breathe their last in the dish containing the soapy water. For best results, use a flea comb on the fur of the cat when it is asleep as it becomes easier to groom them.

2. Baking soda and salt: another effective flea control for cats is baking soda and salt. The former helps in killing the existing fleas while the latter by dehydration helps in killing the flea eggs. One can either sprinkle baking powder or salt or both in their carpeting. Leave it for at least 12 hours prior to vacuuming. Alternatively one can also sprinkle their cat with baking soda. However, one must be cautious as to prevent the powder from getting into the cat's eyes as it will burn.

3. Garlic: not every natural flea control method is safe for cats. Garlic is one of the most popularly used flea preventives. Garlic as a flea repellent is a chemical-free, natural way to ward off fleas from cats as well as the home.

4. Nematodes: nematodes have proven beneficial in killing fleas on kittens and cats. It is a microscopic worm that eats flea larvae. Place the nematodes within the perimeter of the house from preventing the young fleas to enter. For best results place these worms either early morning else just prior to getting dark as both the nematodes as well as the fleas cannot tolerate direct sunlight. This is also an effective flea control for cats.

All these natural remedies helps to keep the annoying fleas at bay, thereby enabling the lovely kittens and cats to live flea free.

Health Issues of Cats

Cats are one of the most beautiful pets and no one wants to see his pet in a pathetic stage. Many diseases and illnesses are responsible for the bad heath of your pet. Cats are very sensitive as compared to dogs and it is a fact that more than 50% of the cats are facing the diseases in the very first year of their life. Therefore, knowledge about the cat care is necessary in order to achieve a good cat care plan. This article will discuss some of the cat problems and the preventive measures by which your cat can remain in a wonderful state. So here we go,

Stomach Worms

Infestation of worms is a common problem in most of the cats. The cats fail to absorb the nutrition and the result is that the consumption of diet is more and there is no development of health during the period of infestation. The roundworms and the tapeworms are very common and the hookworms are rear in infestation. One or two doses of any medicine can remove these worms. Several precautions are there for the treatment of worm infestation. Most of the times you observe that your cat is eating too much and the sleep cycle become disturbed. In those cases, you have to consult a vet. The vet will diagnose the type of worm after the stool test and suitable medicine will help your pet to get out of this issue.

Vomiting and Diarrhea Issues

There are many types of vomiting. In one type, the cat vomits and there are no further episodes. The single vomiting is better for the cat health as the stomach gave an anti-peristaltic response to the foreign invader. There are many reasons of this type such as engulfing of bad food, rotten fish, etc. Observation shows that due to the humidity issues, pet's food develops a particular sort of smell. That smelling food is very harmful as far as the health of your animal is concerned. Most of the people do not give a proper attention towards the single vomiting but you should at least change the food and give a proper bed rest to the little one. Multiple vomiting is the second type in which most of the cats fail to recover without proper medication. Serious conditions may lead to the blood vomiting. Diarrhea is also a very painful condition and it is most important among many of the cat problems. It is not a disease rather a condition or a secondary disorder that points towards other issues in the digestive system of cat.You should control the dehydration condition by the in time medication. Preventive measure include healthy diet, keeping eye on your pet activities, limited outdoor exposure, daily running, etc.

Urinary Infections and Kidney Issues

This is a serious issue and it affects the males as well as the females. The urinary tract infection may come from the pond swimming or after any dirt adventure. Therefore, if your smart pet is very active and wants a fun and adventure stuff, then you should use the antiseptic solutions. After the dirty tour, you can just dip the animal for some minutes in the water tub mixed with the antiseptic solution. It is very effective strategy and most of the cats love to enjoy bathing. In case of infection, your animal will feel uncomfortable. Urethra may block and accumulation of urine may lead to bad effects on bladder of animal. If the infection penetrates into the renal area then there is possibility of damage in the kidney zone. You can easily identify the kidney issue. Increase in thirst and an aggressive drinking attitude can give you the perfect indication of the problem.

Viral Diseases: Feline Leukemia Virus & Feline Immunodeficiency Virus

These are two common diseases that are prevalent in cats. The virus spreads from the saliva droplets. The virus called corona virus, produce the flu type symptoms. Watery eyes serve as the most important symptom of this disease. As far as the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus is concerned, it affects the immune system of cat. Mainly sexual contact with the infected animals produced this disease.

