When to switch from kitten to adult food in your cat?


My female cat is 9 months old and neutered. I feed her small amounts of Purina Kitten Chow 3 times a day. She is an indoor cat and spends a lot of time sleeping and plays usually only in the evening. She looks like she is getting overweight. Would switching to adult cat food help with her weight?


You can feed your kitten kitten food until she is about one year old. This said, Purina Kitten chow is not the best nutrition for a kitten. Most dry foods are very high in carbohydrates, and contain grain and other additives to make it tasty and "addicting", in fact. We do not feed dry food at all to our cats, with the exception of a few "treats" now and then. We feed EVO Cat and Kitten food, ( that is the name of the brand) which contains no grain. Meat is the first ingredient. They love it. They get moist grainless food for their main meals, however. Cats are carnivores and do not digest vegetable protein that well. They need meat protein. When switching over to adult food, do it gradually. Cats have very sensitive digestive tracts, so food changes must be done slowly. Since she is not that playful during the day, you may have to encourage her to play more often. The amount of food you feed should be based on her caloric needs, of course, just the same as humans! Try enticing her to play with a feather on a string attached to a pole. They love those toys, and it is great exercise for them. Laser pointers are also great to get them running and jumping, but of course caution must be used to prevent the beam from shining into their eyes. An average adult cat needs between 6-7 oz of moist food a day. We feed several times a day in smaller portions, which is the way cats actually prefer. Try switching to a moist kitten food for now. Wellness is an excellent brand, which contains no grain. Two three oz cans a day would be the ideal amount of kitten food to give her, and do try to get her interested in play several times a day. Hope this helps, TroublesnifferOwned by cats for over 40 years


Kitten food has extra nutrients for a kitten to grow and develop. It is also good to feed to malnurished, underweight, unhealthy cats. By switching, the cat would probably consume less calories/food. As she is an indoor cat she doesnt exercize as much and therefore doesnt need as much nutrients. Around one years old is a good time to switch as she is neary fully grown.


The box should say when to switch. I think the one year mark is about right. But - the packages always tell you a larger amount of food than the cat needs. We have never fed our cats what the packages recommend. Also, do not allow your kitten to be able to graze all day. Put out a small amount of food in the morning and then, again, some at night. I dont remember what the packages state, but I think we give about 1/4 cup, a couple times per day. Watch the kittys weight. If she is too big, cut it down - getting a bit lean, give her more. Everyone is different, but fat kitties can be subject to health problems, so use your instincts. It is O. K. to feed little scraps of meats from your meal, too, since it is mainly protein. A relative used to even cook up giblets (in the meats section) for the cats. They like any little treat you give them, as long as it is healthy and you are not overfeeding. Also provide kitty grass, which you can get at some grocery stores, as well as pet stores. There is a reason they like to munch on grass and on your houseplants.


Kitten chow has extra protein, fats, vitamins and minerals that kittens need. Kittens should not be switched to cat food until they are a year old. In your case if your kitten is not getting enough exercise those extra proteins and nutrients can cause a weight problem. Your choices would be to exercise your kitten more (laser pointers are amazingly fun for cats) or switch to cat food with lower levels of fat. The first choice would be best for your pet.


My cat is 11 months old and is about 13lbs! he is so chubby! i got him neutered and he packed it all on! I just recently bought adult food and have been blending it in with the kitten food so he is not getting as chubby and getting used to the other food. I think i have to play with my guy more too he is an indoor cat and plays mostly in the evening...i feed him twice a day but he is still hungry! i was thinking of getting another kitten so once they get used to each other they will play and exercise more! good luck to your little gal!


My kitten is 5 months old and he usually eats adult cat food. I have two older adult cats and he is completely uninterested in his kitten food (ive tried 4 different kinds and he just wants adult food). Switch is fine, its not "unhealthy" or harmful to your kitten. Kittens need kitten food because it helps fatten them up but she can start on adult food. Just dont get weight loss stuff...get healthy weight or indoor cat food. Hope i helped!! :)


Shes a kitten until shes at least a year old. You can try a different kitten-appropriate food, one with less grain and more meat and that could well help. More exercise is also a good idea... feather fishing pole, cat dancer, chase the laser pointer... all excellent "my human and me" playtime activities. My beasts will chase the laser pointer right up the wall... its a riot.


My cats got bored of kitten food after a couple of months, u dont have to feed a kitten kitten food, my vet says its a fad of the last 10 years but get a good quality wet food and feed her to meals per day, if she is gaining weight either let her outside or if thats not safe spend some more time playing with her and get her more active during the day


Yes u cAN switch, try to feed her twice a day and then gradually once. is it just dry you feed her? maybe u can give her half a can of wet and leave a bowl if dry for your cat to graze during the day. wellness indoor is great and if she too fat get weight management. kitten food is a fattier food. its time for some adult


Some vets say to switch them after neutering, others say to wait until 1 year. Your vet will be able to tell you better, since he knows your cat better. Just getting her to play more will help certainly - do you have a laser pointer or feather wand? Olivia goes mad for laser pointers!


I really dont know but my suggestion is that you look it up online. One important thing to remember with cat food though is that you have to change it gradually. Whole cup old -> Half and half -> Completely new. Thats not what I mean by "gradual" but you get the picture.


Most kitten foods say on the box what age cat it is recomended for. i think the kitten food is for up to a yr old then theres another ood for 1-7 yrs old and another one for senior cats.


Youre vet will tell you that you should keep you kitten on Kitten Chow until 1 year of age


Well I didnt switch my two cat`s to adult food until she was one so I think your doing fine.


Not early then 9 months old.


Talk to your Vet, and good luck!!


You should ask a vet about these problems.