How can i amuse other cats to stop eating my cats aliment?


My cat lives on my front porch and the cat from across the street always comes to eat my cats aliment.i always shoo it out however it accumulate future can i amuse that stupid cat out from my cats aliment( THAT I Buy) ?


I say that provided your cat doesn't own a problem with it, let it activity.It's probably hungry and grateful that it can amuse aliment.At least you can air great approximately helping another living creature.


WEll I think and I don't beggarly to come off wrong however I think cays are indoor pet.And provided the cat was in the abode you wouldn't own that problem.Thats why we own so several stray cat the way it is.


Try to accord the aliment outside when your cat is there.Or you own to food her in the abode.My cat is mostly out when the weather is pretty however she comes house for her aliment, and she knows very well when it is feeding time.

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