How long does open cat food stay good?


My cat needs special [expensive] canned cat food, like $1.50 per can. Shes very picky and will only eat it if its been sitting out for a while. It is a meat-based food. If I feed her the newly opened wet food around 7am, she wont touch it until about 3pm. A human obviously wouldnt want to eat plain meat thats been left out that long because it would be spoiled. My question is, is this harmful? Would she still eat it if it was bad/spoiled or would she know the difference? How long can wet cat food be left out at room temperature without being spoiled? Thanks!


It stays good for a while mine has never gone bad just keep it away from splashing water so it doesnt get wet some cats wont eat it like that and dont put it to close to the litter box if some stuff from there gets in it they usually waste their food... and if it is wet foood than all day but no more than that them sometimes flies get in it...the cats are weird some i have none to eat spoild food and some who would act so proper and not eat spoild food wich is probably better...


Well it really isnt bad unless it has been out for 12-24 hours my cat does this to and he is healthy


I found that my cats wouldnt eat canned food if it was left out for more than about 4 hours, but it never had any harmful affect on them. They are both horribly fussy eaters i buy specialist food from my vet now (Scienceplan) its a dry complete food and can be left out all day. Its £13 a bag but its got a money back guarantee. Im sure that if your cat prefers to eat after the food has been out for a while its not bothering her, cats are intelligent if it tasted bad she would leave it.


Hi Even though it dries up, there is no problem leaving canned foods out there all day. If yopu choose, you can add a bit of water and mix it in and it will look good as new. You do not allow email messages but I am curious what kind of food you are feeding and why. Many commercial foods can cover the same thing. I may be able to help. Please email me with a return address


Leaving the food out for 8 hours shouldnt be harmful. Sometimes cats wont eat food that has been refrigerated after being opened. Refrigeration reduces the smell and taste of the food. You might try heating it up in the microwave to bring it back to room temperature. Let it sit for five minutes or so after microwaving it and stir it, to be sure it isnt too hot for the cats mouth.


Its not ideal, but cats have a much shorter intestinal tract in relation to their size than do humans, so any bacteria that form over that time should do her no harm. Incidentally, what happens if you dont feed her til 3pm? Does she get dry food as well? If you are offering the food at room temperature it might simply be that she prefers 3pm as her feeding time... or she might actually like slightly matured meat!!If you are feeding it cold (from the fridge) she may be rejecting it until it has warmed to room temperature, as cats cant taste food very well when its cold. Its up to you, really - if you prefer she eats the food fresh, serve it at room temperature, but remove it if she doesnt eat it within 15 minutes. She wont starve herself, and will eventually adjust to your routine. Personally, Id try feeding her at 3, and if she deferred eating til much later, Id conclude that she likes it a little ripe and let her get on with it!


Have you tried heating the food slightly in the microwave? Maybe 20 seconds at 50% power? Only take out what you will use for that feeding and immediately refrigerate the remainder. If you have a proper can cover (they sell them even at the grocery store), the food is good for a maximum of 3 days if it is kept refrigerated. If you take it out and leave it out, I wouldnt keep it past athe day you opened it. No, she would not necessarily know if it is spoiled before eating it, although they have better smell than we do. If she is an older cat, she is relying on taste more than smell anyway. You have my sympathies. When they get sick, its hard to get them to eat!