Cat Spraying Solutions: Pros and Cons of Having Your Cat Neutered

You are a cat owner and tired of seeing your cats spraying around the house every time they are in heat. You know that neutering is the easiest and permanent solution to your problems, but you also know that spaying and castration also have side-effects. Here's a list of pros and cons regarding neutering and why I think it's a good way out of your cat's spraying problem.

The positive side: neutering gets rid of spraying

Since spraying is a behavior closely related to sexual maturity, having your cat neutered is sure to stop it. Cats will no longer enter the mating season and therefore will not spray their pheromones around anymore. They will lose their desire for a mating partner, which in turn will stop cats from spraying.

The negative side: no more kittens

Although small cats are a pleasure for any cat lover, caring for the little ones can be a burden for you. If your cat has babies, you will have to pay for vaccines and medication and then find suitable owners. It might seem easy at first, but what happens if you need to give away 3 cats every 6 months?

The positive side: your cat is nicer to you and those around

Having removed the organs responsible for its strange behavior, irritation and white sleepless nights, your cat will be much calmer than before. It will spend most of its time lying around and will take little to no interest in running after birds or mice or in playing with other cats.

The negative side: it WILL get fatter

This is one of the main concerns of cat owners that decide it's time for neutering. Your cat will get fatter unless you watch its diet: consult a veterinary and decide on the appropriate course of action. You should stop feeding your cat anything but cat food and allow it to get hungry before serving another portion of the daily allowed food intake. A good diet will keep your cat as healthy as before.

The positive side: less health problems

Since much of the reproductive apparatus is removed when a female cat is spayed, chances are you will never have to deal with infections or other diseases, including those concerning the urinary tract. It's a very simple operation, and the benefits are worth it.

Personally, I think the benefits of having your cat spayed (for females) or castrated (for male cats) outnumber the arguments on the negative side. It is very tiring to live with a cat that sprays around the house, and it's also making the cat unhappy. Sure, you will need to take more care of its diet, but those irrational, frustrating behaviors from when your cat is in heat will simply disappear.

Want to learn more about cat spraying problems? Visit my website at for detailed information about feline urinary issues and spraying behavior.

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