How can i amuse my dog dashchund to eat his dog aliment and not our cats cat aliment?


I own a dachshund approximately 12 lbs, and i own a cat.however he has been eating the dry cat aliment and not his dry dog aliment.i've out as far as not giving him any wet aliment or treats however still he goes for the cat aliment.any suggestions? his fur is dry and i understand he needs his vitamins for his fur and his health not to mention what it's done to his teeth.

Local Heights

We use to own the exact same problem with our little doxie.She would eat the cat aliment and not her own.So we went to Petsmart and got breed specific aliment for her and then placed the cat aliment outside of her site (i.e.on a galley counter) - eventually she got hungry enough to where she started to eat her own aliment.Another suggestion would be to blend in a hardly any bits of the cat aliment with her own aliment aloof for smell purposes and hopefully she will apprentice to aloof eat her aliment.Great luck! P.S.Price Jac aliment works WONDERS!

East Bangor

put the cat aliment up aliment is poor for a dog it will constitute them sick.Blend wet aliment with your dogs dry aliment so that it is added pretty to him.


food them at altered times of the time


hi, i own heard that it is okay for a dog to eat cat aliment, however not for a cat to eat dog aliment as it is too strong for them, provided he's cheerful eating the cat aliment then allowance him, possibly you can amuse vitamins in a liquid anatomy to add to his water or possibly some sort of capsule for him to eat.achievement it works

Arbon Valley

Try and food him his aliment individually, especially energy food it so you constitute sure that he is eating the aliment.Too take out your cats aliment while he is eating so there will be no distractions.


when you put the aliment in the bowl own him watch you adumbrate a couple of treats in the bowl(according to 1 or 2) so he will atleast eat something.or you could try other flavours.....something closer to the cat aliment flavoror you could fill both bowls with dog aliment after the cat has eaten for a while so that there is the alone 1 choice! or put the cat aliment up higher so the dog slang amuse to it..however provided that makes him not eat at all it is bigger he at least eats something.provided all else fails talk to your vet they will definitly own some ideas! achievement these work! ace of luck!


My dachshund loves to eat cat aliment too! I own to accumulate him out from it though since it makes him really sick.He throws up every time he eats it.I guess my suggestion would be to food your cat in a altered room out from the dog.

Three Way

He goes for the cat aliment since it has added protein than dog aliment - you charge to put the cat aliment where he can't amuse at it.Your cat can bob aerial, the dachshund can't, so this should not be a problem.I own 3 cats too, however put their aliment where the dachsies can't amuse to it.Too, constitute sure to accord your dachsie really great dry kibble, sounds as provided what he is getting is not very great.You can blend a babyish great canned, or white meat boneless chicken with it provided you according to, I went through this with 2 of my dachshund (I accomplish rescue and own lots of dachsies), where skin was dry and flaky and coat listless.I switched to a aliment with meat, not by-product or corn meal, as the aboriginal ingredient - (Canidae chicken and rice is exceptionally great for skin and coat) and it has fabricated an huge aberration in the dogs' well life and their skin isn't dry and coats shine.It's cheaper to food great dog aliment, not from the supermarket, than activity to the vet.Acquire at a big pet store or a food store, read the ingredients and the discussion - should be fast to 30% protein and 18% fat.

Mingo Junction

Act the cat aliment outside of his world of the abode.


I own a dachshund, too.They will eat anything.My suggestion is to seclude the cat's aliment so that the dachshund cannot amuse it.Put it in another room for case.Too, provided you dog does not according to his aliment, accumulate trying altered brands.Doxies Cherish to steal aliment! I would possibly talk to your vet, too!


my dog did the same thing however he ate both of the foods.aloof put the cat aliment in a room where the dog slang amuse it or when you food the cats put the dog out.however we put the aliment in the bathroom and aloof left the door cracked.

cat food comparison tool