How old does a kitten need to be for soft cat food?


My grandmother just sent a kitten to our house that is 4-5 weeks old. Its mother has abandoned it. I just need to know if it is too early to start soft cat food, or should I continue giving it only the milk substitute? When soft food is started, how much should I let it eat in a day? Thank you


Now would be find but please make sure it is Kitten food. Whiskas (or similar) make tin or sachet of Kitten formula soft food and its realy important to give this style, rather than adult food straight away. Kitten formula has extra calories, and nutrients to help a lil body grow to its best potential. You may need to mix some of the milk formula with the wet food on the first day or two. How much to give/allow is up to the kitten. It will tell you if its still hungry, and when it is full, its tummy should be very hard and full! :)Start with a teaspoon or so, and either dab its nose in a small flat saucer or whipe the food over its lips with your finger. All the best with your little orphan!(dont forget to five it some kitten worming syrup ASAP - according to product directions.)


You should keep giving it formula, but you could try to give it soft kitten food mixed with the formula. My kitten was 3 wks old when I got her and she wouldnt eat the formula, but she was eating the soft food when i mixed it for her. good luck


Anytime reallyif they like it give it to them... there is no age is best they have their mothers milk in the early stages but i have rescued many kittens and they took to soft food as early as 4 weeks old


The smae with my cat i found it and it was like 4 weeks old. I gave it one small can of wet cat food a day (make sure it is for kittens)BUT I AM....CRazi 4 HBK


It can start eating soft food but it still needs the milk. I would mix kitten formula into the soft food for at least a couple of weeks. The mother would start to wean it about 6 weeks if it were with her. Feed the kitten three to four times a day, and only about a tablespoon of soft food at a time. Then introduce hard kitten food gradually.