How to Use Natural Home Remedies for Cats With Fleas

Cat owners are becoming aware of the toxic chemicals in the spot-on vial flea treatment. It's convenient just squeezing the tube between the shoulder blades on your cat. But your cat pays the price. Pesticides are the main ingredient and it causes cancer, kidney disease, liver failure, heart failure and more. There are home remedies for cats with fleas that are safe and effective. You will need to do a little more work, but your cat will love you for it.

Fleas live under your cat's fur dining off their blood, biting and producing hundreds of fleas. Can you imagine that many fleas biting and sucking your cat's blood? It causes vomiting, diarrhea, anemia, loss of appetite, loss of fur and a dull coat. A small kitten has little chance of survival if not treated quickly.

Fleas are attracted to the old cat, sick cat and kittens the most. If you have fleas outside, they will surely make their way inside your house any time of the year. Most people think the fleas are gone in the cold winter months, but it's not true. Cats are warm-blooded animals and fleas can live on them all year around.

The best way to check for fleas is to use a flea comb and add warm soapy water in a container, grab a paper towel and run the flea comb through your cat starting from the top of her head working downward. Dunk the comb in the water, wipe it with the paper towel and if you notice a substance that looks like black pepper, then it is flea dirt and your cat has fleas.

Cedar Oil spray is 100% safe and all natural with no chemicals. Dilute it per instructions, then lightly mist your kitty completely and run the flea comb through her. It might take a couple treatments depending on how severe the fleas are. Check your cat with the flea comb two days after you treat her.

You need to do more than just treat your cat. The fleas are in your carpet, furniture and bedding. Vacuum thoroughly and wash all the bedding, including cat beds. Borax kills fleas by dehydrating them. It is available in the laundry isle at your local grocery store. Sprinkle it on, grind it in with a squeegee or dust mop and leave it. Use it on your furniture also. It won't hurt the furniture or carpet. Make sure you cover cracks and corners.

You may notice scabs or scratches on your cat, so once the fleas are gone, purchase Aloe Vera Gel at the health food store. Apply it to your cat twice daily until she is healed. I have used home remedies for cats with fleas for 7 years and my cats are flea free. I treat the cats and the home year around.