What is the ace cat aliment for a cat diagnosed with urinary tract blockage?


My cat's vet recommended Science Diet or Eukanuba with low ph.My cat had surgery several years ago for a blocked (crystals) urinary tract system.The vet at the time said he would always own to be on their special vet diet aliment (low ph Eukanuba or Science Diet).A fresh Vet has since taken her place and he has not accustomed me a straight return.I was wondering provided anyone else knows of a aliment that is low in ph that can be fed to a cat that has had crystal blockage.Oh, before he had the crystal blockage, I was feeding him Friskies since that was all that he would eat.The vet told me that was what caused it; that and stress from getting a fresh dog addition to the family.


You charge to food him a perscription aliment for the rest of his activity C/D by Science diet or U/R by purina


I own a cat that is 15 years aged and had urinary Tract blockage was on the science diet cd for a couple of years and still got blockage.2 yrs ago was accustomed 3 fresh born kittens, I switched to meow blend new choice cat aliment.he has not had 1 urinary problem in 2 .yrs and he did not accumulate cd down Report Abuse

Crescent Megalopolis

I had the same thing, though thankfully my cat never needed surgery.I would stick to the prescription aliment, however test into some of the commercial products since so several any more own created foods similar.Read the ingredients and see provided the numbers match up.Provided so, you might own an alternative.Or buzz another vet, provided possible.Why wouldn't the fresh vet accord you information? From personal familiarity, I can tell you I did attack to chicken feed my cat's diet at one point, however we had added blockage, so it was back to the Science Diet.Wow, did I air poor.


Our masculine cat developed this problem several years ago.We've tried several altered foods, however the alone one that seems to work reliably and accumulate him in great health is Nine Lives with Plus Attention.


Sounds according to the vet is up on his ability.You don't own to use those foods necessarily.They aloof own something in it called methionine which is a urine acidifer.A cat's urine should be naturally slightly acidic.One of my cats had this problem and the vets said he would own to eat that special aliment for the rest of his activity.I switched him and my other cats to a raw meat diet (naturally a babyish acidic) and he never had any added urinary problems.Stress can bring on a urinary "crisis".

Hunts Point

Science Diet C/D or S/D depending on the type of crystals in the urine.I would buzz your vet again for specifics.These type of foods are vet prescribed and can alone be purchased at a vet clinic


Science Diet is crap - some vets promote this aliment since the aliment PAYS them for selling the aliment...Science Diet is over priced for its quality since they indeed paid for vet endorsment..and truth is that vets recieve very babyish or NO actual training in school approximately aliment and ingredients...Eukanuba used to be great however was bought outside by Proctor and Gamble (as was IAMS too) several years ago and they dumbed the aliment down quite a bit..so its not great anymore..(plus linked to animal cruelty)Friskies is crap, it may own contributed to the problem..milk and calcuim (from fish) too are general contributorsif you are in CANADA the ace aliment for Urinary problems is NUTRAM..provided your are in the USA I think its CANIDAE or WELLNESS..compare for lowest Magnesium...interetingly enough since NUTRAM is fabricated in Canada its generally less costly than some of the poorer quality AMerican fabricated foods its the ace stuff I understand since they export to Europe they own to accommodated tougher standards than we North Americans own ( I dont beleive they sell in USA since the American marketplace is already flooded with foods)

La Alianza

a urinary usally is caused by giving toooo even potien in their diet.i was giving my cat to even fish, ect and that's what caused it.


I recommend Iams for all cats, including the ones who are diagnosed with something.As someone once told me, the less ash in cat aliment, the bigger.

Fountain Megalopolis

no clue


your cat must stay on hills c/d for the rest of his activity or he will amuse blocked again.Purina makes a aliment that does the same thing.I'm a vet tech and own had the same thing happen to me you must accumulate your cat on this diet for the rest of his activity.the aliment is a prescription not aloof aliment.provided you are not cheerful with the answers the fresh vet is giving you phone the work and buzz to speak to the work or practice employer.you must air comfortable with your cats Dr.I'm a vet tech with 22 years of familiarity and understand a hardly any things.write your questions down following time you see the Dr.and accomplish allowance until you are satisfied with all the answers.provided you are still unhappy attending for a fresh Dr.


I've had the same problem with my masculine cats mostly however i did own it with afemale too so, activity amuse yourself some Iams its the ace I've never had a problem since we started using it.Too watch giving alot of fish flavour its not to great for them.I acquire sardines in oil once in awhile however that's it.

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