At what age can a kitten start eating regular cat food?


I have a 3 week old kitten. She is being breastfed by her mother. But I think she is teething. When would she be ready to eat cat food?


Her mother will begin to wean her when it is time. Most kittens nurse for up to 5 weeks, some longer. Dont take her away from her mother - her mother will know when it is time to begin to wean her.


You can usually start offering them soft solid food at about 6 weeks of age.


7 to 8 weeks


Let momma cat wean her. She will follow momma cat to the food dish and will get the idea. She is still too young at three weeks, dont try to force her. Momma cat is the expert at training her right now. In another two or three weeks, she will be able to follow momma around.


Kitten food until one year then catfood.


She will show signs of wanting to have soft food. If she is leaving her birth box and doesnt act like she can get enough of her moms milk it may not hurt to see if shell eat some. Dont force her if she turns her nose up to it.