I just changed cat food one cat eats it the other cat has not eaten in 4 days how long do i wait?


I went from an indoor food by purina to a weight management kind by nutro max. The male cat is a sweety and will eat anything. Its the female thats being a brat about it. Will she starve herself or finally through in the towel. And how long will that take?


Hi there...as othere have noted when switching to a new brand of cat food it is also important to note that sudden changes can cause severe bowel distress. Some cats can develop hepatic lipidosis (liver failure) if they are unable to eat after some time: http://www. peteducation. com:80/article. c…Cats have very sensitive digestive systems so the quick change will cause bouts of diarrhoea and vomiting. Any vet can confirm this fact. Cat food should be changed gradually by mixing the current brand with the new brand over the course of several weeks. For example you would take 3/4 servings of the old cat food to 1/4 servings with the new for one week...then the next week 1/2 to 1/2...then following 1/4 of the old to 3/4 of the new in the third week before completing the switch in the final week. Heres the schedule diagram: http://www. peteducation. com:80/article. c…


Wait no longer! Give that cat anything it wants to eat - grind up canned chicken, they love it. The cat has to eat or its liver will shut down and you do not want that to happen. Feed her Anything!


Each cat adapts to stuff differently. If I were you I would take the old brand of food that you used to buy and mix it with the new kind until you finaly switch to the new brand of cat food. This way they will adjust more better. Try it it worked with my cats.~Hope this helped.


You dont switch cat foods like that - you need to GRADUALLY change them to another food. Mix some of the old food in with the new and then gradually have less and less of the old food in the bowl. A cat not eating for four days is nothing to laugh about. Go buy a small bag of the old food for her and mix it in.


When changing over food for cats you need to do it slowly. Mix a little of the new food in with the old wait for a bit till kitties tummies get used to the change and then progressively put more new in until you can completely weed out the old. A sudden switch can cause no end of problems for kitty digestion.


Hi there, Years ago I worked in a pet store and was told by a Nutro representative that cats choose their food by shape, dogs are more for taste. I would wait a couple of more days, it is a really good food that you picked out. If there cat gets hungry enough she will eat....hope this helps. Take care, CP. S Happy New Year


Did you change from moist food to dry food, or visa versa? That could be the problem. Or, she doesnt like the taste. Four days is long enough that she is telling you to change it back. I got my cat about three yrs. ago, she was eating Felidae dry food, and I changed her to Royal Cannin dry food, #30-Special Care. She likes that one just fine. Or, is there a change in the size of the kibbles? Are the new ones bigger? That could make it harder for her to eat it. Any further questions, please feel free to call your vet about this. Take care.


Its kind of you to take such good care of your cat. She probably isnt starving just to annoy you or be a brat. I dont think cats think that way. If they dont eat a food its because they dont like it or dont recognize that it is food. Four days is a long time for a cat to fast. She could indeed get hepatic lipidosis. You should probably call your vet for advice. The vet will likely recommend that you buy the old cat food and slowly start mixing in the NutroMax so that the change is gradual and your cat doesnt notice her food is changing. Poor thing, though. Four days without food. Please take her to the vet to rule out any other problems that could be unrelated and coincidental to the food change.


Way too long! Cats can suffer hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver disease) when they go too long without eating. After 24 hrs, you need to worry. Offer her tempting canned food such as Fancy Feast (or better quality if she will eat it), which has meat protein and moisture, which cats need in their diet. If she does not eat, get her to a vet! She may need to be sub-Qed for hydration and even force fed if she wont eat. After 4 days, this is an emergency.


As previous poster said, you have gone way too long. If you cant get that cat to start eating a normal amount by tomorrow morning, you need to call your vet first thing in the morning and tell her what is going on. If fatty liver disease has kicked in (and it may have already) you will be looking at a choice between spending thousands of dollars on her recovery or having her put to sleep. Dont wait another day! Call the vet if you cant get her to eat. Feed her anything she likes to get her to eat.