How much cat food should a medium sized adult cat eat?


I plan on getting a cat in a few weeks and would like to know everything i can before then. This is a regular sized cat, not too fat, not too skinny. Maybe roughly 10lbs. So how much canned food should I give her? Is it okay to alternate between canned and dry food? If so, how much dry food should she eat?


Just small cat bowl of dry food or one can twice a day, morning and night :)


Solid Gold Catz N Flocken recommends feeding 1-1/2 cups of dry food a day to a 10-lb cat. I just looked at it. But it depends on the cat food


Yikes! for a ten lb kitty a cup and a half is gonna give you a 20 lb kitty in a month! for a ten lb cat a half cup a day is more then enough! and i dont give my little guy canned food unless its a treat. we give him a half can two to three times a week at the most. canned food isnt something i recommend feeding as his daily food... its not as good for a kitty as they lead you to believe. but a half a cup of dry food is more then plenty for a 10 lbish cat. ours is a medium sized cat and our vet said he should be around 8lbs, hes a little over 10 now. i think hes fine as he is. we did reduce his food intake to a half cup a day though, just so he doesnt gain any more.