Can the mercury levels in cat aliment reason tumors in cats?


I've heard that there is mercury in wet canned cat aliment.Is this true? Provided a cat is fed one can of cat aliment a time, will the mercury levels be enough to reason tumors and such?


That's why I try to stay out from cat aliment that has fish in it.I certainly wouldn't food any human tuna to my cats since of that risk.Tuna is a very big species of fish and one of the top of the fish aliment chain so they own eaten a abundance of smaller fish in their lives and mercury contamination becomes added concentrated in their tissues and organs.

Minnesota Lake

I think the mercury is future from the fish in the aliment.The cans are aluminium or tin (or is it steel?).


Thats why I food a raw diet to my kitties.


I wouldn't worry approximately that

gourmet cat food