What do i feed my cat when i do not have any cat food?


Hello there, so I am in a pinch here. I have no cat food, and I need tofeed my cat. I cant go into the store at this moment in time. So waht should I feed him for now? I am getting food as soon as I can!


Hi Emily...alternatives that are safe for cats would be plain boiled chicken (no salt as this causes electrolyte imbalances), boiled or scrambled egg yolks. No deli meats as many contain high levels of salt, onions and garlic which causes hemolytic heinz body anemia. Human foods that are unsafe for cats list: http://www. peteducation. com:80/article. c… Tuna is considered very unsafe as it contains an enzyme that destroys vitamin B1 (thiamine). Please consider reading the following article about the dangers of tuna: http://answers. yahoo. com/question/index;…


Cooked chicken would be the best, no added salts or seasonings.


Open a can or package of tuna....Scramble an egg....Canned Chicken....


You can soft-boil a couple of eggs and feed him the yolks. Or you can scramble a couple of eggs - maybe put some cooked chicken or such in them.


You can feed your cat canned tuna or canned chicken.


Cold cuts are a good think they like.


Tunaeggspcs of cheese


If you had cook a fish for youself, you dont eat the fish head right, give the fish head to you cat.




Baked chicken is fine, cooked meat cut up small, a can of mackeral (tuna is usually packed in oil or with water that has added salt, both are too hard on a cats digestive system).


Baby food meat works too, if you have it around.


Tuna, fried egg yolk.


Oy vey...dont feed him tuna. It is seriously BAD for cats. The water it sits in is fine, but not the tuna itself. When was the last time anyone saw a cat jump in the ocean and catch himself a big *** TUNA? Just because cats like it....doesnt mean its good for them. Boiled chicken is best, shred it for him (unless hed eat it raw, which is even better)


Tuna, fish, milk,


Plain cooked meat - no added spices or oils. Poultry would be best, but you could offer some cooked hamburger. Shred the meat to make it go down easier. Even deli meats could do in a pinch, but stay away from anything with onion or garlic. It wont hurt your cat to go 24 hours without eating, although they will be miserable and you probably will be as well. But if you can get a little something in their stomachs that would be great.