Other Diseases

Flea, Ticks and Mites Issues

These are all eight legged bugs commonly known to be the pest of animals. These suck the blood of cat and result in the development of many secondary infections. For example, ticks are responsible for the Lyme Disorder.

To conclude, a proper management plan is necessary to tackle with cat problems. Precautionary measures serve as the perfect source to prevent the issues and to increase the life duration of your pet.

How To Remove Cat Urine Smell and Stains From Your Carpet In 3 Simple Steps

Being a cat owner myself I know how hard it can be to eliminate cat urine stains from your carpet.

But it does not have to be a difficult and time-consuming experience for you!

As a result of owning a pet service business for years, I've learned a thing or two. Now I'm going to share with you exactly what I tell my clients to do on how to get rid of cat urine smell as well as the stains from your carpet.

Getting Recent Cat Urine Out Of Carpeting

I've learned that simple is better than complicated when it comes to removing cat urine from carpet. Here is what I've learned from my own experiences dealing with not only my cats, but my clients cats as well.

#1 - Soak up the urine by applying newspapers or paper towels. Use downward pressure so that it can absorb as much of the urine as you possibly can. Try to place the paper towels or newspaper below the carpeting if the urine has soaked into the carpet padding. Continue applying the paper towel or newspaper till the area is dried.

#2 - Begin using fresh water to clean the spot and then do the procedure over again until the stain is fully gone. Yes, plain water will usually do the trick without any harsh chemicals.

#3 - (This is optional) - If you wish to guarantee that the odor is definitely eliminated, I would treat the location using an enzyme cleaning agent, which is a non-toxic cleaner. You can order this cleaner by just searching on the internet. An enzyme cleaning agent can get rid of every odor generating bacteria that could still be present.

And you are done. Wasn't that simple!

Eliminating Old Cat Urine Marks Out Of Your Carpeting

Older marks are actually somewhat more challenging to get out for the reason that stains will often have set in. Still, it is a good idea to remove these since your cat has got a wonderful sense of smell and the odor there may entice them to use the bathroom on the very same place again.

#1 - You need to eliminate any sort of cleaning products you possibly have utilized before by using a carpet cleaning machine on the stains. You want to do this due to the fact that those cleaning chemicals can decrease the effectiveness of the enzymatic cleaner you'll use next. Apply only just clean water in the carpet cleaning machine. Avoid too much water over the stain as it might make it go towards the carpet padding below.

#2 - Using the enzymatic product of your choice, apply the cleaner in the stains until it's finally gone.

#3 - When you don't notice the spot, you'll need a black light flashlight to help you examine this area for all remnants of cat urine. If cat urine is still there, it'll glow a purple color under the black light. In the event there continues to be cat urine present, proceed over the spot another time with the enzymatic cleaner to get rid of the stains.

Your carpeting will now look great without those ugly cat urine stains marking it up.

And by getting rid of every spot, and above all, the odor from your carpeting, you can expect to considerably decrease the potential for your cat going to the bathroom on those same areas over again.

How to Stop a Cat From Jumping on Worktops

You walk into your kitchen to make a sandwich, and much to your surprise - sitting there on your clean kitchen worktop - licking his paws, like he doesn't have a care in the world. - is your cat.

Now any caring cat owner wants their cat to feel at home in their house, but sitting on kitchen worktops is a habit you definitely want him to break!

The three questions I am going to try to address in this article are

1. Why does your cat jump on your kitchen worktops?
2. How did he manage to get up there?
3. How do you deter a cat from jumping on worktops?

Why does your cat jump on kitchen worktops

Your cat should not be scolded for the act of jumping on to your worktops, because in his eyes he is only doing what comes natural to him. From a very young age all cats instinctively know how to jump and climb. It is something they continue to do throughout their entire lives. If you do try to stop your cat from jumping and climbing, you would quite frankly be wasting your time. However this said there are certainly ways you can deter your cat from revisiting a particular spot (such as a kitchen worktop) and I will go into more detail about this later on.

All cats are predators - constantly seeking out high vantage points both inside and outside the house. The reason they do this is because it gives them a better overall view of what is going on in the area they are surveying. When your cat is sat on a windowsill you will notice his body language change when he spots either prey or another cat outside entering his territory. His tail will start swishing and sometimes he will also "chatter" or make a kind of throaty growling sound when he spots an unwelcome guest.

How did he manage to get up there?

