How to Keep the Cat and the House Vermin Free

I have always had a soft spot in my heart for outside cats. Those stray cats who were adopted but still love to wander. Cats who walk on the wild side - at least for a cat. This wildness also means that these outside cats can have fleas and ticks. If you adopt them, you may also be adopting their fleas and ticks. So you are left with two treatment options. You can use natural or unnatural solutions to repel or kill the vermin.

Cat flea treatment is not as well known or publicized as the treatment for dogs. But cats are as prone to these bugs as dogs. Your untreated cat can infest your house as well as untreated dog Flea and tick control must be part of your monthly routine for your cat if you want to maintain a healthy home. Also, if you have a dog, you must make sure that there in no cross infestation. If the dog has fleas, some of them will probably find a new home on your cat. Both animals need to be treated so that you will avoid having to treat the house.

Cats cannot receive the same flea and tick treatment as a dog. The insecticides within the dog collars, for example, can be toxic for the cat. A cat must always receive the treatments that are blended for cats. You will need to do a little research to find the best flea and tick treatment for your cat. The best source is your veterinarian. Your vet knows the condition of your pet, and can help you select the most appropriate treatment. Selecting the wrong treatment may make your cat sick. Of course you can always do a little research on the internet or by talking with other cat owners, you will find that there are so many products available that the number and type are a little confusing. There is a literal smorgasbord of flea and tick treatments on the market. Powders, sprays, and drops are available. Of course you can pick the medium of applying the treatment. You also can select medicines in the form of suspensions or tablets. Your vet will be able to tell you which will work well for your pet and your family. If you have children or other pets is an aspect that needs to be considered when you are selecting the appropriate treatment.

Treatment that you choose must be administered in accordance with the directions. A flea and tick free pet is a happy pet that resides with a happy family.