Why dont they make mouse flavoured cat food?


Since ive never seen a cat take down a cow, beef cat food seems odd. Why not pigeon or spider flavour?


Cats dont chase mice to eat....they chase them for the excitement and a present for theyre owners!!!!


You havent met my cat yet...it eats pitbull!


Why dont thry make cat flavored dog food.


Where would the incentive be to catch live mice?


And who is going to eat the mice to sample what they taste like in order to replicate the taste?


Back in the 70s a cat food company DID try mouse flavoured cat food, but cats didnt like it. I dont think any cat specificaly like the TASTE of mice, I think its the CHASE they are after.


Wild food carries dieseases (especially rodents) so it cant be used in foods (and most people would think it "yucky" anyway and not feed it. To make the artificial flavor??? how do you make an artificial mouse taste? Im not trying a real one to compare! lol


Thats nasty! ewwwww.....


Because mice are usually toys, not something the cat eats. The cat catches it, plays with it, then lets it go. It never gets eaten.


Cats dont like mice and mice dont like cheese. It makes them really ill.


Cats chase mice because of their speed, more thatn anything else. One of our cats chases dogs, which is why it is called "Asbo". Another of ours chases spiders, and eats them. He also raids my supply of cheese and onion crisps (chips, for the US readers), legs it with the packet in his mouth, tears it open and scoffs the lot. One of our cats ate some leftover curry. Never believe that cats are solitary creatures, because the next day it had nine of its friends around. Three were digging holes, three were filling them in and the other three were looking for new ground! LOL!!!


Sounds reasonable to me! Write to Whiskas and suggest it :)


One raw meat tastes about the same as another. We cook our meat and carmelize it which makes it taste better to us. So mouse meat does not have a particular "flavor" that cats would like. For them meat is meat and essential for their nutrition. It is much easier for commercial food manufacturers to raise and use chickens anyway. It would require a great number more mice to get the same amount of meat protein you get from one chicken, turkey, rabbit or duck.


Because nobody has tasted a mouse to know what flavour mouse is like. Wanna be the first to try??? xxx