Why will my seven year old male cat eat everything except cat food?

He suddenly isnt interested in cat food or cat biscuits at all, but will happily eat ham, cheese, fish even the dogs dinner. He just turns his nose up at his own bowl. ive tried various types and flavours of cat food, but he just walks away.

Can my baby get sick from eating cat food?

My daughter who is 18 months always snatches and eats my cats food. there is really no place for me to put it without her getting her hands on it. should i be worried?

Where can i get wellness cat food in uk?

I really dont want my kitten to eat cheap food even though he loves it!! it just stinks nd his poo stinks even more! where can i get Wellness cat food in UK?? anyone knows? do u think they sell it at Pets At Home? Thank You!

My cat food bag has a slit in it will it be okay to feed my cat with it?

I picked up some cat food yesterday and I didnt notice that there was a slit in it towards the bottom. No cat food spills out or anything, Im just wondering if it will be okay for her still?

Is it okay for a dog to eat cat food and vise versa?

I have a young cat and dog. And they keep eating each others food. The dog would rather eat the cat food, and the cat would rather eat the dog food. I have tried feeding them at differnt times, using a spray bottle with water, etc. I have been tempted to just feed dog food one day them cat food the new, so that I know they are getting some of each....

Are there any recipes for cat food wet or dry?

Ive heard some bad things about the food some manufacturers produce for our pets, so I was wondering if there are any recipes for cat food.

Which is worse for a dog eating human food or cat food for a week?

Which is worse, feeding a dog canned cat food for a week or feeding it pizza, fried chicken (no bones) and steak? I have a bet that dogs wont be harmed on either diet since its only for a week.

Is it safe to use moringa powder in cat food?

Moringa Powder has many vitamins and such for humans. And I read they give the Moringa seed to cows... Well Im wondering if I could use the powder in my cats food to boost their nutrition. Is it safe to use? I heard that chocolate and cinnamon are toxic to cats.

What is the best urinary tract struvite management cat food?

My cat has just had an operation to remove his penis and to create a new wee hole....due to severe crystals in his bladder and urethra. These crystals could not be removed by dissolving solution. I am now looking for the absolute best in cat food...to maintain his FLUTD, and prevent its return. We are very lucky to still have him. Its so confusing researching all the prescription diets...and some good advice would be most appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Is she getting all the nutrients she needs from dry cat food alone?

My cat will only eat dry cat food. She wont touch canned cat food or people food. Is she getting all the nutrients she needs from dry cat food alone? If not, how can I get her to try something new?

Hey call your local vet and ask. they should not mind answering that?

My puppy ate cat food will that hurt her?

My puppy ate about a cup of cat food will that hurt her or make her throw up?

Is it safe or ok to use a dish dry cat food was previously stored in?

I have a tupperware bowl that I used to keep my cats dry food in and I wnt to use it for something else is it safe?

Is it okay to feed my cat with regular cat food?

About 3 years ago my cat was diagnosed with urinal tract infection, the vet successfully cured him, and strictly stated that I should not feed him with any other cat food than "Urinary S/O". Which is very expensive compared to regular commercial cat foods. At the moment im short of money, I still could by that food, but I need the money for other things. So how big is the risk that my cat will get sick again if I feed him with regular cat food, for lets say a month.

Is it ok for a cat to eat dog food?

And, is it ok for a dog to eat cat food? I have dogs and cats and I just leave their food dishes next to eachother. Once in a while Ill see one of them eat the food theyre not supposed to eat. Is that alright?

Sometimes my 2 year old cat sometimes is sick after eating food any ideas before i take him to the vet?

The food looks like it hasnt been chewed, and hes eating Whiskas Cat food. He also done this when I was feeding him Felix.

Does the kind of cat food help with shedding?

Is it true that certain types of cat food decrease shedding in cats? If so, how much does it reduce it by? What are some main ingredients of these types of foods? What brands of canned and dry cat food do you recommend to help reduce shedding? Any positive advice is appreciated! Thanks in advance!

Why does my cat drink her food?

My cats teeth are healthy, and she sometimes eats the dry, crunchy food, which helps her teeth stay clean. But I regularly feed her the moist foods like Iams and Fancy Feast. With most of these meals, she consumes the gravy or sauce, and usually leaves the solid chunks of meat, fish, chicken, turkey, or whatever. Why would she do this? And if I try to feed her less expensive or generic foods, she wont eat them at all. ("Furrbie" is about 12 years old and otherwise of great temperament, and good health. She is allowed to go outside, in good weather.) She is otherwise a no-problem pet. This has been expensive, and irritating, because I end up dishing out 4 or 5 little cans of cat food each day! Help Please!

What is a good quality cat food to switch to?

Ive read innova EVO and wellness are good but they are hard to find where i live and ive also read they can be bad for cats with high protein intolerance. Im thinking of buying Avoderm or California natural. are those ok? they currently eat purina cat chow. Also, do i have to feed them a certain amount? Since i have a lot of cats I usually just pour food on the dish and they come eat when they want.

Whats a good cat food substitute for temptations?

I have taken in a friends cat and he is hooked on Whiskas Temptations Cat Treats (any flavor). I dont want to feed him these treats as his regular food but Ive tried regular dry cat food and he wont touch it. Is there a reasonably priced healthy dry cat food out there that is comparable to Temptations? Thanks in advance.

Why do cats need special cat food?

I am just wondering why do people feed cat, cat food that they buy from the store? My nana has two cats and they eat rice, pasta and other food that she cooks. They like fish and they drink milk too! My nana never buy them any cat food. So now, I am thinking of getting a cat, a nice black and white cat! And I am confused. Do I need to buy them special cat food or can I just give my cats food that I cook myself? Thanks.

Does anyone else spend more on cat litter than they do on cat food?

Does anyone else spend more on cat litter than they do on cat food? There seems like something is wrong with this theory. Especially when I have to clean the cat litter. Any certain brand you like best?

Can you purchase hills prescription diet cd cat food in germany?

I have a ten year old male cat that is required to eat Hills Prescription Diet CD. I am considering moving to Germany, but I am unsure whether I can purchase my cats food abroad. Does anyone have any personal experience with this?

Is there any difference between kitten food and adult cat food?

My kitten is 20 weeks old approx and i was just wondering what the differnece is between kitten and cat food. Is it just the texture that is different or does it have extra proteins and stuff like that like that?

Cat food marketing and the silly things they do?

Dont you think its strange to see a bunch of fruits and vegetables on the front of cat food? Cats cant even digest that stuff, why advertise it? If I were them Id put lots of meat on the front. What do you think?

Does cat food hurt dogs and does dog food hurt cats?

My husbands dad is staying over while his fiancee is out of town and he brought his cat with him. Well with his cat he brought cat food and my dog seemingly likes the cat food more than her dog food and the cat seems to like the dog food more than the cat food. I expect my husbands dad and the cat to be gone by monday. My dog will only eat the cat food right now and the cat goes either way. Will this hurt either one of them if its only for a short while? Thanks in advance for answers/opinions!

Is it safe to feed my chickens canned fish cat food?

Ive heard that fish is a good source of protein for chickens to eat, and as I dont want to feed them other animals (meat and bone meal), I thought that cheap canned fish, like cat food, could be a good option from time to time. Does anyone know if this could be bad for them?

Has friskies recently changed the ingredients in canned cat food?

Both of my cats have started recently refused most of the friskies canned cat food they have adored for years. It was weird how fast it happened with both cats. I am concerned.

Whats a good high quality natural cat food for sensitive stomach?

My cat throws up easily in the morning if she has too much food (like 3 pieces!) I feed her origins cat food and I like to get as natural and organic as posible...I dont eat by products and fillers so I dont want her to either! Whats a good Brand?

Why my cat is huging the bowl of cat food?

My cat sometimes is crazy, she coming and laying down with the big stomach and huging the bowl of cat food and also sleeping. My cat is funny, she is really fat, she is like 20 pound, i wonder why she is huging the bowl....

What is the healthiest wet cat food?

My 10 year old Siamese girl has been sick and has lost a lot of weight. Her appetite is there but she only eats a few bites of food. She loves wet food but is finicky - her favorite is 9 Lives Super Supper, but since shes eating so little Id like to get something a little more nutritious into her, maybe even a prescription food? SO whats the healthiest most nutrient dense WET cat food?

How to stop my dog from eating the cats food?

My dog is 7 years old and we have never had this problem before. We feed her every morning the same food we have fed her for 7 years, but starting a week ago, she started eating the cats food in the afternoon. Why would she start eating the cat food after 7 years of never touching it? And how do i get her to stop?

What is the best cat food for persian kitten 1month above?

Im afraid to let my kitten eat a table food coz she might get rid of it... or may be she will no longer eat a cat food anymore when i try to feed her a table food... Thanks in advance... :D

Will a feral cat find dry cat food behind a tree?

I have to hide the food from my neighbors, will the cat find the food?

How can we keep yellow jackets meat eating wasps ants way from our dry cat food?

Hi~ We have two outdoor cats that we feed outside. We have a real problem with ants yellow Jackets swarming the food. Does anybody have any idea on keeping them out of their food. We only feed dry cat food ( Royal Canin). We are also leaving for a week and like to leave food out for them. Thanks for the help! Jennifer

Hello what would be the best brand of premium dry cat food for a cat with recurrent cystits?

Its my dads cat. He never takes him to the vet. I took him earlier and he was diagnosed with Cystitis (bladder infection). He told me to change his diet, since he is on a really cheap and low quality food.

Why does my male cat viciously attack my older female cat only when he eats dry cat food?

He is overweight and would eat 24 hrs a day if I let him so I have to monitor his intake carefully. The older cat isnt anywhere near him when he seeks her out and attacks her after eating dry food. I switched him to wet food and he stopped doing it but lastnight he got into the dry food and immediately attacked her after I took it away from him.

How would i get my cat to have discrimination learning so that she only came running when a cat food can wa?

How would i get my cat to have discrimination learning so that she only came running when a cat food can was being opened (and now every can)?

