What food products are absolutely unsafe to feed a dog or a cat?


I have one of each and they mainly eat dog or cat food, but occasionally I give them people treats. What should I avoid?


Chocolate, pork, and chicken bones


Chicken bones are a definite no-no..they can splinter and get stuck in the animals throat, causing terrible pain, sometimes even death


Chocolate. Its a death sentence.


Never give dogs chocolate. The darker the chocolate and the higher the cocoa content, the more dangerous it is. It doesnt take much very dark chocolate to kill a small dog.


I dont have a cat so i dont know about them. I do know that chocolate in large amounts is poisonous to dogs and also do not let your dog chew on bird bones i. e. chicken or turkey, because they splinter. I am sure there is more but this is just the ones i know of.


My cats and dogs love to eat fruit but apparently eating a lot of grapes is bad. Im not sure about other fruit.


No chocolate... i dont think nuts are very good either


Try not to feed them carbonated beverages, alcohol, or chocolate. Too much of anything is really bad for them.


For dogs:grapes, raisins, onions, Chocolate. for cats: ask your vet.


Ribs from pork, and beef both cause splinters, same with chicken bones. These splinters can get stuck in the animals throat and cause really big problems. Chocolate is also very very bad for animals, giving an amimal enough chocolate could cause death.


In large amount feeding of Garlic, Oily foods, sugars, alcoholic foods are very unsafe for dogs health. Chocolates are very poisonous for dogs health. Need more info, find on google. BEST OF LUCK!!!!