How come cat food has fish in it that they eat daily and humans shouldnt have too much fish a week?


I dont know why Im curious, I just remember watching a commercial for cat food and wondering how cats dont get mercury poisoning from having so much fish.


I like turtles.


I guess its just more geared towards their diet. Also - the commercial probably didnt specify the amount of fish in pet food.


It depends on the fish. If the fish is Tuna, neither cats nor humans should have too much. If the fish is Alaskan Pollock, you can have it 3 meals a day. Tuna are really big fish. Some weigh as much as 1,000 pounds, and they eat other fish. So, the mercury accumulates in Tuna much more so than in smaller fish.


Cats have different digestive systems than we do and fish oil makes their fur shiny and soft. And Alaskans eat a LOT of fish and they do ok. I believe the mercury poisoning comes mainly from Tuna and straight Tuna in oil can be deadly for cats! If cats can eat birds and mice I dont think the amounts of fish in their food will hurt them.


Fish is good




Not clear