How do i buy things like cat food with cash on ebt card?

Hi, Im getting 100 dollars a month in food stamps and 100 "cash on hand" or whatever thats on the card. I need to buy cat food and pay a bill with the 100 dollars on the card but I dont know how to. When I go to the store do I ask them to ring it up like a regular card? Thanks!

When do you feed stray kittens dry cat food?

I had a stray cat have babies in my car port. Shes been taking care of them very well. We feed her and another cat as well (thats all).. I was wondering when do we feed her kittens dry cat food? How do we keep them from going out of the property when they start walking around more? Were going to trap them and get them fixed when they are old enough.

Should i give a stray cat some of my cats food?

I always see it at the same time every day by my house. It is super shy and runs whenever it see people. Its White with Orange spots. Should i put out a bowl of my Siames cats food. He eats Deli-Cat. It is not diet food or anything like that it is normal cat food.

What is the best kind of cat food?

My cat just had a massive operation on his digestive system and I want to know what is the best kind of cat food, he usually has Whiskas and I know there are better ones but he has always liked it. He cant really have gravy foods because they dont agree with him and I have heard they arent as good anyways. Could you please tell me what the best brand of cat food is that I can get access to in Australia? And what about meats and meat preparation if I want to make him some myself? What about biscuits?

How can i keep mine and my husbands dogs from eating up the cat food?

We feed the cats their cat food and the dogs their dog food but the dogs never touch the dog food and eat the cat food instead

What is the best hairball management cat food?

My cat has hairballs everyday and i tried the stuff in the tube and thats helps alittle but still has them. i know that you should get a high fiber cat food but which is the best? or are all the same?

How do i get my 2 yr old cat to eat cat food believe me i have tried so many options without success?

He only eats cooked fish or canned tuna. I have had him since his birth and all the other kittens in the litter had no trouble eating cat food.

Is pet promise natural canned cat food a good choice?

I had my cats on Science Diet dry food but heard that dry food isnt good and Science Diet isnt good. So I recently bought Nutro Max and then was told that that isnt the best either. What about Pet Promise natural canned cat food? Any reviews on Science Diet, Nurtro Max, or Pet Promise? Thanks!

Is it okay for my cat to eat a few bites of dog food?

My cat still eats his regular food, but sometimes he eats a few bites out of the dogs bowl. I know that dog food doesnt have the tuarine that cat food does, but Im not worried about that since the cat still eats his own food. Ive read that the pH level of dog food can lead to urinary problems in cats. Is this true? Do I need to worry about his eating a few bites from the dog bowl?

Can leaving cat food tins in the fridge harm my cats?

I buy my cats tinned wet cat food to add to their kibble, but I only give them about a fourth of the can per day... the rest I put in the fridge with a piece of saran wrap over the top of the tin. Someone told me that leaving food in the tins while refridgerating can cause botulism...Is it true that can cause botulism, and if so... would botulism harm my cats or does it only affect humans?

Do you pay attention to ingredients in cat food before buying?

Ok I ask this because of posts I read on here. Do people pay attention to the ingredients in cat food before buying or do they just buy it because they see it on tv and pay no attention to ingredients. Here are the first 7 ingredients in Purina Cat Chow dry:Poultry by-product meal, corn meal, ground whole wheat, corn gluten meal, soy flourWhat is poultry by products anyways, and look at all those grains why do carnivores need all those grains. Here is the first 7 ingredients in one brand of Fancy Feast canned: This is the turkey and giblets kindMeat by-products, meat broth, poultry, poultry by-products, natural and artificial flavors, guar gumYuck Yuck yuck by products and no named meats. Here are 2 much better foods:TimberWolf Organics Serengeti: (dry) Chicken Meal, Fresh Chicken, Chicken Fat (preserved with mixed tocopherols), Low Ash Salmon Meal, Potatoes, Tuna Oil (preserved with mixed tocopherols) Dried Eggs, Dried Chicken LiverNow that looks better look at that (cont.

What brand of cat food do you feed your kittenscats?

What brand of cat food do you feed your kittens and cats? And which one is best?

What can i do with an open bag of cat food?

I have been feeding my cat special food to prevent urinary problems, and I have an opened bag of Iams food. Will any shelter take it, or do I just throw it away?

Is it true that cat food is made out of abortions?

My brother told me that cat food is made out of abortions and that is why I should never get an abortion. Is that true? That is like so totally gross but it makes sense to me because what do they do with the abortion after they take it out?

Is it normal for two 6 month old kittens to eat only one can of cat food all day?

I have to 6 month old kittens and apparently one 5.5 oz can of Blue Buffalo Spa Select cat food is enough for them. Is this not enough? How can I get them to eat more? They only eat a little bit of it and then I refrigerate it, they eventually finish the whole can at the end of the day.

Why is cat food bad for dogs to eat?

My pug will eat the cat food instead of his own food anytime our backs are turned. Vet says not to let that happen but why?

Is it ok to start 3 month old kittens on dry cat food?

I am getting a pair of male 3 month old kittens, and i was wondering if it was ok to give them dry cat food. If not what do you recomend? I am also trying to think of names for both, but i will look at their personallitys before naming them.

How to make your own cat food?

Ive heard of the raw food diet and seen some results but had just hear of people in my community making their own pet food and how much better their animals feel. After the food scare last year my cat got ill, lucky he ended up being fine, however... he has a hard time with dry foods now and Im really thinking about making his food at home... any one have any references, dietary info or some suggestions on good books to read for this.

How do i keep ants from invading my kitchen trash or cat food bowl at night?

When I spray the trash can down, they go for the cat food bowl. But dont want to spray that down with poison. Or is there a way to keep them out of my house completly? (They wont take the bait back with them, Ive tried.)

What should i do for a stray kitten that wont eat cat food?

My sister found a little stray kitten this morning and we gave her water and some cat food but wont eat or drink. Should I buy her some cat milk or anything? Thanks SOO much!

How can i get my dog dashchund to eat his dog food and not our cats cat food?

I have a dachshund about 12 lbs, and i have a cat. but he has been eating the dry cat food and not his dry dog food. ive gone as far as not giving him any wet food or treats but still he goes for the cat food. any suggestions? his fur is dry and i know he needs his vitamins for his fur and his health not to mention what its done to his teeth.

Does premium cat food really make a difference?

Im wondering if Premium Cat food really makes a difference. I had 2 cats and fed them both meow mix their entire life, one lived to be 17 and the other lived to be 19 and he just passed away a few months ago. They both lived long healthy lives. They were always very active cats even in their senior years. I realize with premium food they usually dont use fillers/by products etc etc. But do you guys think the extra price on premium food is worth it?

Is it harmful for my dog to eat cat food?

Lately Ive noticed that my two year old chihuahua would rather eat the cats food than her own. I buy "Pedigree Little Bites" for my dog and Purina "Indoor Delights" for my cat. However, whenever I feed them, my dog heads straight for the cats bowl, and will eat her food only when the cat kicks her out of her food (which happens after a few minutes). Is it harmful if she eats some cat food?

Is purina veterinary diets nf kidney function cat food similar to nutro natural choice complete care senior?

My vet recommends the Purina Kidney Function Cat Food, but its rather pricey. Does anyone know if the Nutro Natural brand is similar in nutritional content? Or any other brand that is less expensive and low in protein and phosphorus. Thanks!

What is the best brand of cat food?

So I am not picky and neither are my two cats. I have one boy that is 1 year old and a girl who is about 2 years. I just want the best brand of cat food for them, something that isn’t high calorie with no animal preservatives maybe something with a lot of natural ingredients. Can anyone give me some ideas to what they feed their cats?!

What healthy canned cat food does your cat absolutely love?

Looking for canned food with no by-products in it that my cat will enjoy. She doesnt like canned food that much. It is a hassel to feed it to her sometimes because she often needs to be pursuaded to eat it.

If tomatoes are so bad for cats then why is fancy feast putting them in their cat food?

I went to feed my cat his favorite turkey primavera from Fancy Feast. I know there are veggies in it, but some of them look red. And I know red is tomato, which is bad for kitties. So I read the back of the can, and sure enough, tomatoes were listed. Last time I checked, feeding dogs and cats tomatoes was a big no no. So, how can a company that manufactures cat food, put such an ingredient in their product? Any ideas?

What is a good all encompasing cat food?

I have 3 cats, and all of them have different needs. One is old (16), one is fat, and the other is a young indoor/outdoor cat. I would like to only buy one type of cat food if possible. Is there one that meets these needs?

What brand of cat food would u recommend and why?

I want to spoil my cat! and i want him to have cat food that is well known and healthy yet at the same time tasty for my soon to be cat. Also do you think i should use catnip for my cat???

Whats the difference between cat and dog food?

My dog loves cat food more than his dog food, but since its supposedly not good for him, we dont let him have it. I was just wondering if anyone knows why dogs cant eat cat food and basically what the difference is between the two?

Is feeding a cat dog food bat for it?

Sometimes when i run out of cat food I just give my cat some dog food. Is it bad for the cat? Thanks in advance.

Do you have any suggestions for healthier catkitten food?

I have two cats that eat out of one anothers bowls so I need to feed them the same cat food. One is a kitten (9 mos) and the other is an adult cat (6 years). I am currently feeding them Purina Kitten Chow its giving both cats VERY loose stools that have a horrendous odor. It gives the kitten horrible, horrible gas. Yes, its funny to read but not when you have to live with it. Any suggestions on a good healthy cat food that they both can eat that might help the dirreaha/odor problems? Please dont suggest Iams, I refuse to buy from a pet food company that mistreats their animals they use for testing their food products. Thanks for any suggestions you have!!

Can someone help me with a question concerning cat food and crystals?

We took our cat to the vet because he was urinating on the floor and there was blood in his urine. She said it was from "crystals" and told us he had to have a certain type of food now. She suggested Hills Perscription Diet c/d (what they carried). This 4 pound bag cost $12!! Are there other LESS EXPENSIVE brands? And if anyone elses cat has had the same problem and "solution" (he has already been given antibiotics), how long did you continue this diet for?

