What do you think of a stray cat that picks up a can of food and takes it beneath the deck to eat?


Some gave me free cans of cat food so I could feed strays that wander into my yard. Ive noticed that the can are never where I place them. Last week my daughter saw the cat pick up the can of food in its mouth and head for a cool spot beneath the deck. Then we saw where all the missing cans are?? What do you make of this?


A stray cat use to do that on my deck. Shed bring food under the deck. It is a more secure and less threatening place to eat I guess. The stay is now my loveable lap cat who no longer needs to hord and hide her food.


I think thats a smart cat


You have some SMART stray cats living around your house!!! LOL!


The cat might have babies somewhere, or its just taking it to its safe place to eat.


They like to feel safe. Animals dont like to eat out in the open where they are vulnerable and their senses are down while they are eating. Any wild animal will usually grab food and run off somewhere it feels safe to eat, and under a deck would feel a lot safer than out in the open where it is vulnerable to being attacked.


I think its a cat that wants to eat in peace


I would totally catch the cat and start a circus!


He hasnt learned trust for the person giving him the food he is hiding the food to keep it from being taken away. keep feeding him and as time goes by he will learn trust. or you can put the food where he takes it and that may help him to learn to trust you...


If its under the deck where you cant get at the cans, put some type of fence over the area so the cat cant bring the cans under. BEWARE...... I had this stray cat coming over to my house. It was soooo skinny. I would throw out left over chicken or whatever else out to it as I felt bad. She brought me a whole litter. Now I have babies, found under the deck! Good luck!


Your cat is always hungry or Maybe your cat is really hungry or he/she loves it it cant stop eating the food. your cat may do this because he/she may think that u arent going to feed him/ her. maybe he/she might even be addicted to he food you should ask a vet why this is happening


Natural greed. Theyre afraid another one of their buddies will get it.. I have (2) brothers of the same litter and they still (growl) at each other if I give em a surprise "greedy, greedy"


Safe - protection - food guarding from othersanimals often do this behavior.


The cat is just being very protective of his food. Some cats dont like to eat out of cans/containers that other cats or people have eaten out of them. The cat may also be shy and not want to be watched eat. Some cats dont even like to be watched eat let alone eat out of food dishes that other cats have eaten out of. The cat may also be feeding her kittens. Just keep feeding her until she goes away or adopt her into the family. If she becomes friendly enough, you could take her to the Humane Society. Good luck!


ITS HUNGRY..........................2 POINTS PLEASE