Can Natural Supplements Prevent Disease in Cats?

Did you know that your cat could benefit from herbal remedies just as much as you can? It is true. Most people do not think of using all natural remedies for pet ailments, but it works. These natural remedies save you money over time and your cat will be as good as new. Many of these herbal cures have several positive attributes. In fact, herbs are widely used as natural cures for common maladies. Why are natural supplements better for your cat?

You know exactly what you are putting on or into your pet. In fact, it is probably something you can pronounce.

Herbal remedies are cheaper on average than vet-prescribed medications.

The herbs work naturally, which means they take longer for the desired effect. However, your pet might be more willing to take a natural supplement than a medication-especially if it smells or tastes good.

Herbs such as Echinacea are not only effective in boosting human immune systems, but are also effective in feline immune systems as well.

You probably have some of these herbs on hand already: Ginseng, chamomile, milk thistle, caraway seeds, etc. Holistic medicine for your cat could be in your kitchen cabinet and you probably do not even realize it.

I want to raise caution now because you need some training or instruction from qualified persons such as a holistic veterinarian, certified naturopath, or holistic expert. Supplements and herbs for humans are higher doses than a cat should have and some herbs can cause adverse conditions. There are natural online pet stores that offer expert advice and the herbs and supplements purchased from them will be in proper use levels for your cat.

Natural herbs are widely used to fight illness, diarrhea, vomiting, bladder problems, and even hyperactivity in your cat. Most people do not know that chamomile can soothe a stressed out cat and is extremely effective. Nursing your cat back to health naturally is beneficial and is best when done on a "one at a time" basis; meaning, only introduce one herb at a time to your cats' system. The reason why you do this is to allow the herb to do its action without interaction with other herbs that may interfere with its effectiveness. In addition, since these herbs act as a dietary supplement, make sure that the herbs do not have any side effects that may make your pet's condition worse.

Herbal remedies generally take longer because the effects are slower but are more natural in healing compared to prescription drugs. Taking natural supplements can help your cat stave off illness too. Holistic medicine is another approach to improve your cats' health when caring for a sick cat.