What kinds of cat food that make the cat gain weight?


My cat is very skinny and I give her can food and the same time dry food like 9 lives and she is still the same not gain weight, i do need help to find the best foods that help her gain weight?


9Lives is a very low quality cat food. The first two ingredients are corn products (2/3 of the formulation) and the third is chicken by-product meat which you should never feed your cat as that meat is treated with chemicals and designated by law as "unfit for human consumption".All that corn should actually be making your cat fat in a very unhealthy way. I think you should have your vet evaluate her health to determine is their is a reason for her being underweight. Cats of ten years and more can develop health problems that cause them to lose weight such as hyperthyroidism and diabetes and you should rule out any medical condition before looking into a more "fattening" food.


Wet food will do the trick


Definitley MeowMix.... one day a stray cat came to my grandmas house and so she bought it MeowMix and fed it everyday so in like a week it looked like it was pregnant! But it wasnt pregnant... it was fat. Happy New Year!


You dont want that. Cats are normally slender.


9 Lives (and all grocery store food and all Wal Mart food ) is crap - too much filler not enough nutritionif she is under 2 years you can give her some kitten food.. but she should be checked by a vet for worms or teeth problem or other reason she is thin - some cats are naturally thin.. just like some people....canned Chicken and Rice will help but dont over feed canned food - 1 teaspoon of canned 2 x a day is plentygo to a pet supply store and pick a better food - they cost more but your cat will eat less and poop less too


First feel for your cats ribs. You should be able to feel the ribs quite easily. There should be a slight amount of fat over them, but each rib should be distinct. If you can see the ribs, your cat is too thin. If you cannot feel them at all, your cat is very overweight. The label recommendations provide guidelines based on caloric needs of what the manufacturer considers to be an "average" cat with "average" activity. Often, many cats will gain excess weight if fed what cat food manufacturers suggest. It is a good idea to start at the low end of the suggested amount, monitor your cats weight for several weeks, then adjust the amount fed accordingly.


Try giving her canned food only. I was giving my old cat dry food and she lost alot of weight. One day my mom mentioned that my 92 yr old grandmother ( who had all her teeth) had trouble chewing certain things because of bone loss. I had never thought about it, but because my cat was old it is natural for animals, ourselves included, to suffer bone loss. I realized it was her teeth even though they looked fine, it hurt for her to chew. I gave her canned cat food and she ate like there was no tomorrow. If this doesnt put weight on her have her checked by your vet...


The first step to getting your cat to an ideal weight (not overweight), is to feed a high quality food. AVOID foods that have things like:by-products (beaks, feathers, ect.--nutritionally useless for your cat)brewers rice (byproduct of the alcohol industry...not as nutritionally beneficial as whole brown rice)wheat (hard for carnivores like cats and dogs to digest and is an allergen for most pets)soy (same as wheat)corn (filler---nutritionally useless)Foods like 9 Lives, Friskies, Whiskas, Science Diet, Iams, Eukanuba, Purina, and generally anything you can buy in a grocery store will contain the above ingredients in large quanities. They are not, by any means, healthy for your pet. Now that you know what to avoid, you can focus on what you want... Always look for a food that has an identified meat source, such as chicken, salmon, duck, beef, ect. as the first ingredient, and preferably the 2nd as well. Look for wholesome ingredients. For cats, look for foods with cranberries (for urinary tract health) and psyllium (soluable fiber that helps prevent the formation of hairballs). Look for a low ash content (helps prevent kidney stone formation and bladder problems) and make sure youre getting a food that has fish oil, sunflower oil, and the - right - vegetables/grains. Some good foods: Blue Buffalo Spa Select, Wellness, Innova, and Nutro ULTRA. A wet food is not necessary if youre feeding a high quality dry food, as most wet foods contain the same amount of protein/fat/calories despite the fact theyre labeled as adult or kitten. Theyre bad for your cats teeth if fed on a long term basis.


Your cats inability to put on weight could indicate an underlying condition such as worms, diabetes (some diabetics, like my cat, are skinny), hyperthyroidism, allergies, etc. Since many of these can be serious, the safest thing to do is go to your vet and ask for a complete blood count (CBC), a urinalysis, and a stool culture. Most vets will let you make payment arrangements, if necessary. In the meantime, a carbohydrate free diet may be your safest bet - In dry food you can find Natural Balance at PetCo. In canned food, Whiskas. You want to avoid anything with grains - wheat, rice, oat, corn, barley, etc. I do urge you, however, to verify all of this with your vet.


As has already been posted here, many cats are naturally slender and should stay that way. Plumpness and obesity are unhealthy for cats for all the same reason theyre unhealthy for humans. Heres a site that will teach you everything you need to know about properly feeding your cat. (It will also show you that most of what youre probably heard and read about feeding a cat, including what many vets might tell you, is completely wrong!)http://www. catinfo. org


This is rather difficult to answer since you did not state whether she is a kitten, adult or a senior. However, if this is a sudden on-set of weight loss, youd better take her to the vet. If this is an adult, you might try feeding her KITTEN CHOW/KITTEN food--it is much higher in calories, vitamins, protein, minerals, etc. If you dont notice any weight gain within 6-8 weeks, you need to see the vet because she may have worms, and these parasites suck all the nutrition out of the food. Hope this can help you. Good luck


Wet food seems to be high in calories, and so do treats. Also, does your cat go outside, and is it prone to having fleas? If so, they can sometimes get tapeworms, which will make them appear thin. A wormer medication, which is usually given once (but this may depend on the individual package directions), will eliminate those, if you suspect that is the case.


Wet food can help, but high quality wet food only, please! Many wet foods arent worth purchasing because theyre so high in water. Besides wet stuff, try mixing an egg into her dry food every day or every other day. Eggs are very high in proteins. If she doesnt like egg, or maybe on days you dont feed them to her, mix in a little olive oil or other vegetable based oil. Fish can help out too. My cat (decent weight to start with) gets chubby on just the water squeezed out of a can of tuna. Many cats like the canned mackerel thats available, or you can always use canned sardines. If you decide to include mackerel, dont feed it more than once a week as mackerel is relatively high in contaminents. The good news is that per serving, all of these foods are cheap for a cat. Most cats dont need more than half to three-quarters of a cup of food a day. So, for example, if you decide to feed her tuna one day, a six ounce can costs between 50 and 60 some cents. Thats about a serving and a half for kitty. Supplament half a can with an egg or a quarter cup of high quality kibble and youve got a days meal for around 25-35 cents. VERY cheap and shell put on weight quickly.