My cat is eating my dogs food and my dog is eating my cats food?


I dont know why. First my dog started eating my cats dry food. A few days later, all of a sudden my cat started eating my dogs dry food. They are all over each others food! Is this normal? Should I stop them? Will they be ok if they keep doing it?


If they get into each others food once in a while, it wont hurt them, but cat food does not provide the proper nutrition for dogs and dog food does not provide the proper nutrition for cats. Not to mention that cat food is pretty expensive for your dog (who probably eats a lot more than your cat) to be eating on a regular basis. Try feeding them separately. If your cat free feeds, try putting its food somewhere the dog cant reach it (my cats are fed on their cat tower).


On occasion wont hurt them but you really should stop it from occurring on a regular basis. Cats and dogs have different nutritional needs and they wont be met if you let this continue. Feed them separately and dont free-feed - which means leave food out all the time. Give them just as much as they will eat in one sitting and pick up anything remaining after 15 minutes. This feeding method also prevents fat cats and dogs and problems with rodents and other pests attracted by pet food.


Ha ha.... My dads iguana eats the cats food. Hes fine. LOL No - really.. well, I dont think it will do any short-term damage, but I wouldnt recommend them reversing diets. I assume that cat food is formulated with special "cat" vitamins and minerals and whatever, and so is dog food.


Well I have 2 cats and a dog that do this too. Dog food is designed for dogs (it has the vitamins/minerals/proteins that a dog needs) and cat food is designed for cats. However as long as they are both eating their own food as well and not just the other animals food, I dont see a problem. My pets have been picking at each others food for years and they are all healthy seniors now.


Cats and dogs need specific amino acids that are contained only in their particular food. Both your cat and your dog will suffer malnourishment if they continue eating each others food instead of their own. Forgot to mention, your dog will grow to resemble a butterball turkey eating only cat food! Obesity is bad :)


Iuts vbad for them to eat each others food


Its OK every once in a while, but if all your cat eats is dog food, it will go blind! I dont know about the dog eating the cat food, but the first person t answer this seemed to know allot. Cooldog08~


Dogs and cats have very different nutritional needs, so it is best to not let them eat each others food. If possible, feed them in different rooms or at different times. Remove any food not consumed within 30 mintues, rather than giving them free access to the food during the day. Good luck with this!


It can be harmful.... the ingredients are different and I had a vet once tell me that it can cause them to go blind.. so Id recommend putting cats food up out of dogs reach and then feeding dog while cat is in other room.