How do you get a dog to quit eating cat food?


My wife and I were wondering why hes barely eating his food, yet is taking massive, uh, "poops". Then this morning we noticed that were re-filling the cat food bowl MUCH more frequently than usual. My wife suggested just feeding him cat food, but it seems that dog food is formulated specifically for dogs, and vise-versa. Serious answers only, please. Answers such as "tape his snout shut", "a.30-06 from about 20 feet", or "fill his mouth with expanding foam insulation" wont help us much. Thanks.


I built a enclosure that my cats can get into to eat but the dogs cant. It has a hole in the front and I made it so the top has hinges and can be lifted. I also made one for the litter pan as that was a popular attraction too. I padded the tops and painted both so that they can be sat on and look quite nice. I have had guests marvel at my invention. By the way I just backhanded Brad; is he smarter yet!!!!!


Thanks it really has saved on my cat food bill : > )


Ive got a dog that has eaten a random assortment of what ever he can find and he is dont worry about the "formulated" crap...most animals will eat almost anything if they like the taste... its funny... mine eats dead possum... but wont touch onions... go figure...


...try feeding him dogfood. that should do the trick.


Mine just eats what he wants... even if its on your just feed him whatever


Cat food might ruin a dogs internal organs. if its a smaller dog try putting the cat food in a place that he cant reach but the cats can.. if its a larger dog then do the same just MUCH higher than the dog can reach and hopefully the cats can still reach it


You will have to feed the cat in another place where the dog cant get it, or spend time standing by the cat dish and every time the dog goes to touch it scold him, we had three dogs that would steel each others food it took us a while of watching the dishes and catching them red handed but it did work now they will only eat from their own dish as they have learnt it wrong to eat from another,,they can be trained to leave it, its ok putting the cats dish where the dog cant get to it but it wont stop him trying, training him to leave it is harder but will pay off, let him know you are dissapointred with him, as all they ever want to do is please you, so if he do go by it and leave it really praise him, good luck


You may not like this idea but it works. everytime that you SEE (you must catch the dog) the dog eating the cat food just backhand it. if you associate pain with eating cat food then it will stop. not everyone likes the idea of hitting their dog but it works.


LOL I cant help you because I dont have dogs but its funny that your dog thinks cat food tastes better


Id love an answer to this toowe have 2 dogs and a cat ad they all eat each others foodi think ur best option is to feed ur cat somewhere the dog cant reach


Could you feed the cat in a way that it could get its food but the dog cant? like a window or something. My dog eats what i eat and he fine, though he wont eat onions either. Must be a dog thing.


I dont know, we cant get our 5mo old lab to stop eating little rocks (peat gravel, we have it everywhere in our yard)


Try putting the cat food inside a clean, covered cat litter box. That should be big enough for the cat to get inside and allow it to eat while being too small for the dog to get to the food. Another alternative is to put the cat food on a shelf or counter that the dog cant get to.


Dogs usually consume anything that fits in their mouth including socks. Cat food is not good for your dog so put a stop to that immediately. Dogs are stomachs are designed to digest proteins and should eat a quality brand dog food. Feed your dog once a day at the same time every day with the amount of food based on his weight/size. Dogs that are fed routinely will live longer, healthier and happier lives. People that treat their dogs like people are cutting off 10 years of the dogs life. Our oldest dog is 19 and still walking around. We have 4 dogs having a great time.


You could try feeding the dog before you feed the cat. Try keeping their feeding cycles separate for several days, so that the dogs appetite is satisfied by the time the cat is fed. If that doesnt work, try putting dog-food in the cat bowl, and get a duplicate bowl for the cat...Good luck


Tough question...I have found that dogs prefer cat food over dog food a million times over. Cat food has much higher protein and fats content than dogs....they need it. This is much too rich for dogs, though your dog will tell you it is not! Dog food is more balanced for dogs. I have had this problem many times, and to this day, if the dogs have a chance, they will eat the cat food. They even love to eat the cat poop. UGH! The only answer I have found in 40 years of dealing with this exact problem is to make the cat food unavailable to the dog(s). Your dog will try and beat you in this new "game" and find many ways to get to the cat food. I have had to lock the bag in an old chest freezer in the garage, feed the cats in the garage, and not allow the dogs in the garage at all. If the dog is small, maybe feeding the cat on the counter that it can jump up on, and the dog cant might work for you. Good luck!


Feed ur cat, dog food and dont buy cat food u spam head


This is a common problem in homes with both dogs and cats!!! Trying to stop a dog from eating something they like is like trying to stop a dog from barking. Its next to impossible. The easiest, and kindest to both cat and dog, solution is to have the cat food in a place where the dog cant get at it. This is easier than it sounds. Since cats love to climb, try placing the cat food up on a high place. Some twenty years ago I solved this same problem by covering a pine board 24 inches long by 16 inches wide in a carpet remnant. Using shelf brackets, I attached this to the kitchen wall out of the dogs reach. Under the shelf was a stool so my cat could jump from the floor, to the stool, to the shelf. This is where I fed and watered my cat and she loved it!!! A friend of mine solved the same problem by cutting a small cat flap in the basement door and putting the cats food and water dishes on the top stair. You want to stop your dog from eating cat food as cat food is unhealthy for dogs. Dogs and cats have very different nutritional needs and cat food can be harmful to dogs. Good luck!!!Keith


When the cat isnt around spray some bitter apple spray on the food and let the dog take a bite they wont like the taste and hopefully wont eat it any more then empty that food and give the cat fresh food. or yiou could put the bowl on top of something the dog cant get on but the cat can.


Cat food is no good for dogs, especially if he/she is a larger breed, because cats need different things than dogs. My in-laws feed their dog cat food and the poor dog is sluggish, thin, and quite unsightly. I had this eating cat food problem with my dog. I had to literally move the cats food to the basement and bar the door with a chair to keep the dog from the food (and cat litter). If you can, if you have room in your house, I would try to find a place to move it that is off limits to doggy. If not, I would try to feed kitty moist food--usually on this kind of diet cats will eat all of their food at once and you could monitor the feeding and keep the dog away while cat eats. Good luck.


I think Ifly is right the only way to make your dog stop eat cat food is to put it out of dogs reach. Thats the deference between cat and dog. Cat eats till he is full. Dog eats till he got food, and if your dog know that cat is not eating his food he starts from cats food, his can wait.


Good question Michael G. Indeed, put the cat out of the dogs reach somewhere, a special cat feeding shelf, or on top of the counter or whatever else is not too inconvenient for you. The dog will not in any circumstances stop eating it on his own unless youre standing over him. Dogs are built to eat whatever they can. You might try to make sure he cant get to the crunchy little tootsie rolls in the litter box too, they give a dog bad breath.