Are You Training the Cat? Or Is the Cat Training You?

No one can resist the appeal of a kitten. The hardest heart melts and the milk of human kindness flows. Holding a newborn kitten or puppy is a sweet experience. The kitten tugs at your heart, you hold it tenderly, follow it's every move, and provide its every whim. Then all of a sudden, the kitten is a cat, and if you don't watch out you will find that it has trained you well.

Does the cat hound you for food? Do you recognize the particular meow that tells you to come and fill the bowl? Does the cat loudly insist that you have to walk with him directly to the bowl? Do you escort the cat to his bowl and his litter box?

So if you answered yes to either of these questions, the cat has trained you well. And it is now time to turn the tables on the cat. Your training has ended and the cat's training is now beginning. After all you and the cat are sharing your lives and it is best if both of you let your expectations be known. You want to change script so that life with the cat is pleasant. A trained cat is a happy cat with a happy owner. The best way to assure your bliss and a wonderful relationship with your pet is to have a cat that is litter trained and compatible with your personality. You want a trained cat and a perfect companion who is a joy and enhances your life.

A trained cat is house trained. This pet knows where his litter box is located, and goes to it without human companionship. Cats are very independent. A cat that depends upon its owner for companionship to a litter box or a food bowl is not exhibiting appropriate behavior. if the cat is dependent upon an escort you may not be able to leave the cat in the house alone and you do not want your cat to use the house as a litter box. Of course, do not go the extreme with cat training Some owners try to train their cats to use the toilet. Unless you want your pet to look like "drowned rat", it is not recommended that you have the cat trying to balance itself on the toilet seat to do its business. Also, some cats like to drink water from the toilet. They share this characteristic with dogs. However, you can train your cat to perform tricks. Cats enjoy playing with small balls of twine or even "jingle bells". You can use food to train cats to perform tricks. The most important thing is to train your pet and show that you to love your pet.