What are the risks for a cat that eats dog food?


One of the two cats I have has always been extremely picky. She had only eaten one brand of cat food for 8 years. Now all of a sudden, shes starting to eat the dog food. ( Im assuming because shes sick of the same-old-same-old. ) What are the risks shes running by eating it? She is a big cat - well over weight - but she always has been. What can I do to stop her from eating it, because like I said, shes really picky about what cat food she eats.


As you say cats are picky and wont eat anything they dont want to. if yr cat was overweight before see how she goes with the dog food speak to your vet about a diet perhaps?


I have a cat exactly like that. i think its fine as long as you dont acctually feed her dog food as a meal, mine sometimes eat out of the dogs bowl, it doesnt seem to do them any harm. just get her a new brand of food. or try tuna.


The only problem with that is, Cat food is formulated with Vitamins Minerals that a Cat needs. I have a Friend whos Dog loves Cat food! He feeds it to his Dog occasionally but, its really made for Cats and vice/versa. I guess it couldnt hurt, once in a while but, they do need the Nutrients from their own food!


Nothing i guess sometimes my cat eats dog food and shes fine


Commercial dog food does not contain taurine - an essential amino acid for cats. They cannot not make it in their bodies (dogs and humans can).There are serious consequences to not having the taurine in a cats diet. Lack of it can lead to heart problems and/or blindness. So you must find a cat food the cat will eat (taurine is added to all commercial cat food) and limit the amount of dog food she consumes


Dog food wont do any harm for 1 or 2 meals, but dogs have different nutritional requirements to cats. cats need an amino acid called taurine in their diets (found in animal proteins). dogs dont need it as they synthesise it in their bodies, but cats dont, and therefore need supplements of taurine in their diets (found mostly in fish). it is not a good idea to give cats dog food long term. try giving your cat pilchards or tuna and see what happens. the risks associated with cats eating dog food is taurine defficiancy which will affect growth of new cells. i know this is a bit long winded but i just want to give you as much information as possible without sounding nerdy!! i hjope this helps!!


I once had a cat that loved to eat the dogs food. my vet tld me there is a vitamin in cat food that dog food does not have, if the cat doesnt get this vitamine, it can lead to blindness. dog food had nutrients a dog needs, and cat food has nutrients a cat needs...


I had a cat that did this after my husband I got married and I moved in. My husband had always free-fed (left food out all the time) his dog. My cat ended up developing urinary problems including bladder stones as a result. The bladder stones had to be surgically removed. We had to stop leaving the dog food out only feed the dog 2 times a day. Dog food is formulated for a dogs nutritional needs including their ph level, which directly effects the urine. A dogs ph level is different from a cat so you should not let your cat eat the dog food. Please get in the habit of only feeding your cat twice a day as well as the dog. They will learn to be on a schedule. Whatever they dont eat after 20 min should be picked up. They will learn to eat the food when its placed in front of them. This should also help your cat lose some weight. Free feeding is really not good for any pet because they can overeat. It is not as convenient for you but it is much healthier for your pets to be on a schedule.


Dont worry my cat does that to. try buying a different brand of cat food. if ur cat really likes urr dogs food then get a cat brand that has the same indgridients or fllavor. and try some canned cat food and mix it with her dry cat food. try putting the dogs food in a different room and close the door


Nutritional needs of cats dogs are completely different, so prevent the cat from getting into the dog food.. your vet may have some suggestions for you...