Cat Evolution

Cats are loved by their owners for being individualistic & independent, yet they are often accused by non cat owners of being aloof and/or arrogant. Recent studies conclude this is largely due to the fact they have no eyebrows. Some people then perceive them to posses a flaw in their personality, a coldness not seen in other domestic animals such as dogs.

This is of course not true, when a cat purrs and rubs up against their owner this is a definite show of affection, just like the wagging of a dogs tail.

Cats are first thought to have been domesticated by people on the island of Cyprus about 9,500 years ago and originated from only about five self domesticating African Wildcats (Felis silvestris lybica) which would have lost their fear of humans and come looking for food when prey dried up due to naturally occurring weather conditions.

Cats are very similar to their lion & tiger relatives. They posses the same strong flexible bones & super quick reflexes & the same retractable claws, making it easy for them to run at their pray & then capture it.

The cat is a nocturnal predator, its eye operates differently to a human eye, making it possible for him/her to see far better than other animals in reduced light situations, due to the fact it has a special layer of cells at the back of its retina, called the tapetum lucidum which reflects light back to the cells of the retina, essentially giving the eye another chance at collecting light. Cats have also evolved to hear fainter and much higher frequencies than we can, which is why they know there is a mouse in the cupboard long before we do.

Caring for your cat

As a cat owner you can have a huge impact on the health and well being of your companion by undertaking routine preventive healthcare at all stages of its life - from kitten hood through to old age. This offers the best chance of preventing problems arising or, at least, maximising the detection of any illnesses early on.

Owning a new kitten means you will have to vaccinate at around 8 weeks old, and then again at about 12 weeks. To maintain immunity, all adult cats require annual boosters.


The most common intestinal worms affecting cats in Australia are roundworm, hookworm, and tapeworm. Worms are a common cause of ill health in pets and can result in a loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea.

To protect your cat, common worms can be easily controlled with a routine worming treatment. Kittens need to be wormed every two weeks until twelve weeks of age, then monthly until six months of age.