What is the best brand of canned cat food??

What brand/kind of cat food should we get my cat??My cat is 17 years old and the vet said that we need to switch her to senior canned cat food. She has ate dry food before and we usually buy good life recipie. There are just so many choices of canned cat food, but what is the best for the price?? We dont want to feed our cat the most expensive food. Also do they even make senior canned cat food?? Thanks!!

How do cats get sick from cat food?

My cat gets sick from cat food some times. she throws up and lies down and eats grass. we switched her food and she stopped for a while. whats going on and why?????????? help me out!

How do i stop my dog from eating cat food?

My sisters cat moved in. And my dog eats his food. How can I stop? Its so irritating. And I really care about my dogs health. When I put it on a table, it falls off the table. My sisters cat is a messy eater!

Why does cat food give me heartburn but not dog food?

When i eat high end cat food, i still get heartburn but when i eat any grade dog food i still dont get heartburn. Why?

How many pounds of cat food do you go through a month?

I have 6 cats and I go through 50 or more pounds of cat food every month.

What kind of cat food should i buy?

Weve got a 2 year old cat and have recently read that she should be getting wet cat food, not just dry. We want to buy a good quality cat food, not just what is expensive or has hollow promises. What kind should I buy? Thanks!

Best cat food that you can buy at walmart?

Im at my wits end! All of the cat foods that are being reccommended I can only buy 30+ miles from here! If I have to drive that far to get cat food, I dont even know if Id want to pick that one. My husband is not going to agree to drive that far anyway. So whats the best cat food that you can get from WALMART?

Youll need to do some label reading - avoid foods with corn and by-products. Remember that Nature intended for cats to eat meat, not corn. It can also cause them to have tummy issues as many cats cannot digest it. By-products are the scraps of the slaughterhouse industry. Beaks, diseased organs, hides, tendons, spinal chords - things not fit for human consumption - those are by-products. Look for a food that has a real meat source listed as the first ingredient (it should say chicken or chicken meal, not by-product meal or chicken by-products) and no corn, or corn gluten meal. Avoid their Special Kitty brand, but I have been told that they do sell a brand that is free of corn and by-products. As I said, youll need to read labels. My personal opinion is that you should make the trip, to get some better brands, but stock up to make it worthwhile so you dont have to go very often. Or you can buy online and have it shipped to the house and save gas!

Which is the best brand of cat food?

I own a kitten that is a few months old, and Im wondering which brand of cat food is the best for kittens and the best price. Thanks!

Transitioning cat from kitten food to adult cat food?

My kitten turns one the first week of August, and I figured I need to start feeding him adult cat food. (He is eating Purina Kitten Chow now, and I plan on feeding him an indoor Purina Cat Chow Complete Formula.)I was wondering how I should go about transitioning him to the adult food. Do I just completely switch the food one day or do it gradually so it wont upset his stomach?

Can i soak dry cat food to make it soft for him?

My cat seems having trouble eating his dry food, it seemed like he choked on it and another time tried to eat but meowed and went away. Can I soak his food in water to make it easier to eat for him? Thanks

Is it better to give your cat a variety of brands and flavors of food or the same food all the time?

I know my question is a little confusing, but I was wondering will my cat like it if I feed him the same brand of food all the time or different brands? Also, should I feed him the same flavor, or is better to switch it up? Oh, and a lot of people say that "wet" cat food is not good for them and you should only give them that kind of food once in a while. How is it bad? I feed my cat about 3 packets or cans of wet food and nothing has ever happened to him.

What is your favorite brand cat food?

I have a cat (mixed breed) and I want to know what all you cat owners think is the best brand of cat food! THANKS!

Why is my cat throwing up after eats food then grass?

My cat eats a lot. He eats some snacks and cat food and then he goes outside to the backyard and sometimeswhen i watch him outside he nibbles the grass and then comes inside and throwsup. What is in the grass that is making my cat throw up? Can he get sick from this?

Please rate which is the better cat canned food?

Please help rate them in order of which you think its the better cat food. 1. Innova Evo 2. Wellness3. Nature Variety4. Natural Balance5. Eagle PackAlso, can I know do you guys feed your cats with different flavours of canned food, or just fix one all the way? Heard friends talking about canned food in gravys not healthy, how about those in jelly? Any opinions on that? Thanks!

How long does soft cat food last after the quotsell byquot date?

There was a large donation by the local animal control society of soft cat food for volunteers to feed stray cats. It has a "sell by" date of 3-28-08

Is there an alternative thats cheaper for vet prescribed cat food?

My cat has crystals in her urine that built up and made her bleed in her pee, now the vet says she must stay on a vet prescribed cat food they carry, but its a pretty penny. What else can I do or is there any cheaper brands or could I mix some of her old dry food w/ the vet one? I love her and hate to sound so cheap, and I want her to live a healthy carefree life, so just wondered if anyone else had same issue, any advice helps!

How many mg of phosphorus in wet cat food is acceptable?

I cant seem to find out how many mg of phosphorus is healthy for wet cat food. Many of the premium low-carb foods Ive looked at seem to have high amounts. How many mg is safe? Thank you!

How can i stop my dog from eating out of the litter box and the cat food?

My mom says that we have to keep her in the kitchen becuase she always eats the cat food and "stuff" from the cats littlerbox. How can I get her to stop so that she doesnt have to stay in the kitchen for the rest of her life?

How many months does a baby kitten have to be to eat regular cat food?

Like wet cat food. How many months? And whats a one month old kitten eat or drink?

My cat is very skinny yet she doesnt want to eat how can i make her eat the food i provided?

I tried to feed her dry cat food but she only eats little ammounts of them, and wet cat food but she only eat half of what i Provided her and sometimes she eats less than a half.

Which type of cat food is better orijen cat food or go natural cat food?

I would like to switch my cats food over to one of the above foods but cant decide which is better. Both have been recalled in the past but years ago and both have natural ingredients. Any suggestions or feedback from anyone whom has previously used Orijen Go Natural Cat Food would be greatly appreciated.

Should i keep feeding my cat wet kitten food or is all dry food okay?

My cat (1 year) refuses to eat adult wet cat food. We have tried almost every high quality canned food out there, and he wont eat any of it.

What is a good food for a persian cat?

I have a 3 year old persian kitty who is small, only 5 lbs. Right now I feed him Inova. Before that he only had Felidae. But Im hearing that persians systems are fragile. So what types of cat food are good for this kind of kitty. Thanks!

Should i buy the 16 lb cat food if i have only 1 cat?

Dry cat foods are cheaper in large quantity, as with everything else. But should I buy the huge bags if I have only 1 cat? Would the food goes bad if it is opened and not consumed w. a certain time?

My cat carries her food into other rooms before eating it?

She carries a mouthful into the living room or bedroom, drops it on the floor and then eats it. The problem is she never eats all of it so I end up with cat food all over my house. Does anyone know of a way I can get her to stop doing this?

Ok what is the best way to stop a cat from constantly begging for food?

My 11 year old male cat gets a 6 ounce can of cat food 1/2 in morning the other half in the early evening he pesters me starting early in the evening and doesent stop until he gets a snack at night. He bugs me when I go to bed by getting right where I want to sleep and licking my face, its getting pretty annoying. Help

What is the best type of wet and dry cat food?

I am making of birthday cake for my baby kitten Sweetheart. I was just wondering what is the absoulute BEST type of wet and dry cat food?

When to switch from kitten to adult food in your cat?

My female cat is 9 months old and neutered. I feed her small amounts of Purina Kitten Chow 3 times a day. She is an indoor cat and spends a lot of time sleeping and plays usually only in the evening. She looks like she is getting overweight. Would switching to adult cat food help with her weight?

I need help choosing a new cat food?

I did not realize how disgusting the ingredients can be in pet food until I visited the vet yesterday. My cats food is currently Fancy Feast. He loves it but Im afraid it may not be very good for him. He needs a variety of flavors, otherwise he stops eating altogether. Thats how I ended up with Fancy Feast in the first place, they have so many flavors. I want to feed my cat the best quality food possible. Any suggestions? High cost is not a problem.

Is all dry cat food bad for cats?

This is what I am beginning to believe. I have looked at several sources of information for this (some right here at Yahoo Answers) and it looks like dry food is essentially unhealthy for your cat. My cat is quite possibly diabetic, and it really looks like he should not have any dry food, and that includes the dry food made specifically for diabetic cats. Now, I have seen cats live a long time eating only dry food. But maybe they would have been even healthier and had greater longevity without it. What do you think?

How can we feed our cat on food stamps?

We had to accept food stamps. We cant let the kids go hungry. We all lost our jobs. I would rather starve myself then let my cat go hungry. I tried a raw meat diet last year, but he never liked it. Cat food cannot be purchased with food stamps. What are some human foods that will be inexpensive and healthy for a cat to eat? I know that, technically, its not right for me to do this, but I have a fervent love for cats. Hes just as much a part of our family as any member of our species.

Is it ok for my puppy to eat the cat food?

My new puppy always wants to eat my cat food is this bad for her?

What brand of cat food do you feed you cat?

Do you use speciality brands( ex: science diet, nutro) or store bought(meow mix, purina)?My cat has eaten nutro brand since a kitten(he is now 3) but suddenly stopped eating it. We had some purina natural food and he gobbled it up. I dont want to give it to him if its bad for him but I do need him to eat!

Is it ok to mix the dog food and the cat food and let them all eat out of one bowl?

I have 2 small dogs and 2 cats. You see, the dogs raid the cat food bowl and then eat their own food once the cats is all gone. I figure, why keep trying to discipline the dogs? Theyre pretty sneaky about it now, and im always having to give the cats more food. Is there anything wrong with dogs eating cat food, or cats eating dog food?

Is there cat food that has the qualities of high end food at a cheaper cost?

