When can you start feeding cat food to kittes?


My cat just had babies and now they are 2 weeks and 5 days old. I want to know when i can start feeding them cat food.


Not until they are weaned from momma. Offer kitten food at about 5 weeks.


When you have enough money to buy the cat food and the little fleas bitten hair muffs eyes are open...


About 7 weeks they are eating from a dish


Can start supplementing moms milk when kittens are around 4 or 5 weeks old. First mix kitten milk or evaporated milk mixed with water and rice baby cereal. When they get used to sucking and licking this mixture can add a small amount of canned food to it. You could also soak dry kitten chow in the milk until it is soft and give that to them. Instead of slowly adding the can stuff just add the dry. Dont expect them to eat completely dry food until theyre teeth get bigger. During the start of the feeding transition the kitts will still be going to mom for alot of their food. I have raised many litters of kittens with this method and have always had nice healthy kittens. Dont forget to have a litter pan, small with low sides very near them so they can learn from mommy how to use this. They start this soon as they are getting aroung good. Enjoy! Also, this will take awhile, dont expect it to happen overnight. Do it slowly and kitts will look forward to it.


Id say at about 8 to 10 weeks, they wull show interestcheers


Offer it to them at about 3-4 weeks, make sure it is sloppy kitten food, they are more mobile then and using more energy, theyll love it.


When they are about 3-4 weeks old. but kitten food not at food. you can give them cat food when they are nine months old