Why does cat food give me heartburn but not dog food?


When i eat high end cat food, i still get heartburn but when i eat any grade dog food i still dont get heartburn. Why?


Why r u eating pet food???????


Cat and Dog food are formulated for animals (same with horse, fish and other feeds) simular to diet food is designed to die, oh I mean starve to death....or loose weight also athelites each food designed to bulk up and build up mass / musles such as weight lifters. needless to say if you ate food designed to gain wait you would do very well on a diet.2nd some people have trouble with differnt foods....what some people eat just fine will give others heartburn (sold in the human food isles)!it does remind me of a joke though, thankfully I found the joke online so I dont have to write it out from memory! http://www. top20fun. com/funny_jokes/5539…


I think you get heartburn because YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO EAT IT....thats why it says "CAT" food, and "DOG" food isnt good either


Cat food has a higher fat content. That will cause heartburn. Stick with the dog food.


Because you are obviously a dog.


Wtf are you doing eating animal food?