I took my cat to the vet the other day because she seemed sick. It turned out she has some sort of infection of the urniary tract possibly due to crystals forming in her urine. Since this happened to her, she wont be able to eat regular food anymore (Friskies, Meow Mix etc.) because those types of foods caused the crystals to form. For the next couple of weeks I have to feed her some perscription food to help break up the crystal formations. Then after that, the vet told me that I have to buy this certain cat food to prevent this from happening again and its $20 bucks a 4 lb. bag! I dont mind paying for more expensive food, but I was hoping if anyone had any information on places where you can buy special diet type foods for less than what you would pay at the vet. Also, if anyone knew of a comparable food to buy in place of the expensive stuff that would be just as effective. Thanks for the help.

What make of cat food is good and tasty for cats and inexpensive?

I really need some inexspensive food for my cat... i little help please??

How safe is cat food for dogs?

I have a Pekingnese that will be 16 in April. I have trouble giving him medicine. He can be persnickery with dog food and sometimes I waste medicine trying to give it to him in his dog food. He will take it quite readily in cat food. For some reason he loves cat food but the cats really could care less about dog food. Will too much cat food cause harm? I know it can lead to diarrhea.

How can i stop my dog from eating cat food?

I just moved in so there is no good high surface for me to put the cat food up on where the dog cant reach. Any suggestions? Does anyone know if cat food is harmful to dogs? fyi my dog is a chihuahua (4 lbs)

How old does a kitten need to be for soft cat food?

My grandmother just sent a kitten to our house that is 4-5 weeks old. Its mother has abandoned it. I just need to know if it is too early to start soft cat food, or should I continue giving it only the milk substitute? When soft food is started, how much should I let it eat in a day? Thank you

Why exactlly is cat food bad for dogs?

I know that cat food is bad for dogs, but Im curious as to exactly why? Is dry food or wet food worse? What does it do to them, and what amounts are bad? Occasionally my moms dog snags a bit of my cats food, but I shoo him off before he gets more than a kernel or two. Thanks!

Will switching to wet cat food be enough to prevent struvite crystals?

Im having a really hard time deciding what to feed my cat. He has had 2 incidences of struvite crystals - one with complete blockage over the past couple of years. He has always eaten dry food. Im torn between feeding the Urinary SO my vet recommends and trying him on an all wet food diet. A raw food diet is not an option. Id like advice from people who have been in this situation, and what your results have been.

Can i buy cat food in bulk if i only have one cat?

As any cat owner must know, quality cat food is expensive. I only have one cat and Id like to feed him Royal Canin (the vet recommended), but the small packs are really expensive while the 15lb pack doesnt cost that much per pound. Would the food eventually go bad? How could I conserve it?

How can i feed my cat wet cat food without him crapping and throwing up everywhere? ?

Its annoying! Someone said to feed him wet cat food during the winter, but I tried and he threw up everywhere. How do I get him to hold it in?

How old should my kitten be to switch her to adult cat food?

My kitten is about 8 months old now and Ive been feeding her Purina dry kitten food. That is all she eats is dry food. When should I switch her to adult dry cat food and what kind should I get her?

Is it harmful in any way for a dog to eat cat food?

We recently inherited a cat and I cant keep my little dog away from the cat food. She wont even eat her dog food any more.

What cat food is lower in calorieswet or dry?

I was under the assumption that wet food is higher in calories and fat, and im trying to help my cat lose some weight. So what is an ideal "meal plan" for her? Should I feed all dry, all wet or a combo of both?

Which brands are canned cat food are both healthy and affordable and how much are they?

Were on a tight budget and have been feeding our cat the cheap store-brand canned cat food for about 50 cents/can, but we want to switch to something healthier. If you have any advice/info on where to buy the food (either real stores or online), wed appreciate that too. Thanks!

How do i stop my puppy wantingeating cat food and not her own?

My puppy was fed on whiskers when she was little and puppy pedigree but she has taken to cat food and wont eat anything but and whines when she can smell it but cant have it! HELP!

Why dont they make mouse flavoured cat food?

Since ive never seen a cat take down a cow, beef cat food seems odd. Why not pigeon or spider flavour?

How many cans of hillshire farm dinner cat food do i need to feed my cat without begging for more?

I have a cat (I dont know what breed she is). We always feed her half a can of the cat food mentioned above. Almost everytime, it seems that she isnt getting enough of how much she should eat, and occasionally, she wants more. What should I do?!?!?!

When can i start to give my kittens cat food?

I have 2 kittens they are 20 days old when can i start to give them kitten cat food?

We have two cats how can we retrain our older male cat to eat dry cat food?

Our older male cat is about ten years old. He loves tuna. Both he and our female cat (she is about seven) love tuna. But they are very very spoiled and picky. Sometimes, the male cat will not eat his dry Meow Mix food at all. The female usually does, however. So how can we encourage the male cat to eat the dry food again? He only likes to eat the tuna! Also, I have heard that Tuna is bad for the kitty cats. Is this true?

Are there any effects of changing cat food flavors?

I regularly gave my cat a certain flavor of cat food. This past week or so the store didnt have the usual flavor i buy so i bought the same brand but different flavor. My cat wasnt very hesitant with the new flavor. I noticed his eating habits were changing, he was eating less than usual. Could this be because of the cat food?

I just got a 3 year old cat from the spca that tries to eat my food all the time how can i make her stop?

I have tried everything, but she doen`t stop trying to eat people food. I give her the best cat food. I presume her last owners fed her their food all the time. I need help in traning her.

How can i start a class action law suit against natural cat food companies for not keeping their canned?

Cat food consistent? I am sick of having to return cat food to the store because I purchased a case that was hard, or too mushy, or my cat wont eat it because its not like the last case they ate...I am sick of wasting my time and the expensive medication that I have to put in their food that eventually gets dumped down the disposal. I have written to these companies, spoken with them on the phone, done everything I can think of, but the madness continues. I am sure that I am not alone on this and it needs to be stopped. As expensive as the healthy food is to buy for our pets, we should insist that the food is consistent each and every time.

What type of cat food should i buy?

What is the best cat food to give a cat as there are so many brands its like going in to a sweet shop so many to choose from lol and how do you know its good for you cat?

Is there a human equivalent to dog food or cat food?

I think its really cool that a dog or a cat can just live on one type of food all its life. And its healthy for them and everything. They dont really have to worry about eating badly or healthy because Im pretty sure they dont make animal food that isnt healthy and good for them. And I was just wondering if there was like a human kibble food like they feed animals. Not that Id wanna eat it or anything, just basically wondering if it exists. Haha. Does anyone know?

What is the best kitty litter quotoderlessquot cat food?

My boyfriend is ready to kill my cat. He hates the smell of the cat food litter. We live in a small house and with the heat this summer, we are stuck with the horrible smell of cat food and of course litter. I really do not want to have to choose between my cat and my boyfriend, but its almost at that point! HELP!!!!

Is special kitty dry cat food good for your cats?

I bough special kitty adult dry cat food it says its good for strong muscals and heart and I was wondering if its good stuff for your cat we got 9kg bag for a really good price both my cats are liking the stuff now anyways just wondering if its good stuff. thnxs so much

How can i get my persian cat to eat her kd cat food which the veterinarian prescribed?

She hasnt been eating this food; but wants to eat the Purina cat Indoor formula cat food which I feed my other two cats.

Where can i get cat food addins like taurine?

Im making my own cat food without grinding bones. Will ground over the counter human suppliments do?

Do you know if the caloric content is higher in kitten food than regular cat food?

I have a mother cat and three kittens that have wondered onto my back porch. I have 5 inside cats and am trying to fatten up the strays in hope of finding them homes. Ive been giving them the regular urinary health cat food. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Two cats and my cat keeps eating the others food?

My roommate just got a kitten but he buys her the cheapie whiskers cat food. I like to feed my cat the premium Natural Balance cat food because its ingredients are better but no matter what flavor I buy him, he always wants to eat the cheaper stuff and they just keep switching bowls. Even if I try to separate them, the kitten will just eat all her food and then eat all his food too! What should I do??

Can eating cat food harm a dog?

My 4 yr old chihuahua has started having seizures. I took him to the vet and blood tests revealed an elevated liver enzyme after eating. I was wondering if the high protein cat food he would rather eat than dog food could have caused this.

Our cats seem to be getting sick alot lately off their cat food?

My cats always throw up after they eat a certain brand of soft cat food, Purina Friskies (salmon). I was just wondering if there has been any recalls on cat food lately? Or is it possible they are just sick of that particular kind? Weve always fed them this brand for like forever.

Is it unhealthy for my can to only eat canned cat food?

My cats are about 2 years old, and one of them will only eat canned cat food. He will meow and follow me around until I give him some, even if there is a bowl full of dry cat food. Is this unhealthy for my cat, or should I not give in and wait until he gets hungry enough that hell eat the dry food?

Why is my cat eating people food from the counter now?

I have a 5 y. o. female cat. She has always eaten dry cat food (and occasionally wet food, but very rarely). She has recently begun getting on the counter in the kitchen and eating people food. She has done this before in the past, but only if we leave something out, like a tasty meat. Now shes eating anything on the counter, such as last night when we caught her tearing a hole in the bread bag. I know shes eating her dry food because we have to watch her around the other cat and the dog. Weve not changed her food or started giving her less, so Im not sure whats up. We are doing our best to keep our food put up, but the bread incident was a first for us. Any thoughts about why she is doing this?

Does anyone know what other cat food i can feed my cat besides hills kd?

My cat is on the prescription Hills K/D cat food and has started not wanting to eat it. Does anyone know of any other cat food that I can feed her? She is on the K/D because of renal kidney disease. Thanks.

How old should a kitten be before you can feed them wet cat food?

My cat had 3 kittens about four and a half weeks ago. I was wondering how old they should be before I can feed them wet food.1) How old do they have to be?2) Whats the best food to feed them?3) How much do I feed them?4) how many times a day should I feed them? Thanks

Is it healthy to feed a cat human food?

I dont want him to eat human food at all but my grandmother gives my kitten human food behind my back. I just caught her doing so. He eats cat food too. He does not beg for human food but my grandmother calls for him, he comes, and thinking its to play or something and she feeds him human food instead. She does it to her cats and shes trying to do the same to mine! She does not listen to my request to not feed him human food either. Help? Suggestions? And answer. Please?

