How do i get my cat 3yrs old to stop eatting my younger cats 9months kitten food?


Ive had my 9month old cat for a month now and my 3 year old cat is starting to eat the kitten food instead of his own adult cat food. I leave food for them in their bowls all day because they eat at different times of the day. I cant stop the older cat when Im gone at work all day, only when I catch him.


You can leave adult food out for both during the day when youre away. And mornings and evening when youre home, you can separate them at feeding time and feed the kitten some additional kitten food. Kitten food is highly nutritious and long term will be unhealthy for your older cat to always eat.


You would have to feed them in separate rooms. Your cat being 9 months should be able to be on adult food now. Or you could mix adult with kitten food so your older cat wouldnt get too many calories. KItten food wont hurt him it would just put extra weight on.


I have found that it is nearly impossible! Our older cat Newt, who we recently lost at the young age of 10 :( was about 6 years old when we got our little kitten Wickett and we could not keep her away from it! Since - we have added 2 little ones and cant keep Wickett away from it - so I found a high quality food that EVERYBODY can eat! Check out Wellness Core - it is compared to the "raw diet" in kibble form and is good for kitten through adult. High levels of protein, low grains - it is just GREAT food! Good Luck!


Either separate them or switch the kitten to adult food. My vet advises against kitten food except for young kittens because the stuff most people buy is loaded with calories and can just cause the kitten to become chubby. Call your vet to see if its OK to switch now.


Your 3 yrs. cat is being getting habitual to younger cats foods. You need to supply your elder cat the food that would be loved by him all the way! One such beautiful product providing all essential nutrition to your elder ones, you must check this product here alone >>> http://www. agritura. com/index. php/cat/c3…