Cats are possibly one of the most agile creatures, and it's all down to their supple framework. They use their hind legs to catapult themselves as high as 6 feet in the air. Kittens under the age of 4 months and very old cats do not always have sufficient spring in their legs to enable them to reach high places directly from the ground up, but from the age of as young as 4 weeks all cats are able to climb. This means they have the skills and the know-how to use any object near to their chosen destination as a stepping stone. An adventurous kitten will think nothing of shinning his way up a curtain - often causing havoc in the process - in an attempt to reach the windowsill!

How do you deter a cat from jumping on worktops

1 - Cats have a very strong dislike of the smell of the following:

citrus fruits
strong perfume

Leaving several cloths soaked in any of the above on the area you wish to stop your cat from revisiting can act as an effective deterrent, or simply try slicing up an orange and leaving the segments on the offending area:

2 - Leaving scraps of food can encourage your cat to jump up and help himself, so make sure your worktops are kept clean and free of titbits.

3 - Cats hate the sensation of walking over both bubble wrap and silver foil. Securing a piece of either to your worktops will soon discourage him from returning.

4 - If you see your cat on your worktop, try gently spraying him with a plant spray whilst he is still sat up there. It is important you do not chastise him verbally at the same time, otherwise he will not necessarily associate the forbidden place with the discomfort of being sprayed with water.

Treating An Infection in Cats By Natural Methods

Treating an infection in cats is no different from treating infections in anyone. There are the medical ways of antibiotics. Then there are the alternative options, such as homeopathy.

However, before you decide on the most appropriate method, it's worth considering the role of an infection.

The medical thought on any disease is that the body was made imperfectly and that man and his 'science' can improve things.

The homeopathic thought on disease is that the body was made perfectly, but that some things are stopping the body from healing itself. Most of these are man made interventions.

Don't get me wrong, I have great respect for real science, where the scientists have open minds and no agenda. Sadly the medical model is mostly pseudo science, where vivisection is the norm and profit the end goal.

If the body is made in perfection, why does ill health occur?

It's all about the immune system and how healthy that is. An example is that if your cat is fed a nutrient deficient diet or a diet that contains toxins, with the best will in the world, their health will be compromised. Their energy will be taken up in expelling the constant intake of toxins, with a body that is unable to work at full efficiency.

This means that they will not be in a position to prevent a passing pathogen from taking hold. They will succumb to the infection. But an infection has an important role to play. Even a health compromised body has a strategy in place to prevent more serious damage from affecting it.

When a body is unable to prevent entry of a pathogen, the bacteria populations, that are part of every healthy organism, explode. This increased level of bacteria, medically known as an infection, has an important job to undertake in the health compromised body.

A bacterial infection is often characterised by a discharge that is thick and coloured - yellow or green. What most people don't realise is that this is a healthy discharge of toxins. This is the body's wonderful system of dumping the unwanted substances that are impeding natural health.

This means that treating an infection in cats with antibiotics, not only prevents your cat's natural ability to heal, it upsets the whole body's natural bacteria so essential to life and health.

Antibiotics are also toxic, so instead of unloading the toxin levels, you are increasing them, leading to poorer health in the future. The immune system is further compromised. You are making the overall picture of health worse. You are taking your cat's health in the wrong direction, even though the infection clears up.

Treating an infection in cats with homeopathy is totally different. Homeopathic treatment works in accordance with the body's best efforts. It supports the natural healing ability of your cat, even when it is compromised. It supports an ailing immune system, giving it strength to do what it is meant to do.

Treating an infection in cats with well prescribed homeopathic remedies is fast, efficient, economical and gentle. It is taking the overall level of your cat's health forwards, not backwards.
For more information on the natural approach to feline health care, click on the link below.

Pets Can Improve Your Health

Did you know that more than 60% of households have a pet - cats and dogs being the most popular - and that the average lifetime cost of owning a dog today stands at around 16,900 and for a cat 17,200?

It's clear to see that these beloved animals have us firmly wrapped around their furry paws; but is it just a one way street? Do we get something from them in return? Apart from the obvious love, companionship and friendship there are other less obvious benefits that can affect our health.

We have seen many cases where pets have healed people physically, emotionally and mentally. But recently doctors have discovered the amazing fact that cats and dogs can help us not only fight disease but also with the way we cope with chronic conditions. Scientific studies have in fact confirmed what we have felt - our pets have a positive impact on our health.

Let's see what research has discovered.