Can anyone suggest good low residue canned cat food?

I have a cat with megacolon. The vet suggested a canned food by Hills Science Diet (I believe only available at a vets office), but I dont want to support Hill Science Diet. Can anyone suggest good alternatives and cost estimates for them? Thanks a bunch.

When are people going to realize that massed produced dog and cat food are not good for their pets?

The pet food recall just shows that dog and cat foods sold in local grocery stores and big chain pet stores are not the best way to feed your pets. Most of these canned and dry foods lack all the nutrients that an animal needs. If your dog or cat loves and craves a certain food its not because its good for them, its because they arent getting the vitamins and nutrients their bodies need to keep healthy and live long. Anyone who owns a pet should try to feed it the absolute best food they can afford which means food from a health food store or raw food. There are many brands out there that most people have never heard of which are not that much more expensive and so much better for their pets. Check with a smaller pet store and see what brands they carry. I personally feed my cats Inova, Evolve and Merritts brands of cat food. They love it and its good for them. Its full of healthy ingredients, not chemicals. If this pet food recall has scared you, do something about it.

Why are cats and cat food so much cheaper than dog stuff?

All cat food and purchasing cats are so cheap compared to dogs. why? arent both as precious?

What are the benefits of dry cat food vs wet cat food?

I have always fed her dry cat food...she seems to like it fine. I always wondered if I should mix it up...and give her some wet food too. I had a cat when I was a kid and we never gave her wet food...and she was just fine. Any advice?

Is it okay to leave wet canned cat food on the counter covered room temperature for 1 day and not refrigerate?

My cat does not like the canned food when I put it in the fridge as it dries out I think, and she HATES it microwaved. She likes it fresh out of the can. I have just started covering it on the counter for the day and giving it over time during the day and she loves the consistency. So, its out like that, but covered, for maybe 12 - 14 hours. Has anyone else done that long term with success? Anyone have any problems trying that?

Whats the best and healthiest cat food brand?

I use special kitty but I looked at the ingredients the other day and it had by products. Is that bad? Whats the best cat food brand?

What cat food brands are on the recall list?

Why is everyone scared to give a answer regarding the brand names of the cat food on the recalled listd. Wet food as well as dry, cant we get a honest answer?

I leave cat food out from friday to sunday each week and the possums raccoons eat it how do i stop them?

I cannot take my two cats with me each weekend, so I must leave them home with a bowl of cat food. There are two possums and one raccoon that eat the entire cat feeder in one night leaving my cats without food for the rest of the weekend. How can I stop these critters? I cannot come home at night to take in the food. What do I do?

What is the cat food brand you feed your kitty? why do you think it is good?

P. S this is not a research for a cat food company. Just curious.

What is a temporary alternative for cat food?

Last night, someone, I dont know who, came onto my porch and stole my cat food stash. It was placed it this tall cooler thing and they stole it while we were all sleeping. My mom is at work now and I cant drive to the store nor do I have any money on me. Is there any alternative to cat food I can use just until tomorrow? (Earlier I fed them a cooked hot dog, broke into pieces.)My fridge and pantry is packed with stuff, so I bet Ill be able to find something.

What is the most favorite tastiest kidney diet cat food that cats will eat and where can i buy it immediately?

My cat refuses to eat the canned kidney diet food thatthe vet sells and I am looking for alternatives

What is the main difference between dog and cat food?

And as Ive read ingredient labels it appears that cat food is generally better than dog food of the same brand and usually has higher protein levels.

What are some ingridents i should look out for in cat food?

Whats some good brand food for my cat? I want him to live longer and healthy. I feed him purina right now.

How do i get my kittens to eat cat food?

The kittens are 6 weeks old and should be eating soft cat food but they wont. Is there anyway that i can get them to eat it. I have had kittens before and they would already be eating hard food. Thanks to anyone that can help!

What kind of bug likes to eat clarinets clothes and cat food?

I have found tiny, furry, brown bugs in my clarinet case after a few months of not touching it. When a piece of cat food gets onto the floor these same bugs are found on them. And now I have gone through my winter clothes and found about 5 of these things on my sweater!!!! What are they and how can I get rid of them. I would be able to identify them in a picture.

How can i get my cat to eat her food?

My mother bought cheap generic bran food. My cat refuses to eat it and will eat the dog food instead. We tried mixing the dog food with the cat food, but she just picks out the dog food and leaves the rest of the cat food. I dont want to throw away a big bag of cat food. How can I get my cat to eat the cheap food? Should I just give it to my dogs so it doenst get wasted?

Does it matter if you give your kitten adult cat food?

Does it matter if you give your kitten adult cat food as opposed to kitten food? And also, how much food are you supposed to feed two 4 month old kittens?

I am looking for some recipes for homemade cat food?

Since the problem with the commercial cat food, I would like to make my own, using good quality meat, chicken and fish. I do feed tuna on occasion, using a good brand of albacore low sodium, water pack, for my 15 year old male, however I am aware that they can become malnourished if they do not get the proper vitamins, taurine, etc. They also eat a good brand of dry food. Any help would be appreciated.

What is a good cat food that doesnt cost a whole lot?

I currently feed my 3 cats GoodLife because I read somewhere that it doesnt make their poop smell horrible but Im not sure if its really all that healthy for them. Id like to give them a decent quality cat food but one that doesnt cost a lot.

What can i feed a cat besides cat food and tuna? need answer quick?

Right now I have a very hurt stray cat outside, i dont have any cat food or tuna - what else can I feed it? The cat seems to have very few teeth so it cant be very tough. Thanks.

Is there a cat food that both kittens and adult cats can eat together?

I have two new kittens and 4 adult cats. I am trying to give the kittens Kitten Chow but the adult cats keep eating it. I need to find a cat food that both Kittens and Adult cats can eat together. Do they make a cat food for all cats?

Is it bad to feed your cat too much cat food?

No matter how cat food I feed to her, she eats up everything and seems like she is ready for more. I usually feed her about half a can a day. Could I feed her more? She is by no means fat. Shes very slender.

Where can i find the site for dry dog and cat food recalls?

We have six pets we love. We are so worried about the tainted Dog Food, we feed Pedigree Dry Dog food, we have three dogs. We feed our three cats Friskies dry cat food. I be thankful for any info available.

What is the nutritional difference between dog food and cat food?

If my chihuahuas eat cat food, are they missing out on any important nutrients? which ones?

Good luck with your new pet

Some left overs if you have any. milk also can work untill you can get to the store.

What do i feed a cat when i have no cat food?

A cat just wandered into my life today, and it will be another few hours before I can get to the store and get him food. He looks very hungry. What do I feed him in the meantime? I have no canned meats and he doesnt want a hotdog.

What can i do to get my dog to stop eating cat litter and cat food?

She is eating cat poop and the litter. I have seriously moved it all around the house and she always finds it. I dont know what else to do. Same goes with the cats food. Im not getting rid of either one of them. I love them to much. I just know its not good for her to be doing this. Is she missing something in her diet if so what? I am so confused. please help!

What is really the best brand of cat food?

Ive tried Purina and my cat likes it should i go for a better brand cat food if so what are some i could try?

Whats the best kind of cat food for a 2 month old kitten?

Right now i give her dry Purina Kitten Chow and every few days she gets some wet Purina Pro Plan that my neighbor gave to me. She also gets some fresh meat every few days. What do you think is the best cat food for her? shes an indoor cat.

What can i do to keep ants from getting into cat food?

I am moving to a new house and i am bringing two of my cats with me. They are already outside cats and do fine because their cat food is in the garage. they have a cat door to go through. but whenever i move to my new house there wont be a cat door, so what can i do to keep the ants from getting into it whenever its outiside? Thank you soo much for all you help.

Can you feed a 2 year old cat senior cat food?

I already have an older cat that is eating the senior cat food, and will be adopting a 2 year old cat soon. Is there a food that is good for both senior and younger indoor cats? Thanks for any advice!

Does anyone know if the dry cat food is involved in the recall?

I heard a lot of cat and dog food are being recalled. I feed my cat Special Kitty Indoor formula dry food. Is my cat at risk? He seems just fine.

How do i stop my cat from stealing the neighbours cats food?

My cat is growing into an obese slob! He keeps stealing the neighbours cats food and they are beginning to get annoyed! (Fair enough!)

How keep raccoons out of our garage and eating all the cats food?

We will be going out of town soon for a few days and we want to leave the cat food in the garage but if we do the raccoons will eat everything and leave the cat nothing. We have a outside cat so we cant close the garage or it will go crazy and the raccoons come from the woods right behind our house.

How long after kittens start walking do you give them water and cat food?

I have 3 little kittens that are about a month old now. they are getting around and playing more everyday. is this a good time to introduce them to cat food and water? or are they too young? i dont want to make them sick.

How much food should my cat be eating?

My domestic short hair cat is kept indoors and Im pretty sure that she is being over-fed. Her actual weight is about 16 pounds and she looks pretty hefty. We feed her dry cat food.

Is there vegan cat food that people can eat?

Im not making my cat be vegan but I want to eat cat food.

What is the best brand of commercial canned cat food?

Im on a limited budget and can only afford cat food sold at the local supermarket. Whats the best brand of commercial canned cat food under these circumstances? Thank you.

How do i get my cat to lose weight even though he is on a high protein low fat lite cat food?

We have him on Evo Lite cat food which seems to be helping a little but he is still overweight. This is the only food we are feeding him right now.

What is the difference between dogcat food and dogcat treats?

Why are there dog/cat treats that can only be given to pets a few times a day? Are they fattening? I was looking at some of the ingredients of a premium pet food and I was thinking: If pets love their food so much (assuming they do), couldnt you just give them a grain of dog/cat food instead of a dog treat as a reward? Both have meat-like stuff in it, both satisfy the pet, and isnt the pet food better for them? Is there some specific component in dog/cat treats that make them so much more appealing than pet food AND makes them so bad for them that they can only be given treats a few times a day?

