I recently moved out


I recently moved out of the U. S. and took my cat with me Where I am now it is really difficult to find canned cat food and my cat has to have soft food because she was hit by a car several years ago and doesnt have any teeth. I have been feeding her canned tuna. Is she still getting what she needs, nutritionally? When the stores have it I also feed her dry cat food moistened with water but they dont always have that either. Is there a specific human food that I can feed her to make sure shes getting what she needs? Thanks. PS I am living in Dominica, West Indies. Not the Dominican Republic but it is a developing country and doesnt have all the ammenities that the US has.


Your kitty will have all of the right nutrients as long as you keep her on dry cat food (try the indoor kind) and canned tuna is fine(as long as its not given every day.. it just doesnt contain all of the right nutrients). My cat has a sensitive stomach and can only eat canned tuna and fresh salmon (spoiled, i know.. lol) My vet said there isnt anything wrong with her diet, so Im sure if it works for my cat, it may work for yours. Operative word: May. Call or email a vet and ask for his or hers opinions before altering your cats diet. Have fun!! Also, order cat food online.. its actually a lot cheaper than buying it in the stores :) then youll be sure youre giving your cat all the right food.


Firft off, cats are better off on canned then dry food anyway. by far. Tuna or plain human food will not provide the nutrtio0n your cat needs and your cat will develop heart disease without the nutrtion a cat nees. You can make a raw food diet if you cannot get canne food. You can purreee the raw in a blender or grind it and that can serve as canned foodHere is howhttp://www. catinfo. org/makingcatfood. htmhttp://www. mousabilities. com/cats/food/h…http://www. catnutrition. org/pictorial. ph…


Please, please dont give her canned human tuna. It has no taurine - an essential amino acid for cats. Lack of it can lead to heart disease and/or blindness. Tuna also can cause a serious vitamin B deficiency in cats leading to a condition known as steatitis. Whatever you do you will have to wean her off that tuna as it is VERY addictive for cats. Is human baby food available? It must have NO onion or garlic in it. You should be able to find powdered taurine somewhere and you could add a tsp or so to any meat you give her. Look up the "home-made" cat food recipes at the catinfo site and also at http://www. littlebigcat. com Dr. Jean Hovfe has an article titled "Easy Homemade Diets for Cats and Dogs" which will give you the supplements you need to add for a cat from fresh meat. Other than that you could try having cat food shipped to you from the US. I certainly dont agree that that is inexensive as shipping costs are very high. A friend in the US could probably send you the powdered taurine to add to her food relatively inexpensively.