What can i do about my dog eating the cat food?


I have a dog and 3 cats. The cats and the dog eat in the kitchen and they dont have a set eating time, we usually just put their dishes out and fill them up whenever they are near empty. This is the problem, the dog has a dish and the cats share one but when the cat food is on the ground the dogs starts to eat it. We were forced to move the cats food to the table in the kitchen which isnt necessarily the most sanitary thing. What can I do to keep the dog from eating the cat food?


To be honest, no matter how many times you tell your dog no he will still eat the food when you arent there to tell him no. I would suggest moving the cat food into a room where the dog doesnt ever need to go in and then getting a cat door. This will also depend on the dogs size since if it was small enough it could climb through but it would really help. At my house, I have a black lab and we put the cat food and litter in the laundry room with a cat door. We havent had a problem with it since. And of course tell your dog NO when he tries to eat the cat food but just dont be surprised if he eats it when you arent around to scold him :)


Try correcting your dog whenever you catch him/her in there try a spray bottle with water it will not hurt the dog but it will let it know he is soing something you are not happy with


Explain to him that there is plenty of food to go around and that dog food is formulated differently than cat food.


You might try tabasco sauce on the decoy catfood until he stops eating it.


Through the food in its face and say no!!!!!!!!!


The best thing to do is tell your dog a FIRM: NO! You can also slap him in the mouth (just dont be violent) to make him understand that what hes doing is wrong.


Pet gate to keep him out of one room. Feed the cats in the room only.


Yea I had the same problem. I have 1 dog and 3 cats myself and I was always wondering why the dogs bowl was always full and why I had to feel the cats bowl up some much. Because I was taken notice when I was home the cats would always be at the dish and dog would be no where to be found. Plus the dogs dish would still be full. But when I fed the cats they would go at the food like they hadnt ate for weeks and like you if the container was empty I would feel it up. I also had the cats bowl up off the ground in a quite place where the dog could not get it. I thought Nikki, the dog, was not feeling good that why she never ate until one day I was late for work and I quickly fed the cats and walked out the door and realized I forgot my purse and I walk in the door and the dog was on the chair next the bar where the cat food and was eating the cats food. You should have seen her! She looked like a deer caught in headlights. I had to move the cat bowl to a location higher where the cats could get to it and she couldnt. Other than that theres nothing you can do. Sorry.