Why is good quality cat food so much more expensive than good quality dog food?


I buy my cat Wellness CORE cat food and my dogs Wellness CORE dog food. For the smallest bag of dog food (4 lbs) its $12.29. For the smallest bag of cat food (2lbs) its $10.99! That means for 4lbs it would be $21.98! And its not just Wellness, its all of them.


I feed my cats Wellness brand too. If you look on the ingredients list for the cat food, the first several ingredients should be meat or meat-based. The great thing about Wellness is theres no gluten in the cat food - which means no fillers. Cats are nearly perfect carnivores, and dont need all the less expensive grains that dogs do, being omnivores. Just like meat at the grocery store is more expensive than cereal, cat food should always be more expensive than dog food.


Cat food has a lot more meat which is more expensive. Dog food usually contains filler foods and vege matter, making it cheaper.


Because good quality cat food is edible for humans where as dog food is not.


The better question is why do we spend the money for it when it doesnt even come close to meeting the dietary requirements of our cats? Cats need meat. They are carnivores. There is precious little meat in a bag of cat food.


As said before it is the protein content in the cat food. Dogs have different dietary requirements, and are not as easily harmed by the grains found in most pet foods. On the other hand, cats need all protein which is much more expensive.