Is it poor to food your cat too even cat aliment?


No affair how cat aliment I food to her, she eats up everything and seems according to she is ready for added.I usually food her approximately half a can a time.Could I food her added? She is by no method fat.She's very slender.

Forest View

Half a can a time is not enough of a ration for a cat.Read the tag and it will tell you that.You should too own some dry aliment that she can eat whenever she wants.She is probably too thin.You should be able to air the ribs, however you should air a great bit of muscle in between the skin and ribs.You are probably not feeding your cat enough.


food her shes hungry

Lowry Crossing

yes.provided the cat is too fat it affects her joints and internal organs.aloof according to, it looks ridiculous.

Mill Creek

Well i would aloof accord it the right size for it's time and no don't food it too even reason it's according to you eating too even!! the cat will amuse fat soon!!

Penn Hills

well it all depends on size.a better cat needs added aliment, lol im sure u knew that however ah well.however i dont think u should food her anymore it may be that she aloof doesnt acquisition the type of cat aliment filling

Lake Success

Of direction provided you accumulate feeding her she will eat it up.Your alone suppose to food her three times a time.Your going to accord her passion problems and shes going to amuse overweight.

Munsons Corners

is always poor to food anyone or anything too should probably buzz a native vet.


I recomend feeding her half a can in the morning and half a can at supper time, no added than that though, or it will constitute her fat.


yeah food her a whole can dudeshe's starving!!provided she's skinny then accord her added since she might be moving encircling alot!!please food the poor kitty added foodshe'll starve!


i achievement you too accord her dry aliment???? provided not, she should amuse atleats 3-4 cans a time(i accept)! read the can for feeding instructions!!


I own free of charge choice fed all of my small pets, including both of my present cats, with Good results.I use Purina dry aliment and a bowl that they can empty in 2-4 days.The dry aliment exercises their teeth and cleans their gums.Eating Alone canned or wet aliment can reason an animal to indeed lose their teeth!!! One of my brobdingnagian's ex-husbands begin that outside the Adamantine way.He killed mom's german shepard according to this.


It depends how even your cat weighs how aged your cat is and provided you are feeding it any dry cat aliment too.Provided its an standard cat you can accord it a half of can in morning and half at after can too accumulate dry foos outside for them


You should think approximately this...Too even of anything is poor for everything.

Fresh Athens

Yes! It is unhealthy and dnagerous to overfeed any animal.That said, it doesn't sound according to your cat is life over fed; she sounds according to she could probably use a babyish added aliment! Her voracious appetite may be a trace that she's aloof a hungry kitty and needs a babyish added aliment! Provided you are unsure of how even you should be feeding her, test the can of cat aliment; there is usually a suggested feeding size, based on the cats size.For a added professional opinian, phone your community veterinarian.They are generally added than cheerful to return simple questions over the phone for free of charge.

West Springfield

as continued as she's getting her...

South Amboy

half a can is not enough for a complete grown charge to food her the half can and allowance dry aliment for when she wants it.You can acquire balanced for her time or shape.I own never seen cats eat too even dry aliment however i think they would eat all the canned aliment they could authority until they amuse fat.


most times I think a can is one serving, so food her once a time one whole can..of direction I'm no expert, you can always activity to one of those places according to Pet-co or Pet Smart and they can tell you how even and when you should food her, or talk to the vet.


No human or animal should own too even aliment.Your cat is aloof a pig according to my dogs.She is one of the animals who will literally eat themselves to afterlife! Stop feeding her til tomorrow, and alone accord her the reccomended portion by the dogs WILL eat until they die.Once, one of them got into some aliment and ate so even! when we came house we saw how even aliment was out, and we had to constitute her drink hydrogen peroxide so she would throw up and not die! (the vet told us to) =(

Mount Vernon

half a can a time? she must be should acquire some dry cat aliment and food her at least 3 times a time.that's how i food my cat's and they aren't fat or hungry.


try feeding your cat in the morning and in the after dark.feeding her to even at the one sitting can reason her to throw up i think the size u r feeding her is great so aloof accord her a Babyish additional in the morning try dry aliment it will take her longer to eat


From what you own described, your cat sounds according to she may own a tapeworm; the clue is that she is eating a abundance and not gaining weight! Please take her, and a New sample of her poop to the vet as soon as possible to test for tapeworm and other possible parasites.Sometimes you can acquisition babyish white segments of the worm on the floor or in the places Miss Kitty likes to sleep.They attending according to bits of white rice approximately an eight of an inch continued.Provided you acquisition those encircling (yuck, I understand) then she has a segmented tape worm and it's ace to take her to the vet for the adapted meds--it's a cheap cure.You can amuse over the counter remedies, however I'd take her to the vet aboriginal provided you can afford it.It may be another type of worm in her system.I own done a Abundance of research on this and own come to the conclusion that DRY aliment is aloof no great for cats.The concept has always been that dry aliment keeps the teeth clean, however it doesn't really.It indeed forms a glue-y adhesive in their mouths and speed gum disease rather than getting rid of it as a abundance of persons think.Plus, provided you allowance a bowl of dry aliment outside all time, it is according to leaving an direct cookie jar outside for a minor and you wouldn't accomplish that, would you? Dry aliment leads to increased rates of diabetes in cats, it has recently been discovered.You could probably food Miss Kitty a whole can of aliment (the tuna-sized cans) a time: 1/2 in the a.m.and the other half at after dark.Provided she asks for added, distract her by playing with her or possibly grooming her.She may be eating outside of boredom.Time to amuse outside the "high-tech" toys:1) a string tied on to a stick to chase.2) an empty brown paper grocery bag for hiding in and pouncing on the string, plus it makes a neat crinkly sound that cats cherish.3) CATNIP!! And lots of it.Chewing on the dried herb is indeed great for cats.Would you accede getting her another cat as playmate/companion? It's astonishing how animated my 14-year aged cat has alter to any more that I own a 6-year aged cat that came to alive with us at the end year.He has added approximately 8 or 9 years of activity to her and they are both in good physical shape.How accomplish you think Miss Kitty would be encircling another cat? Its a judgment phone.Achievement this helps.Absolute being bless you and Miss Kitty and please accord her a hug for me.You are a great owner who has asked a good question.

Bear Valley Springs

The way I food my cats is: dry aliment always on action too as new water always there and half a can of wet at after dark.The dry aliment is indeed an "all in" aliment so I dont really own to food them anything else however I accomplish.Cats charge the dry aliment to prevent gum and mouth diseases.At the cattery we too own dry aliment available all the time and wet aliment - can or meat - at after dark.The size of wet aliment is indeed less than half a can worth.


MY CAT BOWLS ARE Full Approximately ONCE A WEEK I USE THE Adamantine Aliment


half a can? what size can? Provided it is the 5 oz can, then half of that isn't enough.


Provided the can is approximately the size of a small Friskies can, then you're feeding her too babyish.I food my cat approximately 1 to two cans a time and allowance outside some dry aliment that he can nibble on all time, and he's very slender.I think it's okay to food her added aliment than you're giving her.Great luck.

Kings Beach

Yes becuase it might amuse fat and i dont think you want that!!haha


Id say once she starts turning into a blimp, then stop giving her aliment

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