What cat food will not make my cat fart and have a horrible smell when she uses the litter box?


My cat is stinking up the whole house!!!!!!!!! She keeps farting and when she goes to the bathroom, she stinks up the entire house for like 15 mins. What cat food should I switch her to?


I doubt its the food. Like someone else said she probably has a parasite or some sort of infection. Instead of complaining about your poor cat how about getting it to the vet for a checkup? edit: thanks for the lovely email! My - arent you a charmer!"From: z0mb13qu33n Subject: cat Message: Ok idiot i wasnt complaining about my cat, so shut your ******* mouth. And maybe I have taken her to the vet already. And there is nothing wrong with her. So go suck a ****, and quit trying to start talking **** ONLINE. LATER <3 "LOL! Someone needs their meds!


Have her tested for coccidiosis and giardia, both are parasites that can cause very bad smelling farts. Hills Science Diet is said to be the gentlest on stomachs, so you can try that but it makes three of my cats vomit.


What food are you feeding your cat? If its anything from wall-mart its junk. Get her premium food such as blue buffalo, wellness, taste of the wild, Innova Evo and etc.. these cat food does not contain by products or fillers and they are organic food it will help with the smell big time, they are pricey but very worth it.


I dont no how what food but u can get cat litter that stop the smell after they go to the toilet and spray :) hope this helps


First of all check if your cats not sick. If not try these High quality foods include Innova, Felidae (what I feed my kitty), Natural Balance, and there are some others. If you have a feed type store close by, visit that rather than just a typical pet store or grocery store. When shopping, look for foods that do not contain corn and/or wheat products. There will almost always be a grain in the food (i. e. rice) but rice is a better grain than corn or wheat. Look for meats as the first several ingredients. Proteins should come from meats not wheat gluten. I did a LOT of research on the subject when I first started, and I found a lot of valuable information on the net. Hope this helps:D


As for the farting, you need to get something for her that says "sensitive stomach" my cat had that problem even when i bought him the really nice, expensive hollistic food. get something that states sensitive stomach or get her on canned food. remember when buying canned food to check the ingredients and make sure it doesnt contain that much "filler" items (wheat, corn, etc). one of the best premium canned cat foods for the price would be natural balance. my cat loves it and its way better for him. and it doesnt give him gas! as for the stinking up the litter box, there is nothing that you can feed your cat to make her poo not smell. that is just silly. just be sure you clean the box as soon as she does her business. you can try putting baking soda on top of the litter to help out a little but it will still smell.


Every cat is different so I cant tell you what food wont make her fart. I use purina naturals but I have to feed my boy regular purina cat chow cuz the naturals make him fart. Also try to give her kitty grass. That works wonders for their digestive systems. Just make sure it is the food that is making her smell and not a health problem. Worms can make for some seriously smelly poos. Bring a fresh fecal sample to the vet and they will test it and give you any necessary meds for your kitty.


Dont think its the brand, may be that it contains liver, or by product of liver. This will cause a rankness in some cats and dogs. My corgi can "peel paint' if given any liver products, and then leave the room! LOL>hope this helps some.


Before changing cat food, you need to rule out parasites. Take a stool sample to the vet, and have it tested for worms, coccidia, and girardia. Coccidia especially will cause a foul smelling stool. Over the counter wormers wont do a thing for it, as it isnt a worm, nor is girardia. They each require a specific fecal test, and an antibiotic to cure them. If the fecal test for all of these things is negative, then consider food. If youre feeding a dry food from the grocery store, thats your problem. The are full of corn, and cat cannot digest corn very well (or at all). Its in cat food because its cheap, not because its good for them. Find a food free of corn - you wont find it at the grocery store, youll need to go to the pet store. Corn is hidden under many names (so that we dont realize just how much is in it). Look for corn, ground yellow corn, corn meal, and maize. If it has corn in it, put it back and keep looking. It doesnt matter if the bag says "for sensitive stomachs" or not - the problem is the corn.


Please feed your cat premium food. The cheap junk cat food will make a cats intestines get a lot of gas. I buy Hills Science Diet dry cat food and Royal Canin dry cat food. Also, and this is important too, I sprinkle a little Benefiber into his water daily. It helps with gas, hairballs, and normal elimination. Good luck.


1. Have the vet check her for parasites, infections, etc.2. Avoid fishy foods... theyre the worst on the "back side"... I stick to chicken, turkey and beef with my bunch... makes a HUGE difference.3. High quality foods make a difference... I feed mine organic and grain-free... with 3 cats in an apartment, minimizing the PEUW factor is a big dealGood luck!


K take a can of outst and put it up her *** and her farts will smell like flowers and make the kat boxs stop smelling like bull **** chop tiny pieces of sausages into it :)


My cat was that bad, but then we switched her to natural cat chow it is in a green bag. We buy it at cub foods cat and dog isle.