Did the makers of welness cat food remove the garlic that used to be one of its ingredients?

I wouldnt buy Wellness cat food before because it had garlic listed as one of its ingredients. Now, when I read the bag I cant find it on there anymore. Have they removed the garlic?

What type of wild animal would be picky about dry cat food?

We have some sort of animal living in our attic. We know because we hear him scratching around every now and then--and I put some dry cat food up there to confirm that we werent just hearing things. Well, the food was definitely moved around, but it doesnt seem like much was consumed--if any.

Is it enough to feed my cat one sachet of food per day and keep his bowl topped up with biscuits all day?

Its costing me a fortune, he eats 4 or 5 sachets a day easily and the biscuits are so much cheaper than the sachets. Also i only live in a small flat and the cat food stinks!! My cat is about 12 and a boy, he is mainly a house cat, goes out about once a week. Ive started just giving him biscuits through the day and one sachet at night, is this enough?

What are the cheaper alternative to buying whiskas or any cat food in the market?

I have 10 cats to feed and I wanted to reduce cost; so what is a cheaper alternative to Whiskas and other cat food in the market?

Is it ok to feed my cat dry dog food between his regular wet cat food feedings?

I feed my cat wet (cat food) food in the morning, afternoon and night. He eats it all within a few minutes and constantly is begging for food throught the rest of the day. My dog passed away a few weeks ago and we still ahve about 20lbs of dry small bites kibble. Right now I will give the cat a small handfull of the dog kibble between his regular feedings. Is this ok for him? He seems to like it, even more than the dry cat food I used to give him.

Would you give a cat food that says on the packet unfit for human consumption?

A while ago I bought some cat food and when I got the packet home, I noticed that on the back of the packet there was a warning saying that this food is not safe for human consumption, I threw them away immediately. Luckily I read it before I gave my babies the treats. For to me if it is not safe for us to eat then why put it on the shelves and expect us to feed them to our cats. So I was wondering if anyone else felt the same way. And if there is anyway to petition against this?

How do you store canned cat food once its opened?

Sometimes id like to buy the larger cans of cat food and feed my cat from it for a couple of days. but i dont know how to store it. can i put the remaining cat food in a tupperware-like container with lid store it in the fridge?

Should i continue to let me dog eat the cat food?

I just got a new chihuahua and he eats more of the cat food than his own dog food. Should we just buy one food for all the animals or is he only eating it b/c its new to him? Its all dry food, we dont give them canned food. I just want to make sure he gets all the nutrition he needs.

Are animal shelters more in need of cat food or dog food?

I have gotten coupons in the mail from Purina. I can get a free 10lb bag and a free 25lb bag. I am not feeding this to my pets (yuck), but Im donating it to the shelter. So, should I get 25lbs of cat food and 10lb of dog food, or vice versa? What are they more in need of? Thanks!

What would be a good title for a science fair project testing what type of cat food cats like best?

Im doing a science fair project on what type of cat food do cats like best out of wet, dry, and wet and dry mixed together. Any suggestions?

How is the quality of triumph canned cat food?

My cat has been eating a rotation of wellness and natural balance canned food, but doesnt seem thrilled anymore, I saw Triumph canned food in different flavors, anyone know if its good food? Thanks.

At how old can a kitten start eating cat food?

My cat just had four kitty babys last month and they are still drinking her milk. Do i start giving them food or when?

Is it better for a dog to eat cat food or a cat to eat dog food?

My pets constantly eat each others food. The dog eats more of the cat food than vice versa. I just wonder if I should just feed her cat food. I feed both of them dry food.

Why does my cat only eat one particular brand of food?

He does not steal food like normal cats, he does not eat meat, no chicken, no meat at all, ive tried all cat foods but none work apart from "go cat" dried food and even then he only eats the green ones which are the vegs. ive given food from my plate all he does is smell it and scruches his face up and runs away. i know theres nothing wrong with my food, all he eats are dried veg cat food and only 1 brand at that.

My cat walks around the neighborhood stealing other cats cat food all the time how do i stop it??

My very greedy cat Ollie will walk straight into the neighbors houses (through their cat doors), at any time and steal the cat food in the bowls. It is very embarrassing. Is there anything we can do to stop it?

Ps do not feed your cat 9 lives can food i fed my kitten that one time and unfortunatly it gave him the squirts i changed right back to friskies now hes fine good luck

Try Merrick good brand high quality they have cannedalso try Katz-n-Flocken dry cat food formula, Wellness and Newmans Own...all high quality should stop the rees and has less by products than the stuff in grocery stores

Does anybody know of a good can cat food?

My cat gets diarehha when she eats can cat food but thats all she wants to eat. I also give her dry food in Friskies indoor cat food and she hates it, the can food is friskies tuna. I need something for her that she will like and not make her have diareaha.

What would cause a catfood smell when you dont have cat food?

My apartment always has this yucky cat-food smell. I dont have any cat food. Ive worked to keep it clean but the smell just continues to linger.. I can open up the windows but it comes back when I get home at the end of day and the place has been closed up. I cant leave the windows open during the day because they present an easy target for thieves! What would cause this kind of odor?

Why is my cat throwing up hard cat food?

I have tried several brands of cat food (grocery store brands) even the "hairball" kind and my indoor cats (especially one of them) regularly throw up the hard food almost whole. Any suggestions why and how to help them? Thanks!

Getting a cat to eat a pill with food without noticing?

My kitty is having an allergic reaction and I need to give him Benedryl. Ive tried to crush up the caplets and put them in wet cat food, and even in some melted butter, but as soon as he takes a bite, he spits it back up, then proceeds to drool all over. Can anyone help me out?

Does anyone know the product numbers of the recalled dog and cat food?

Menu Foods recalled 46 brands of dog food and 37 brands of cat food including Iams, Nutro and Eukanuba. The company has not released the product numbers.

How much fiber is enough in cat food?

My cat has hard stool sometimes so I kept his canned food the same (wellness canned) but switched the dry from innova which had 2 percent fiber to Wellness Core with 3 percent fiber. Is 3 percent fiber enough you think? Also has anyone tried the cat grass/oat grass? This is suppose to provide more fiber and help with hairballs? Thanks.

Can cats smell an unopened can of cat food?

Doesnt seem to matter where the cans are when we bring in groceries, he can find just what bags have the cans of cat food in them. I can understand the bags of dry food, but the cans?????

How long does canned cat food last in the fridge?

If I buy them in big cans, they are so cheap and I can afford Wellness... but I only have one cat. She refuses to eat any dry food I offer so I give her a little dry mixed in her canned. She would be able to finish a 12.5 oz can in 3 days...... is that too long in the fridge? What can I do to keep it fresher? Or should I stick to brands I can afford like Fancy Feast?

How much tinned cat food per cat per day?

Ive recently changed my cats over to wet food, but they are eating me out of house and home. They are quite capable of eating a tin of Whiskas (14oz/200g) EACH per day. A friend mentioned this morning that her cat gets half that, and I was originally giving them 1 tin between them per day. So are they leading me up the garden path when they tell me they are hungry?

How come cat food has fish in it that they eat daily and humans shouldnt have too much fish a week?

I dont know why Im curious, I just remember watching a commercial for cat food and wondering how cats dont get mercury poisoning from having so much fish.

How do i get some guy to stop putting cat food on my drive way?

I heard about some asshole trying to catch cats in my neighborhood and that jackass puts the cat food infront of my house. This happened twice. I never caught him, how can i stop him? Will police help?

At what age do you start a kitten on cat food?

My cat had one kitten three weeks ago and of course is still nursing....but I was wondering when I should start introducing cat food into the kittens diet?

Which brands of canned cat food would you recommend more a moderate budget?

Were getting a 6 week old male cat at the end of this month. Im not going to be be shopping at supermarkets or online for the food, but something in the middle, that I could get at my local pet store is what Im looking for.

How can we switch our cats cat food?

Our cat loves the cheap cat junk food. Actually we give her Iams, which is a step above purina, et al. However, she only eats the crunchy stuff. Shes interested in the wet stuff, but she just licks it for 10 minutes then walks away. Shes also 7 years old and the vet says that dehydration is causing her bladder and urinary tract problems. He told us that cats should be able to get more of their moisture from food, and told us to get her on a wet food diet. The only problem is, even if we dont give her the dry stuff, she wont eat more than a bite of the wet. Well, shell lick it, but then shell go looking for the dry stuff when she gets hungry. Do we just keep leaving out wet stuff and stop the dry stuff cold turkey? She doesnt like us to mix wet and dry. She sniffs at it and goes on a hunger strike. Any tips?

What is the very best food to feed my cat?

My little Queen has had a litter of kittens, all born healthy as can be. Im now very concerned with her and my kittens health when it regards their food. I looked at the ingredients list of their dry food, and Im shocked. Corn meal being number one, an poultry by-product meal being second. What is the best, and most affordable, cat food I can give them, and how may I supplement their diet?

What kind of cat food is really good and healthy for my cat?

What kind of wet and dry cat food do you feed your cat, and what kinds are really healthy?

How to make homemade cat food?

How can I make homemade (wet) cat food? I usually feed my cats Natural Life dry cat food during the day, and canned wet food in the morning. But I want them to have more nutritional wet food, and I dont think the commercial products are good for them. Besides what I should make for them, how often should I give them wet food?

Which cat food is best for my one year old male cat?

Currently, Im feeding my kitty one cup of Iams diet adult cat food(indoor formula) with hairball control and a third of a can of Fancy Feast as a treat. What cat food would you recommend for my indoor kitty?

Where do i find these brands of cat food?

I just read up on some of the questions about the best food to feed your cat, and most of the reccommended brands I have never even heard of. Where do they sell brands such as Nutro, Innova, and Wellness?

Has anyone found a list of cat food that has been recalled?

I am concerned about the pet food that is tainted.....I find several brand names of dog food, but cant find out if Friskies canned cat food is one to be concerned with. Friskes is made by purina but I cant get any information on it. Do you?

