How do i stop my dogs from eating cat food?


I have two dogs - a brittany and a yorkie, and a cat - Keats. The dogs eat their own food, and then, the yorkie in particular, go to eat Keats food. She is therefore quite overweight, and we know that to fix it we have to stop her from eating the cat food, however I do not know how. Putting the food up somewhere high is out of the question because Keats is 16, and he has arthritis. He cant jump anywhere. What do you think I should do to stop the dogs from eating his food?


Buy a baby gate and put the poor cat or dogs in another room with the gate blocking the door, so the cat can eat in peace. Or just close the door to the room.


When it is time for the animals to eat then bring them all in seperate rooms till they eat as much as they want but put the cat in a room that has a door so u can close her wile they eat.


If you can put a baby gate across a bathroom or something...the cat may jump over it. If he cant you might have to put a cat door somewhere--there are doors that require a collar to go through and if the cat had one and the dog didnt, only the cat could go where the food is. Otherwise, as a last resort, if the yorkie can get anywhere the cat can, youll have to get the cat to eat one or two times a day instead of free feeding--give him 15 minutes in a room with the food then take it away. Overweight on a yorkie will really hurt their joints so you want to do something about it!


I solved that problem at my house by blocking off access to a small bathroom with a piece of plastic lattice I keep across the door. The lattice has a hole cut for the cat to get in and out, and the dog cant get through. The cats food bowl is in that small bathroom so she an eat in peace. Her litter box is in there, too, since dogs like to snack in litter boxes -- yew! Unfortunately, your Yorkie would fit through that sort of thing -- if the cat can fit through, so can a Yorkie, right? And you cat is pretty old to be jumping over a gate! I suspect your best course of action would be to feed the cat in a room with the door completely shut, but that means you will have to feed your cat on an actual schedule. And the cat will probably not appreciate being shut in a room unless you are there, too. Best of luck!


Give them a specific eating time and feed them in separate rooms


Give your dog some special food that he would like very much than cat foods you have. Check one such dog food here >> http://www. agritura. com/index. php/cat/c3…It will be delicious and yummy to your dogs tongue!