What do cats eat besides cat food and insects?


I have no cat food and I cant just up and get someWhat else are cats willing to eat?


Im sure you live close to a store. Get off the computer and go buy some cat food.


Your food


Outdoor cats are capable of eating a variety of things; vegetables (avoid tomatoes), breads, meats, noodles, etc. Indoor cats are not as capable as their stomachs are more used to cat food made specifically for them, which is softer and gentler on the stomach and will least likely make them sick. Not to say all cats stick to this. If you cannot up and get some cat food, I would highly suggest calling somebody or possibly reconsider owning a cat in the first place.


It depends on the cat. Our current cats will eat cooked chicken, cooked beef, cooked ham, cooked lamb, cooked turkey, cooked pork, cooked salmon. some canned tuna but they never get much. They dont seem to like most other fish or seafood. Olives. Not cheese, not milk of any kind. One of them ate a very serrano pepper covered kidney bean and loved it (but was making "its spicy hot" faces for a while). One of our past cats (has since died) liked seafood but not other meats and Id have to wrestle him over crab. If a cat was hungry enough, itd probably eat almost anything meaty it could get small chucks of. When we first adopted our cats, one ate french fries and biscuits (I think because that was what the guy who owned him often had available) but now since theyve had years of balanced cat food, he no longer does french fries of biscuits. Im a believer in satisfying the cats curiosity so when they are curious about some food, I usually will offer them some to see if they want to try it (except for the stuff I know cats should not eat like chocolate). Oh, they both like teriyaki sauce--anything with teriyaki sauce on it they will eat.


If your gonna be responsible for the care of an animal then you need to be better prepared. However, if you are really stuck you could try fresh cooked chicken breast, tinned tuna ( in spring water not brine or oil), minced beef, fish, a cod steak ( not battered).Do not give your cat cows milk as cats are lactose intolerant and this could cause an upset stomach. Next time - dont run out!


Canned tuna in water or cooked chicken.


You have to be careful what you feed your cat because it could lead to health problems or tumors later in life. If you have no cat food then fish and tuna are okay to substitute for a while. My vet also recommends some raw hamburger every once in a while, not too much though. Milk is not a good thing to feed, cats are bad with lactose and will get the runs.


Pretty much anything that will fill the cats belly until you get to the store is acceptable. It may not have much nutritional value but the cat wont care as long as it has a full belly today. And raw meat would be preferable and my cats will even eat oatmeal (found that out by accident). Nothing spicy though and no dairy products.


Peoples food