Why dont they make mouse flavour cat food?


Why dont they make mouse flavour cat food?


I was asking that the other day! Fraid I dont know though. I suppose its catching the mice.


Lol because they dont want people to think that they put real mice in it


They use all the mice flavoring in snake food, of course.


Mice dont taste to well just like why they dont make crap ( as in poo) flavoured dog food.


Actually they do...if you look up raw diets for animals they have raw anything your pet wants...(and some of it looks yucky.)


Try whiskers


Good q. not too sure...but i know that some cats eat mice and so dont. i guess cause their rodents and dont provide any nutritional value(?) and carry diseases. luckily mine dosnt..but he caught a big rat this morning and my mum came screaming into my room when she foung it lying in the lounge.


Find the fish, and then give to your cat


Ive heard mouse tastes like chicken anyway so theres no point.


Lol thats a totally awesome question...they have things like veal cutlets in gravy and rice...when would a cat EVER eat that other than from a can?? lol


My cats just catch and kill the mice and them leave them for presents for me lol. So I guess mouse flavored cat food would be a present for me too.


Probably because in order to have mouse-flavored food, itd have to include mouse-meat. Since mice are unregulated, its hard to keep the quality of the meat high enough to satisfy pet-owners. Plus...if a cat has a hankering for mouse, wouldnt you rather he/she took out that little bandit that got into the butter last night?


Lol...Ive never even thought about that before...I have no idea why they dont maybe because it doesnt sound very appealing to the owners??


I guess that it would be down to the processing cost. Most pet food is made out of horse meat. Looking at the size of a horse, I would imagine that you get quite a few tins of meat from it. If they used mice instead, they would have all the work of catching them, breeding them and then chopping them up, and would not even fill one tin from all that work. I also think that whilst a cat will chase mice because they are small, if a cat was bigger than a horse and could eat one, it would rather eat the horse.


Thats a great idea. Maybe you should promote that to one of the manufacturers. There are manufacturers/breeders who breed mice specifically for the companion animal industry and you can buy them frozen from the right places. These are usually purchased by people who own pet snakes, lizards, frogs etc, but I guess as they are frozen and you have to thaw them they are not convient for most cat owners. Also if your cat only ate half, it wouldnt be pleasant to clean up after them ( bits of fur of stuff)