At how aged can a kitten start eating cat aliment?


My cat aloof had four kitty babys at the end month and they are still drinking her milk.Accomplish i start giving them aliment or when?


Your kittens are getting teeth any more, and mom is very shortly going to amuse less patient when feeding them.At approximately 5 weeks, you can start offering them a dry kitten aliment that is moistened with warm water (not milk), or you can start offering them a canned kitten aliment.As they amuse older, they will not charge the aliment moistened for them.This is usually encircling 7 weeks of time.

Scotch Plains

Well, mine started eating at approximately 6 weeks aged.They still want to tend though.The brobdingnagian will usually start to wean them from her milk.Don't worry, whenever you put outside the aliment for her - they will take the aboriginal bite whenever they are ready to.They see her eating.They apprentice from her.It won't be too continued any more.Don't worry, aloof sit back and let attributes accomplish what attributes does ace - everything in time.Oh incidentally, congratulations!


You should start leaving aliment outside and encircling them and within the following 2 weeks and they should start munching on it.Provided they don't, then try mixing adamantine aliment with soft aliment.Try to accomplish it before their teeth amuse too ample or they could divide up her ****, this can reason infection.


wait a great 6-8 weeks try starting them off with wet cat outside the moms will eat most of it!

York Haven

approximately 2 months

common cat food allergies