Is it okay to feed my cat tuna flavored cat food?

Such as whiskas Purrfectly fish, which has tuna as like the second ingredient and is actual pieces of tuna. I know that it is not recommended to feed your cats large amounts of human food tuna fish but is it okay in actual cat food?

How do you get the smell of cat food out of the refrigerator?

A family member placed an open can of cat food in my refrigerator and I cant get rid of the aweful smell.

What is the best brand of canned cat food to feed your cats? healthiestcheapest?

What is the best brand of canned cat food to feed your cat? Along with how many times a day you should feed them? If its 3 times a day, How many times should be dry and canned? Should it be two times of canned cat food and then only once of dry cat food? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

Whats the best kind of cat food for a 2 month old kitten?

Right now i give her dry Purina Kitten Chow and every few days she gets some wet Purina Pro Plan that my neighbor gave to me. She also gets some fresh meat every few days. What do you think is the best cat food for her?

What is the best dry cat food on the market?

In two weeks I will be getting a Persian Kitten. What is the best kitten food on the market to feed her? And what is also the best Adult cat food on the market? I preferbaly like to shop at PetSmart, if that helps. thanks.

Cant we add cat contraceptives to the most used cat food brands?

We have to buy cat food for them anyway whereas we dont have the money to get them all fixed. Are there such things as cat contraceptives and has anyone thought to add them to typical cat food you find at the big stores like wal-mart so the overbreeding of cats can be stopped? Then if you really wanted kittens all you have to do is change what you feed them right? Im just curious as to if theres any way besides spaying/neutering them as I dont like that idea.

Is it typical for cats not to like cat food containing fish?

I feet my two cats Wellness canned cat food. They clearly prefer the formulas without fish (turkey, chicken, beef and chicken) to those with fish (beef and salmon, turkey and salmon, chicken and herring). Is it ok to cater to their preferences and only buy their favorites, or it is important for them to get some fish in their diet?

How do you personally keep cat food fresh?

For wet food, I cover the can with wax paper then secure it with a rubber band before I put it in the fridge. For the dry, I use to keep the bag closed with a rubber band until I got cat litter in a bottle. When the bottle was empty, I cleaned it out properly and now keep the dry food inside. The added benefit was one less bottle in the garbage. So what are your tips?

How do i know when my kittens are ready to eat real cat food?

They/re only about 4 weeks old. I do not know if the mother cat is feeding them or not because Im never around when shes feeding them. So how do I know it is time for the baby kittens to start feeding on real cat food? One already started sips a little water every now and then.

What is the best holistic or natural cat food to feed?

I want to start my new cat out with a holistic/natural diet. I got samples from a local pet store that sells such food in California Natural, Innova, Taste of the Wild, and Felidae (sp). Which one is the best of is there one here not listed that is better?

What is the best cat food for a cat with a sensitive stomach?

My kitty gets the poos if she eats another kind of cat food for over a month so I was wondering if their was like a high grade brand of cat food like Blue but Iv never seen one of a high grade

What is the difference between friskies and 9 lives canned cat food?

Is there any difference between these brands? Which is better? I noticed that Friskies is more expensive than 9 Lives. Which brand of canned cat food do you recommend?

Why does my cat constantly beg for food when she has diabetes?

I give my cat a can of md cat food, and a shot of insulin. Could she also be hypoglycemic? Ahhhhh!

What would you think or do about a man who puts cat nip and dry cat food on the bed?

I have 3 cats. I put a flat sheet on our queen bed for sanitary reasons. My husband buys loose cat nip and puts it on the bed. Also he puts (loose) dry cat food on the bed. He thinks this is fine. Now when i go to bed i have to shake out the sheet. He thinks this is fine. What is your opinion on this. I think it is beyond stupid. Our couch has turned into a wool blanket with cat nip. Is this reasonable. Who sleeps in a food trough?

How do you wean a kitten off of canned cat food?

My kitty is spoiled. I got him when he was 11 weeks old and he refused to eat kitten chow. I had to feed him canned cat food. He is now 6 months old and will only eat the hard kitten chow at night when I lock him in my bedroom for the night. In the morning and in the afternoon he refuses to eat it and will beg and beg for canned food. Any tricks to get him to eat dry food all the time?

What cat food is your favourite for your cats?

My cat has used Purina One (which is a bit expensive for my budget, my store sells them in such small bags.) Salmon flav., but lately she only eats if i combine wet food or small amounts of her favourite tuna/salmon. is it good to switch up brands to see if she will take to them better? what kinds do you use? just dry or just wet or both?

Is it safe to mix a little cat food in with dog food?

I have a medium size English Shepherd who is a very picky eater. I feed him Moist N Meaty which he wont touch unless I put a little cat food on top. We own a cat as well, and the two of them get fed at the same time. I understand the nutritional values of either foods which is why I want to make sure that a spoonful with each meal wont hurt him.

How do you get your dogs to stop eating from the cats food dish?

I have 2 dogs and a cat at my house. They each have their own food dish, the dogs obviously have dog food and the cat has cat food, but my dogs are always eating all of my cats food out of her dish, almost to where it is empty. How can I get my dogs to stop doing this? We already know we dont want to put the cats food dish on the table or counter.

What should i do about my kitten eatting my 1 year old cat food?

My one year old, was just switched to Science Diet Adult a month ago. and my kitten is on Ims right now. Ive honestly tryed everything! i put the kitten food in a differnt room of the apartment(didnt work), Ive put the kitten bowl on top of the other food bowl, when my older cat is done eatting(seems to help, but i feel bad for my older cat). and finally ive come to the point of putting the right bowls infront of them. I almost wonder if i should swich my kitten to Science Diet since the adult and the kitten look and smell the same or do the wet food, cuz my 1 year old wont touch wet food. I want my babies to be healthy, and eatting what they should be eatting to help them grown, im just lost on how to make them eat there own. So anyones advice will be help fullThanks.

At what age should i start my kitten on adult cat food?

My kittens are 5 months old. Can I start them on adult cat food at this time?

Can you make cat food for your cats?

Does anyone know any healthy recipes I can make for my cats? My indoor cat is getting a bit overweight and Ive been playing with her and exercising but I would also like to reward her with some good food, outside of the regular dry food. I remember reading somewhere awhile ago that cats who eat more meat live longer and healthier. Does anyone know a good brand of dry or wet cat food?

Is it bad for your cat to eat cold food from the fridge?

My husband has started buying the large cans of cat food because it is cheaper, but rhe problem is I have to put the left overs in a container in the fridge. Should i let it get to room temperature before they eat it or will it go off by doing that? Also, what about raw beef mince? Can they eat that straight from the fridge?

What can i feed my cats everyday other than store bought hard cat food?

I saw an episode of Oprah a while ago about her dogs. She feeds them rice and chicken and other things. I was wondering, is there anything like that that I could feed my cats? I know cat food from the stores have the proper nutrition and everything, but I would really love to see them enjoy their food, rather than eating the hard food where it seems like its going to break their teeth. I mean, if I were them, I surely wouldnt want to eat that stuff. hehe.

How do i get my cat 3yrs old to stop eatting my younger cats 9months kitten food?

Ive had my 9month old cat for a month now and my 3 year old cat is starting to eat the kitten food instead of his own adult cat food. I leave food for them in their bowls all day because they eat at different times of the day. I cant stop the older cat when Im gone at work all day, only when I catch him.

Is it a good idea to feed my cat only wet food?

My cat isnt too interested in dry food unless its treats. She does eat it when shes extremely hungry, but would rather just eat wet food (what cat wouldnt, right?!) and she gets one small can every morning. Would it be ok to feed her a couple cans of wet a day and the occasional hard treat to help clean her teeth or are there more benefits to feeding a bigger hard cat food diet? I have tried multiple kinds of hard food and she isnt really interested in any of them. Thanks

Is it healthy to feed a dochshund dog cat food?

We had just adopted a little dochshund dog recently that wont eat anything but the cans of cat food we have for my aunts cat. I just want to make sure its safe for him.

Are the plastic lids used to close cat food cans the same size as standard cans?

I would like to be able to store opened food cans for a few days. Are the\ plastic lids for cat food cans the same size? Have you ever seen lids available that are not specifically for cat food?

What do you think of a stray cat that picks up a can of food and takes it beneath the deck to eat?

Some gave me free cans of cat food so I could feed strays that wander into my yard. Ive noticed that the can are never where I place them. Last week my daughter saw the cat pick up the can of food in its mouth and head for a cool spot beneath the deck. Then we saw where all the missing cans are?? What do you make of this?

Is it okay for me to feed my cats table scraps instead of cat food?

Ive been giving them tuna with eggs, or ham with cheese, when I was feeding them cat food they got sick so I stopped feeding them cat food. Has anyone eles done this?

What is a good cat food high in protein?

My cat needs a high protein food to help with diarrhea, any suggestions? Some one told me to start feeding her canned pumpkin? Would that be good to just mix in with a dry food?

What is a good dry cat food for a kitty who is overweight but is prone to stuvite crystals?

I have a kitty. A big kitty who has been molly coddled food wise due to the fact that he is prone to FLUTD and obstruction. He is almost 8 years old and although he is a long cat he weighs about 20 pounds. Thank goodness he hasnt obstructed in over 2 years but he has obstructed at least 7 or 8 times in the past. I want to get him on a diet of sorts but am afraid to give him food like Science diet R/D because of the magnesium and calcium content and thats what the vet always gives him when I mention his weight. Unfortunately he always obstructs with it. :/So, is there a good food for portly kitties that do not have the additives that can cause obstructions like magnesium or calcium but are healthful and rounded nutrition wise? Are there any organic or natural options out there other than supermarket brands? Thank you! :)

Why is my kitten eating adult cat food?

New kitten prefers my adult cats food over kitten food (same brand - Nutro). Ive tried re-directing him and Ive heard that kitten food is supposed to taste better - so why is he doing this? Will it stunt his growth if he skips the kitten food phase and jumps straight to adult?

