Cat Statistics: Shocking Facts About Felines and Their Owners

Cats are interesting animals to have as a pet because of their amazing abilities and their unique personalities. Along with their canine counterparts, cats are one of the most popular animals that people choose to have as a pet. In addition to living in a safe home environment, these cats are being spoiled more than ever. How many cats are there living in the world, and how much are people spending on their pets today? The following statistics will help to answer these questions.

As of the year 2012, there are just over 7 billion people living in the world. Of these 7 billion people, about 3.75% have a pet cat. That means that there are about 263 million pet cats living in the world. Keep in mind, that number is just pet cats. You will have to double that number to get the total population of cats living in the world, which is over 500 million cats. The extra 250 million cats accounts for all of the stray and feral felines living in the world.

Interestingly enough, 166 million of these felines live in the United States. That is about 1/3 of the world cat population to be exact. In regards to pet cats, as of 2010, 83 million cats lived in 37 million homes across the United States.

Despite the fact that pet ownership can be a huge expense, it seems that pet owners around the world will spare no expense for their furry friends. It is interesting to note that during the North American recession in 2008, pet owners chose to cut spending on themselves before cutting out spending on their animal companions.

One of the expenses pet owners continue to incur is the cost of specialty pet food. Although pet food can be costly, North Americans tend to spend an average of $77.00 per shopping trip to buy their pet specialty food. This expense adds up to a lifetime expense per pet of just over $9,200 on food alone.

One would think that North Americans spend the most on their pets, but in fact, Singapore has the highest lifetime spending on pet food, totalling almost $30,000.

The spending doesn't stop with food. Pet parents will buy their animals personalized items such as designer clothing and handmade treats. 3% of American pet owners will even take their cat with them on vacation.

Clearly, people around the world are able to have a unique and special relationship with their pets. Don't hesitate to adopt a feline companion if you have the chance. With over 500 million cats living in the world there is definitely no shortage of felines that can be adopted. Check out your local animal shelter to find your perfect furry friend.