Why does my male cat viciously attack my older female cat only when he eats dry cat food?


He is overweight and would eat 24 hrs a day if I let him so I have to monitor his intake carefully. The older cat isnt anywhere near him when he seeks her out and attacks her after eating dry food. I switched him to wet food and he stopped doing it but lastnight he got into the dry food and immediately attacked her after I took it away from him.


It is not always easy to figure out the cat mind. maybe he is thinking he is getting the dry food (yechy to him?) because your female cat ate all the yummy wet food. among big cats in the wild, the mature males always eat first, and get the best portions, no matter who made the kill. sounds like your boy might be feeling his instincts. if you must feed dry, keep your cats separate for an hour or two afterwards, to hopefully give him time to forget he got the dry food. you could also make it unpleasant if he escapes and he goes after the other cat with a squirt of cold water from a water bottle.


Id be suspicious of mouth issues at this point. Dry food is harder for a cat to chew, and if hes got a cracked tooth, mouth sore or anything causing agony when he tries to bite down, hes going to be feeling very touchy till his mouth calms down, which means hes more likely to take it out on another cat at this point in time. Have the vet take a close look at his teeth and gums when hes in for his checkup. Or get him in to a checkup this week--if he is in pain its best to stop the pain asap.


Thats kinda strange, but I would talk to a Vet about it. If they dont think they can do anything about it I would just keep the dry food a place he cant get it, also make sure that when you feed them that you keep them in different places do that a couple times and then try again and see if he still does it if so whenever he does that take some water a squirt him with a spray bottle. Eventually he will learn not to do it anymore.


Either thinks she stole his food, loves the food and gets grumpy when you take it away, or he does not want to share it with her.


Try worming the cat who would eat too much, make sure he doesnt eat dry food!!