What kind of food is appropriate for a cat?


Should I just give her dry cat food? Is it ok if I give her wet cat food too? Is it bad if I gave my cat human food to eat? What if its fish, can I give her that? Is it ok to give her milk?


Oh sure. Wet cat food is perfectly fine. Its like a Treat for them when we give them their favorite Wet cat food like 2 or 3 times a week. Cats really love Wet can foods {Sliced} and not the mashed type.....with alot of Gravy it them. At least my cat does = ) I find that my Cat gets very tired of her boring DRY Cat food, no matter what type of band it is. How many of you would Agree??


I gave my cat both wet and dry. do not feed her table scraps, it will give her gas, or milk, it will slow digestion.


You can give both wet and dry. Dont give him human food, its not good for him. you can give him plain cooked food, with a pinch of salt. Cows milk isnt the best for them. You can give it goats milk!


I would recomend to give her half dry food to make her teeth strong and half wet food for enriched flavor so they enjoy the food better. It wont kill the cat if you feed it human food but may harm the cat if fed to often even if they enjoy it. Milk may result in diarea. It would be fine to feed fish to the cat as a treat but not to often.


Lactose-free milk with taurine in it, give. Give about half a can of wet food a day, a pint of water and about 1 cup of cat food. Once every 3 days, one to 2 forkfuls of tuna in water, is fine.


Dry food should be your cats staple diet (I use science diet because it doesnt buy its meat at an auction - ie: most cat/ dog food says chicken but really the meat thats used is whatever was on sale that week.) and wet food can be a treat maybe once or twice a week. Some human food can be quite harmful for cats like onion, and chocolate but tuna or cooked meat is okay. If the cat is an indoor cat be careful with treats because indoor cats dont burn the same amount of calories as wild cats... just like us humans you have to moderate the treats! ;-)


I have many cats and they all eat the same thing: Purina Pro Plan Selects dry food! It doesnt have artificial preservatives, has real chicken or beef, grains, veggies...they LOVE it and their "stink pods" arent stinky anymore! Sometimes Ill give them a little something else like some chips or carrots (they like small fresh baby carrots); Theyre as healthy as can be! By the way, NEVER give them milk unless its specially made "Cats Milk".


It is not OK to give cats cow milk. It ruins their stomachs and can even kill them. Try not to feed your cat too much human food. It is not that good for them. And you should give your cat dry food AND wet canned food. They need both. You can also feed your cat canned tuna somtimes too. That is OK.=]


Dry or wet catfood is the best. Human food would be ok every once in a while but dont feed her whole meals of it. Do NOT give your cat milk. Most cats are lactose intolerant it will make them sick. Pet stores sell milk that is specially made for cats so you might try that for a treat.


Hi You are going to get a lot of bad advice here lol. Dry foods are the number 1 cause of diabetes in cats as well as being a huge contributing factor to kidney disease, obesity, crystals, utis and a host of other problems. The problems with it are that they are loaded with carbohydrates which many cats (carnivores) cannot process. Most of the moisture a cat needs is gotten out of the food and 95% of it is zapped out of dry foods in the processing. Also, most use horrible ingrediants, dont use a muscle meat as the primary ingrediant and use vegetable based protein versus animal. Not good for an animal that has to eat meat to survive. You want to pick a canned food w/o gravy (gravy=carbs) that uses a muscle meat as the first ingrediant and doesnt have corn at lrast in the first 3 ingrediants if at all. Fancy feast is a middle grade food with 9lives, friskies whiskas lower gerade canned and wellness and merrick upper grade human quality foods. Do you know what meal is? Meats like chicken, steak, ham and some tuna are good for snacks as wel as fish. No sauces its ok to give milk but understand that milk isnt any better for cats then it is for dogs and some cats are lactose intolerant. Please read about cat nutrition. http://www. newdestiny. us/nutritionbasics…


Cats like to snack, my cat always has food in his bowls, one contains a good quality meat, the other, good quality dry, and water. He is now seventeen, looks like 4, and weighs 8lb and hes a house cat. Feeding a cat once every three days is wrong. Thanks Ken Ive tried so many times to tell these people its a mistake to feed nothing but dry food.


This is what you should not give your cat. Human food is not good for them. Apples and Apricots (seeds and leaves, stems)AvocadosBaby food containing onionBaking Powder and Baking SodaBones from fish, poultry or other meatsCherriesChocolate, coffee, Tea, and other caffeineCitrus oil extractsDog food in large amountseggplant (greens)elderberryfatty foodsGrapes and RaisinsLiver in large amountsMacadamia NutsMilk and other dairy productsMushroomsNutmegOnions and GarlicPeaches and Plums(stems, leaves and seeds)PotatoRhubarb (leaves)Raw eggs (salmonella)Raw fish(over time your can can get Yellow Fat Disease and it is a very painful Disease and cats can die from it. salt in large quanititessugary foodsTomato(greens)yeast breadpersimmonsCanned tuna( over time when given the cats can get Yellow fat Disease and it is a very painful Disease and the cats can die from it. These are foods that cats should not eat because it could make them very sick or they can die from it. Why I dont feed my cat wet food is because it has Ash in it and thats what causes crystals in the kidneys of cats. I have been told by a Vet that changing foods too many times can cause cats to become Diabetic because you are changing the foods to often. Dry Foods does not cause cats To become Diabetic. Xylitol in jello can make a dog and cat very sick and they can die from it.


