When can you start giving a kitten cat aliment?


The kittens are nearly 6 weeks aged and i was wondering when you should start giving them cat aliment and giving them to other owners.

Fresh Albany

When our kittens were 5 weeks aged they were already eating solid kitten aliment and alone kitten aliment.You can start putting outside kitten aliment by the time they're 4 weeks aged as continued as they still own momma cat as an choice.We got our kittens at 5 weeks aged and they were barely aged enough to be out from their brobdingnagian.Some kittens may take 6 to 8 weeks.However there's no reason you can't start offering them the kitten aliment early on as continued as they own some teeth.

Fox Chase

Our vet told us to accord our kittens kitten aliment until they turned one.As far as giving them to other owners, you probably should wait until they are weaned.Provided they already are, then it's probably ok to accomplish that any more

Central Heights-Midland Megalopolis

most kittens start eating cat aliment at encircling 5 to 6 weeks


Abt 6~8 weeks aged.Amuse some RC babycat aliment and soaked them in warm water to constitute it mushsy according to.Allowance it for them.They will eat it provided they are ready.


Anytime after it is 6 - 8 weeks aged.Start it off with cat aliment that's been fabricated soupy with water or a saltless broth.

Cohassett Beach

You can start them on kitten chow any more, and switch them to man aliment when they're a year aged.


6-7 weeks


Aloof got a 6 week aged kitten and it loves soft canned aliment.It started using the litter box right out too.it's according to a accustomed thing with them.


a year aged is cat aliment...accomplish you beggarly Kitten aliment?? you can start any more...Aloof wet it so it is accessible to eat.


any time you want however don't let him starve.


Basically, they can start having cat aliment whenever they start eating it.We aloof had a litter of kittens and they began eating cat aliment right encircling 5-6 weeks.One was aloof accustomed out at six weeks and is doing very well at its fresh house, however remember that all kittens will be a babyish bit altered.Great luck.

San Spoil

You can indeed start them on kitten aliment at 3-4 weeks of time, and by 6-8 weeks aged they should be fully weaned.Food them 4 times a time or aloof allowance dry aliment down for them.

cat food allergies