How do i know if my cat has food allergies?


My cat has a very bad and neurotic habbit of scratching spots on his body until they become raw and bleeding. Usually its behind his neck, or in front of his ear. His is a indoor healthy kitty (no fleas!). My vet thought it was ringworm at first, but our cat tested negative. My vet mentioned that sometimes its an indication of food allergies. Does anyone know much about food allergies in cats? He is being fed perscription diet cat food r/d to help him maintain a healthy weight. Any info, including links, would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


You can go to www. littlebigcat. com. Dr. Jean Hovfe has an article there titled, "Food Allergies in Cats."His scratching is NOT a "bad habit" nor is he "neurotic". His skin itches!


He will sneaze




When your cat s lawyer tell you he is going sue you of endenger his life you know when cat allgeric of the food


I think its where you cat have been creeping around....fibreglass is not good for cats.....get into their skin and hard to remove....


Cat food allergies may show up in your cat in the form of dry skin, dandruff, brittle or dull looking fur, itching, loss of appetite, loose stools, or even constipation. Unfortunately, your cat cannot tell you in words what is bothering him or her, so you must try to look for signs and symptoms yourself and be aware of any changes in behavior. Many pet owners are shocked to learn that what they are feeding their dog or cat can be what is causing the problem.90 percent of cat food allergies are related to beef, dairy, or fish. Of course there may be other triggers that set off reactions in your cat, so you may have to spend a bit of time trying different formulas of food to see what works best for your cat.


You need to tale him to a doctor. and the doctor needs to put him a on some med


Ask your vet.