Can my indoor cat live off just dry food?


We have an indoor, deaf cat who currently eats tinned cat food and cat biscuits. However, Ive heard a lot of bad things recently about cheap, tinned cat food - apparently it isnt good for cats / gives them a short life expectancy / has a form of kitty crack in! (Whiskers apparently!) Weve been recommended to feed him some good quality dry food such as Science Plan. However, is it ok to just feed a cat dry biscuits? Does he need the wet, tinned food for nutrition or not really?


If you read the instructions on the back of the bag it will tell you how long to feed your cat on dry food, but keep up with the wet food because dry food can cause problems.


You could supplement the dried food diet by sometimes feeding a little raw minced beef or a bit of chicken when you have some. You can also buy white fish fillets in the frozen foods section of the supermarket, which some cats love. One of ours has been having one defrosted every day, morning and evening with biscuits in between and he is now 19 . If he fancies a change he steals some sachet catfood from the other cats bowl. Its good to have a change now and again as cats sometimes get bored by having the same thing at every meal and you might give him a meat sachet every now and again for a change. Many people advocate cooking meat and fish for cats, but cats in the wild eat everything raw and this seems more natural. Ours seem to prefer it and have always been very healthy.


I have had several indoor cats in my lifetime and all I feed them is dry cat food. You can if you want combine wet and dry food or you can just pick one. It really doesnt have alot to do with nutrition but more to do with your cats taste. If you choose to only feed you cat dry food it just make sure you have a bowl of water out to keep your cat hydrated and it should be just fine. :)


I have an indoor cat who only eats dry food since she was a kitten. occasionally she will have some yoghurt. the dry food is a of very high quality so it is well-balanced. the advantage of this is that me as the owner can control what she eats and problems like worms / diarrhea / hairballs are kept to a minimum. O, indoor cats can get very fat :) kitty gets special indoor cat formula which is lower in kilojoules... :)


He can live off the dry food but there are several reasons to feed wet. The top two are below. - males are more prone to serious urinary tract infections, wet food puts more fluid in his system - dry food has more carbs, increases food cravings so he could be hungry all the time, which increases weight.


Of course your cat can live off of dry food and of course water, i have two cats and they live off of dry food, but it might take awhile for your cat to get used too.


Yes, but make sure your cat drinks regularly, else it will not get enough moisture from dry food alone.


Theres no difference in nutrition, just his ability to chew when he ages


Dry food is fine. just make sure to keep fresh water handy.

