How old should kittens be before they start eating cat food?


My kittens are a month and 2 days old. today i took some dry cat food and made it all mushy with water and the kittens seem to love it are they to young to be eating cat food. p. s.the food says for adult cats is it safe for kittens


I have always started my kittens on jar baby food first. After about a week I change to kitte food. Adult food is to hard to digest. I never give them milk it gives them loose stools. After about 8 weeks they can eat harder food.


4 weeks is fine...they are old enough, and adult cat food is fine too...I used to water it down to make it soft and they loved it.


Adult cat food is for adult cat food. get milk for kittens cause they should have milk until they are 2 months old. then when they are 2 months get the soft food that is ok for all cat ages and when their teeth start to grow feed them hard. hope this helps!


You cant give adult food to kittens as its too rich for them and might upset there tummys. Put a bit of kitten food out for them it doesnt matter if mum eats it as well as she might need the goodness in it and just see if the kittens fancy it I think they will start to eat when there ready.


They can start eating some solids now, but it needs to be kitten chow, and fix it the exact same way. Adult cat food doesnt have the nutrition that kittens need. Make it a loose paste consistency and let them lap it up. Kittens normally start to wean at around 5 weeks old, but some arent completely weaned until they are 10-12 weeks. I dont usually force them to wean in the earlier weeks because Ive found from experience they get a better start in life if they are allowed to nurse until they are ready to make the change. The website below has info on how to wean a kitten. Its a very good resource. http://www. kittenbaby. com/weaning. php