HI, Dry food is better for their teeth and is less expensive, Wet on the other hand is a good source of iron and calcium for their bones. Fish is fine, I give my cat tuna and salmon all the time. Human food is ok, but not the healthiest and can cause bad livers, but dont worry a little bit wont hurt. Milk is fine they love it and it actually pretty good for them.


You havent given the age of your cat. But you will find that there are definite opinions on what is best. If your kitty is under one year, then kitten food is best. In the US, food that has the seal of the AAFCO is proven to provide all the nourishment necessary for your kitty to thrive. My cats have always been on dry food, with a treat of wet food at night. Others might strongly urge the opposite. But what you dont want to do is give table scraps. You often will wind up with a table beggar, and an obese one at that. Cats often graze during the day which is why I like dry food for them. You really cannot leave wet food out for many hours. After kittens are weaned, they often become milk intolerant. There is nothing wrong with fish, although tuna for humans is bad as a steady diet since it lacks a crucial ingredient that cats must have. Catfood tuna is all right. Cats have a reputation for being a finicky eater. But my cats dont know there is a wide variety of foods out there, so they are satisfied with just a very narrow selection. My now oldest cat has only eaten one brand of dry food her entire life, and she is now a senior citizen, and is perfectly healthy. The thing to realize is that cats have a very short digestive system, and they need the enzymes they get from their catfood to help them digest their food. That is part of the reason you will see meat by-products on the labels. Those are enzyme rich organs that humans would rarely eat. But in the wilds, they would eat the entire critter, and we dont.


Give him what you please just nothing harmfull my sis gives her cats table scraps no bones nothing hard it never afected her cats and they lived out to be 18 and 17 years old both of them there is so much mumbo jumbo out ther cmon people im a dog breeder a damn good one too i choose to give my animals dry purina food not because they will die because of choclate or human food cmon there are children in the world who eat garbage and what they can find i think its a sin or a imbarrisment to say that there are cats that eat better food than humans its all mumbo jumbo what do you think is in the food select cuts of meat heck no its all the same choose what you please if you ever run out of food feed him scraps nothing will happen as for the digestion there not machines let them digest there food just like a human time always varies and as far as brands there all the same imagine the people that were feeding there cats that food that was supposed to be o so good and they ended up dieing from intoxication anyfood will work


Dry food is best for their teeth and it will provide everything they need in their diet, you can give a little can food once in a while for a treat if you like. dont give your cat any people food, it will only undo the balance of their cat food, milk can give them diarrhea, they dont need it. careful with fish, they can develop crystals in their urine.


You are going to get a lot of answers on here but Im going to tell you, my cousin was a vet assistant. its fine to give her dry cat food. nothing wrong with that at all. helps to strengthen teeth. You can give her wet cat food too but not too much because it will deteriorate her teeth slowly; make them weak. I dont recommend giving her human food-unless its chicken or tuna, my cat LOVES either one. Just make sure that the bones are out of the tuna or salmon even. Just dont give her too much cows milk, its not good for her. Just a little. Oh, and if your cat will eat it, give her one egg scrambled, just one, it will help with the shine on her coat. (Unfortunately, my cat will not eat them!)


Dry food is best for your cat - especially their teeth. Moist food is alright to give them occasionally. Cats have very different metabolisms than humans do so dont give the cat any table scraps. As for milk, it has an enzyme that the cat cannot digest properly causing the cat gas and discomfort.


I give my cat 1 small cat of wet food every night and keep out a small portion (one cup) of PURINA ONE in the bowl for her to nibble on throughout the day. I dont advise giving table scraps because it could cause obesity, clogged arteries, and all kinds of other issues. As far as the milk, I have read that causes diarrhea and gas. I dont suggest you give him that. I have been told not to give canned fish (tuna) to cats because of the levels of mercury can be dangerous. I have done that for years and have never had problems. I would limit that to one can every 2 weeks. To summarize, as long as the cat gets enough vitamins/minerals and doesnt become overweight, you limit portions, keep the scraps, youre good.


Maybe u should put 1 with a dry food bowl and another with wet food then let the cat chose witch ever the cat likes.


CAT FOOD!!!!is appropiate 4 a cat.


I give my cats both wet and dry food (that is good for the teeth) and also some milk if they are constipated. However milk is not the best for them as they find it hard to digest. You can get milk specially for cats and boy do mine like that. I also give them tuna sometimes as a treat. Also cheese and porridge as these both go down very well


Dry cat food is best on an everyday baisis. If you give her wet cat food, you should only do it a few times a week, as its not the best for thier teeth. Human food is usually a treat, and probably not a good idia to do very often. Im not sure about fish, but if you give her milk, dont give her a lot and not often at all as it can cause diarrea.


Give a cat both wet and dry food. When it gets older it will have trouble eating dry food ( because of its teeth) but will be used to eating wet food and not reject it. Cats can eat human food. Fish, make sure there are no bones in it same with chicken. Seafoods, small thin pieces of meat, cut it for her and hamburger. Cats love milk especially canned milk. I had a cat who would drag corn cobs out of the garbage and eat them. This same cat loved cooked vegetables.