1. Far from causing a problem, pets can actually lessen the risk of allergiesand asthma. New studies have actually shown that babies and children, who are raised with a furry friend, will be at less risk of asthma and allergies. Researchers have analyzed blood samples from babies immediately after they have been born and again one year late. They were searching for evidence of immunity changes, reactions to bacteria in the environment and general allergic reaction. The results showed that if a dog lived in the house then the child was less likely to show any evidence of pet allergies. It was also found that they also were less likely to have eczema; add to that the fact that they had much higher levels of some immune system chemicals- which is a sign of stronger immune system.

2. We have seen so many times that pets help to reduce stress that it's easy to accept this fact even without scientific evidence. However a survey carried out by Mindlab International discovered that a huge 55% of people that they studies were more relaxed after they had spent time with their pets and 44% appeared to be less worried about a specific, identifiable problem. The research team concluded that if we interact with a pet it can profoundly and effectively reduce our stress levels.

3. It's a fact - cats can actually lower the risk of having a fatal heart attack. Researchers have studied nearly 4,500 adults and discovered that those who owned a cat had a 40% lower risk of having a heart attack that proved fatal. The researchers considered that owning a cat could lower anxiety and stress and so guard against cardiovascular disease - the simple action of stroking your feline friend can actually lower your blood pressure.

4. Dog owners tend to have lower blood pressure and cholesterol according to a psychologist from Queen's University, Belfast. She explained that taking regular walks would partly explain the reason why. You see, just the simple action of taking care of a dog tends to increase physical activity and helps the owner to make social contact with other dog owners. This could improve both physiological and psychological health in the owner.

5. Many doctors now recommend 'pet prescriptions' to patients who live alone and who would benefit from companionship. They feel that a pet motivates some patients to exert their best effort when dealing with serious conditions like cancer. Looking after a pet will stimulate them to take good care of themselves too.

Adopting A Kitten

When you decide as a family to adopt a cat or kitten as a family pet, the first place to look for one is at the local animal shelter. This is a great idea because it can give an injured or neglected animal a warm and loving home. Many animal shelters will vet the new owners before they agree to the adoption and will also insist that the animal is neutered or spayed before it goes to its new home. This guarantees that there will be no more unwanted offspring that may eventually find their way back to the overcrowded animal shelter.

Many people may think that having just one kitten will allow them to give it all the love and attention it needs, but before you go ahead with the adoptions lets look at the advantages for humans and kittens of adopting a pair instead of a single kitten.

If you have ever watched a kitten you will find it easy to understand that kittens adopted in pairs from the same litter, get lots more exercise from playing with each other. They will carry on playing with each other far longer than a human would spend playing with a kitten and so have a greater degree of exercise, stimulation and fun. Playing with a peer also helps them develop better social skills.

Apart from this benefit to the kittens, two kittens will also keep each other company while you are at work or away on business or holiday. Having company will mean that they are less likely to become stressed and cause damage to your home.

Cats and kittens may cause some damage to your home like eating plants, climbing curtains, scattering papers, chewing wires and clawing your furniture. This is often the behavior of a single, bored or stressed kitten. If it has a companion to romp around and play with they are much less likely to amuse themselves in these dangerous and destructive ways.

Forget the television; two kittens will give you endless hour of entertainment as they wrestle and romp in play. When they are done they will curl up with each other to groom and sleep. It's a sight that is bound to tug at the heart string of us humans - especially those who adore cats.

Although kittens will sleep during the night they are at their most active at dusk and dawn. As a consequence you may very well have your sleep disturbed by a kitty who wants to play and getting them out of the habit of waking you just when you feel you deserve a lie in is extremely difficult. However, with another wakeful friend to play with they are very likely to leave you alone to get your beauty sleep.

Please don't be persuaded to get a new kitten as a companion for an older cat who you think might be lonely. Cats do not necessarily get along and introducing a new, younger animal will very likely cause your older cat to feel stressed - and that can cause many new problems. The only cats that are guaranteed to get along together are ones from the same litter who continue to live together.

So the answer is clear - if you are seriously thinking of adoption, two kittens are often better that one.

Cat Kidney Disease Symptoms

Cat kidney disease symptoms can be confused with those of urinary tract infections as many are similar. However, a cat with kidney disease may display the following:

Loss of appetite

Nausea and vomiting

Weight loss

Increased drinking

Increased urination, sometimes outside the litter tray

Decreased urination

Blood in the urine

Lower back pain, stiff gait, hunched seated position

Poor coat

Mouth ulcers or drooling

High blood pressure


The commonest diseases and treatments are the following


Pyelonephritis often results from a bladder infection but can be transmitted in the blood and is a bacterial infection.

