Is it possible to buy a magnetic cat food bowl?


Another cat keeps coming in thru the cat flap and stealing the poor cats food!


Stick it onto the side of your fridge when you are not using it....great idea


No but you can buy a magnetic cat flap


I dont understand. Why do you want to keep the cat from coming in the cat door and stealing your cats food with a MAGNETIC cat food bowl? The question makes no sense to me. But you can make anything magnetic. Craft stores sell magnets, and you can glue them onto anything. If you got a lightweight food bowl and glued a magnet on it, you would have a magnetic food bowl. But you know, I really dont know if I answered your question, because it just doesnt make sense to me.


My advise is just keep your cat inside and lock the catflap for a few weeks... hopefully the other cat will forget about it and not come to your house anymoreor you could always leave it some food outside


Put the cat food in a dif. place. and get a lock so that when your cat is in the house you can lock the door, and the other cat wont come in. and your cat will meow when it wants to go outside so thats not a problem.


What he said.


I dont know how a magnetic cat food bowl would help. One your floors are not made of steel so the bowl would not stick. to them. What would stop the cat from just eating the food leaving? Why not just put out enough food for both cats. Or move your cats food water to another room.


And how would a magnetic cat food bowl stop this?