Is it healthy to feed a cat human food?


I dont want him to eat human food at all but my grandmother gives my kitten human food behind my back. I just caught her doing so. He eats cat food too. He does not beg for human food but my grandmother calls for him, he comes, and thinking its to play or something and she feeds him human food instead. She does it to her cats and shes trying to do the same to mine! She does not listen to my request to not feed him human food either. Help? Suggestions? And answer. Please?


Stand up to grandma! Ask your vet to give your some literature on the damage human food can do to cats. You might soon end up with an obese, diabetic cat who may or may not have kidney failure as well. Not fun.


Dido! to the first answer! !!


Its not really healthy for them but it wont kill him. IN venezuela whare i come from all the cats eat is the leftovers that we have after we eat and they live for long time so i think its ok


It depends on what she is giving him. A little piece of fish or meat once in a while shouldnt hurt but if its a lot of junk we eat, just try to explain to her that they have different nutritional needs than we do. Maybe bring her with you to the vet so he/she can explain this to your grandma. Nothing like a bit of authority. p.s. make sure you feed good cat food, not that stuff they recalled.


You should provide your grandma some literature on the damage that she is doing to your cat. If she cannot restrain herself, you should remove the cat from her presence. If that is not an option, try feeding grandma the cat food instead.


Human foods are not going to harm your cat at all and can make a pest out of him. As long as his diet is good cat food, a piece of cooked chicken, beef or fish is OK. Of course human "junk" food is not good for him so just educate your grandmother on whats OK for him - no chips, meat with bones, deli meats etc. And absolutely put your foot down on canned tuna, sardines and other salty stuff.


Old cat lady is right. Take it from another old cat lady! Seriously, it depends on what Grandma gives him. Within reason, if it makes her happy (and kitty, too) its ok. You just need to make sure its something like lean meat (chicken or fish) without a lot of oil, salt or sauce. If she has cooked meat with sauce she could even rinse it off. The thing is, it really is important that your kitty gets sufficient cat food or at least a feline multivitamin. Cats need nutrients, like taurine for example, that arent in human food in large enough amounts. Bottom line, keep an eye on your cats weight. Of course, if he starts vomiting or develops diarrhea, hes getting something he shouldnt. If you are still concerned, ask your vet.


Sorry, if granny is feeding him chicken, beef, ham, (any meat EXCEPT PORK) she is doing him a favor - learn about raw food diets (the best for a cat, but too much trouble for most people - including me) learn about this, and a lot of interesting things at these GREAT sites:http://www. consumersearch. com/www/family…http://www. cat-world. com. au/CatHealthArt…http://www. littlebigcat. com/index. php? ac…http://www. cattraining. com/http://www. perfectpaws. com/http://members. lycos. co. uk/furbabies/hea…hope these are helpful


Onions, for example, can kill the cat - unless granny is feeding a raw food diet, or a cat food regimen, this is not good. My husband would like to feed Rita pizza - Rita would like to eat pizza. Unfortunately, it isnt good for her (or us, but thats another forum). Also, she comes after ice cream. I do not want her throwing up all over the house, which is what will happen. Literature, sure, but can you take a firm (NOT MEAN) stance with her and explain why this is a problem for you? Also, maybe you can be involved in the human food she does give if it will make her happy. A little drop of giblets is fantastic. I am afraid of salmonella, so I cook them up for Rita and she loves it. Tuna isnt great, but a drop here and there if granny is having a sandwich wont hurt the cat. Maybe you can resolve it without hurt feelings. Do some research on whats OK and what isnt and get involved in it with granny. Good luck!


Over time your cat can become more dependent on the human food than its own food, and thus stop eating cat food altogether. This could cause problems b/c our food is not tailored for cats and does not provide them with all the nutrients, etc they need. You need to let your grandmother know that he is YOUR cat and you do not want him eating human food....otherwise it could cause some longterm problems.


Just be careful what he gets fed....chocolate is very bad and too much tuna can cause urinary tract infections. My cats like cheese though...I dont think that will hurt too much