Symptoms are blood in the urine, fever, vomiting, kidney pain, stiff gait and hunched posture.

This disease develops gradually and may not display as an infection but the cat will gradually lose weight and show signs of kidney failure. It can be diagnosed during a regular check up and treatment before the kidneys become irreversibly damaged may provide a cure or at least slow its progress.

Treatment will be chosen based on urine cultures and testing but will normally comprise antibiotics and fluid therapy over a period of about six weeks.


Glomerulonephritis causes inflammation of the kidneys thus affecting the filtering mechanism. It seems to affect cats of around four years old and seems to be linked to the immune system and is usually associated with another disease such as feline leukaemia, cancer or other infections.

Nephritis and Nephrosis

Nephritis and nephrosis are grouped together because they display as scarring of the kidney and ultimate kidney failure. They are associated with high blood pressure and a predisposition towards developing blood clots. Diagnosis is by abdominal ultrasound and potentially a kidney biopsy.

Specifically, Nephritis is a kidney inflammation which may be caused by a number of things including poisons, drugs, toxins or viruses.

Nephrosis is a kidney disease where the nephrons are destroyed and the kidney cells cease to function properly causing protein to leak out and become lost in the urine. Ultimately, fluid will accumulate beneath the skin of the cat's legs and in the abdomen.

Regrettably, diagnosis of Nephritis and Nephrosis does not usually occur until the can already has kidney failure and therefore palliative treatment of steroids and a special diet are normally the only treatment.

When cats get older, they are much more prone to kidney disease so you need to be vigilant if you have an older cat. You can help prevent the onset by making sure that they eat wet food or failing that, ensure that they have plenty of water available to go with their dry food diet.

Training Your Pet Cat to Use the Litter Box

Training your cat to use the litter box can be both challenging and/ or fairly easy. In general, cats do have the need and inclination to dig holes and then cover their waste, so in order for your cat to learn where and how to do it regularly, you need to help her/ him a little to get accustomed to it. First, learn when during the day your cat feels the need to go to the toilet. Then, take her/ him where they should do their business, and either stay there until they finish, or leave them to it. Most cats prefer to have privacy in these matters, so it's up to you to figure if that is what your cat needs. Then, once they're done, reward them their favorite snack or pet them gently. In order to be able to train your cat whatever it is that you want them to do right, you should know, that cats rely heavily on positive associations. Scolding your pet cat when not using the litter box, and taking him/ her directly to it, will not do the job, because this will create a negative association.

Another thing that will make your cat create a positive association with the litter box is cleanliness. Cats DO care about cleanliness, and if you do not keep the litter box clean, you'll soon discover that your pet cat will prefer the carpet or the sink to do their business. Let's say your cat wastes on your carpet. You clean it, and then she/ he goes back there to do the same thing. Why? Because it is clean, that is why. Cleaning the litter box regularly will speed the training process and spare you lots of trouble. Not just one or two times a week, take the effort and keep it clean.
Also, remember that cats would rather have their litter box away from their dining place. Make sure that you don't keep these two in the same room.

If you are keeping the litter box in the bathroom, be sure to provide easy access to it. You don't want for the bathroom door to slide shut while you are out of your home, thus preventing access to the litter box. There's a little your cat can do about it, and in most cases the only option is to go back to the carpet. Make sure your pet cat has access to their litter box. This will save you lots of trouble.

One last thing you should also keep in mind, this one is out of experience. Once your cat is litter-box-trained, in order for you to remain trouble-free in the future, make sure that you are aware of which litter brand or type your cat prefers. After using the same litter type for years, I decided to switch to a new brand/type, only to discover that my cat did not want to use it to cover her waste. She would spent as little time as possible in the litter box, even though clean, and would dash away as quickly as she could once finished. Never covering her waste. That would be a problem as far as cleanliness went, and I was to clean the litter every time she used it instead of once per day as I did before. After some time, I just decided it would be safer to just go back to the usual litter type I had been using before, and that did the job for me.

Your cat may not be the same when it comes to litter type or brand, but it is always better to be aware of your cat's behavior, and preferences so that you can create the kind of comfort for you and your pet cat that will make you both happy.