Can anyone recommend a low protein wet and dry cat food?

My 16 yr old cat is starting to have kidney issues. The vet has recommended buying cat food that has between low protein, 9-12% protein. He said that the prescription diet contains 8% and she does not have to go on that yet. I have searched, but can not find food with less than 28% protein. Any suggestions?

Why do people think dry cat food is better for cats?

I told my coworker today that Im switching my cat to canned cat food and she responded by telling me that shes always heard dry was better. When I asked her from who, she couldnt tell me. Like Ive read tons of literature on why canned is better, but I havent come across any literature stating dry is better. Is there any out there? Why do so many people believe it is better?

Is expensive cat food healthier for cats or are you just paying more for the name?

I got my cat neutered at a low cost clinic and the vet there told me that any dry food is fine as long as you stay away from generic. My regular vet later told me that science diet or iams is better than the Friskies that I feed my cats but he didnt say why.

What is a good cat food to buy to help with the fur?

And something I can buy at a store. And that is good for the fur, theeth and healthy for my two cats, and Will it be hard to get them to eat a different kind of cat food

What is the best healthy canned cat food?

My cat isnt digesting Innova Evo canned food well, so Id like to switch her to something low-carb, grain-free.

What is the best cat food that wont stain carpet when cats get hairballs?

Any cat food has no dyes and is good for not staining? thanks :)

How do i get pallets of cat food donated?

We have a tax-exempt 501c3 non-profit animal rescue and need donations of cat food.

Why do some dogs prefer eating dry cat food to their own?

My dog refuses to eat her food but insists on eating dry cat food. I have to put it out of reach to stop this from happening. How come?

Is it bad to only feed your cat dry cat food?

I only feed my cats dry cat-food. I hate the smell and look of canned food. Is this bad? They do have water to drink as often as they want. I figured dry cat-food is good for keeping their teeth healthy.

What is the best online store to buy can cat food in bulk at a good price?

I am looking to buy a case at a time of mid grade cat food (not store brand). Suggestions? Free shipping would be nice-lol!

How can i get other cats to stop eating my cats food?

My cat lives on my front porch and the cat from across the street always comes to eat my cats food. i always shoo it away but it keep coming back. how can i get that stupid cat away from my cats food( THAT I PAY FOR) ?

What would be good to mix into cat food?

I have adopted a new cat that is stuck on dry food. In the past I have not seen cats benefit from dry food alone. They need something more, any suggestions? My other cats live on a diet of both dry and canned food.

How do i keep canned cat food on a 3day trip?

The automatic cat feeders I see hold ice bags that only hold for 12 hours. I will be taking my cat on a trip of 2-3 days so how do I keep his canned food. He has a condition that allows only special canned food. He takes meds that only I can give him so I must take him along on the trip. He takes 24 hours to eat a can.

How soon should i start the transistion from kitten food to cat food?

I have a 11 month old kitten and i was wondering when we should start switching her over to cat food? and also how long will it take before she is only on adult cat food?

What is the secret in the special urinary tract cat food for neutered males susceptible to blockages?

I have a friend and her male cat has had a blockage before that nearly killed him and now the vet wants him on hills science diet urinary tract food. But its sooooo expensive and I was wondering if there were any alternatives or cheaper places to get it or just any advice really.

Is there a difference between indoor and outdoor cat food?

I have an outdoor cat. I wonder if there is a restriction with the cat food that doesnt distinguish indoor or outdoor. Is that safe to feed the cat with?

Why do my chickens prefer to eat cat food over chicken feed?

I have to feed the cats early in the morning or late at night while the chickens are locked up in the pen or they will devour the entire pan of cat food. Ironically it is chicken flavored cat food. And the cats do not try to take down the chickens either!

How much money would i spend a month on cat food and litter?

Im getting a cat soon, an adult orange cat. i was wondering how much it would be to spend money on cat food and litter. because i dont want to get the expensive stuff, just whatever is affordable. WHAT DO YOU THINK WOULD BE THE TOTAL AMOUNT SPENT ON MY CAT PER MONTH?

Is it okay to feed a 2 year old cat dry cat food meant for cats over 8 years old?

My husband bought cat food for senior cats. He said it is okay as it is only softer. What is the difference between senior cat food and adult cat food?

What is the best and healthiest canned cat food?

I was feeding my cats Chicken Soup For The Pet Lovers Soul canned cat food but the company cant seem to keep their formula consistant, so sometimes my cats will eat it and sometimes they wont. I am sick of going through this so I need to change cat foods. I wont use the Wellness brand because it contains garlic. I just had them try New Balance but that contains fish meal which is a by-product. I am clueless. And for those of you who are going to mention an all natural raw diet, that is not an option for me. Thanks!

At what age can a kitten start eating regular cat food?

I have a 3 week old kitten. She is being breastfed by her mother. But I think she is teething. When would she be ready to eat cat food?

How can i get my new kitten to eat cat food?

I just got a new kitten who wont eat kitten or cat food, wet or dry. She will only eat cheese or meat. She wont eat if I try to wait until she gets hungry. She just looks at me with hungry eyes and goes off to play. She is thin and so cute I always give in. The vet said to try different brands which we have. Each and every can there is and its a no go? Whats the problem?

How do i get the burnt cat food smell out of my oven?

So you ask, "How did cat food get into your oven"? The short story is that a mouse decided to take up residence in the insulation in the bottom of my oven. (Goes to show how much cooking I do) Naturally he needed to eat and apparantly liked the brand of cat food we were buying. Now I understand why the cat was starving each morning. I fired up the oven on 2 separate occasions, once to cook and once to run the self-cleaning cycle only to have my house fill up with smoke -- I even got a short flame in the oven, yikes! We were puzzled bec. there was no evidence in the main compartment of the oven indicating a source of the smoke or flame. It wasnt until my husband took apart the bottom of the oven that we found our fury friends provisioned, bachelor (or bachelorette) pad. Let me tell you, refried catfood is one nasty smell. I was thinking of using baking powder and vinegar to scrub the inside of the oven but wanted to check with all of you first. Thanks for your suggestion

What cat food will not make my cat fart and have a horrible smell when she uses the litter box?

My cat is stinking up the whole house!!!!!!!!! She keeps farting and when she goes to the bathroom, she stinks up the entire house for like 15 mins. What cat food should I switch her to?

Is it okay for my kitten to eat cat food?

I have a kitten who is about 2 months old. I also have two other cats who are about 3. They are obviously on cat food, but I have different food for my kitten. He although thinks he should eat their food. He will sometimes eat his kitten food, but seems to prefer their food. Is it okay or should I try and get him to just eat his kitten food?

Is unopened canned cat food still good if its been left in the heat?

I bought my cat some canned food, but i forgot it in my car and its been in there for about 5 days.. and my car sits in the sun all day while im at work... I hear that canned food doesnt go bad, but does that go for cat food too?? I really dont want to poison my Cat... Please help.

How common is it for cats to have allergies to cat food?

My vet says my cat may be allergic to her cat food.

I need advice on keeping puppy out of cat food and vice versa?

I have never raised a puppy with cats before and need some advice. My cats just turned 1 year old and the puppy is about 14 weeks old. I had cats but it was a long time ago. We adopted these cats after our dog ( best friend ) of 10 years passed away. The puppy is eating the cat food and the cats are eating the puppy food HELP! The puppy is a rotty mix.

When do you start feeding a cat quotadultquot cat food?

More specifically, is 5-6 months way too young for the adult food? (the bag of cat food doesnt say what age it is for)

What kinds of food should i give my cat to help her gain weight?

I am currently feeding her "The good life". It is one of the more expensive brands of cat food. I have tried different kinds. She seems to like this one the best. Is there anything extra I can give her to help her gain a few more pounds?

Can changing from kitten to cat food cause bad breath?

It is not really bad, but I have noticed that it doesnt smell that great. I just switched from her kitten to cat food last week.

How do i remove a cat food stain from my carpet?

My cat managed to knock over his water all over the carpet, it got mixed with some of his dry food and looks like mud/dirt on the carpet. What do I use to get that out?

What are the risks for a cat that eats dog food?

One of the two cats I have has always been extremely picky. She had only eaten one brand of cat food for 8 years. Now all of a sudden, shes starting to eat the dog food. ( Im assuming because shes sick of the same-old-same-old. ) What are the risks shes running by eating it? She is a big cat - well over weight - but she always has been. What can I do to stop her from eating it, because like I said, shes really picky about what cat food she eats.

Need help getting rid of the smell of cat food?

I was just wondering what is a good product to use to get rid of the smell of cat food? It hangs around in the air and no amount of lysol spray can get rid of it.

How do you interpret the nutritional labels on cat food?

I was wondering whether you can "read" the quality of cat food from the nutrition label on the package. What do you look for? I know the more expensive brands are generally considered to be of better quality, but why? When I look at the labels, the values are often pretty similar.

What is a cheaper option to royal canin cat food that is still just as healthy and easy on sensitive stomachs?

We have had our now 10 month old kitten on Royal Canin Baby cat, and then Kitten food since we got her at 2 months old. When we got her we discovered she has a super sensitive stomach and didnt handle Science Diet well. I am looking for a cheaper alternative to Royal Canin that will still be easy on her sensitive stomach. Please help!

How long does it take for a cat to adapt to a new brand of cat food?

If I change cat food brands immediately, how long will the cat have diarrhea?

When should i feed my kitten regular cat food?

I usually start feeding my kittens cat food when I bring them home. I just adopted a kitten from PetSmart and shes six months old. They said she was still eating kitten food and that cats usually eat kitten food until a year, which just hasnt been my experience. At six months, regular cat food should be OK, shouldnt it?

Is it possible to buy a magnetic cat food bowl?

Another cat keeps coming in thru the cat flap and stealing the poor cats food!

What are the white things that appear on my cats cat food when i put it out?

When I put the cat food out I have noticed that white things are appearing in it in clusters are these Fly eggs or something?

What are the best brands of cat food and why?

I have two cats and I want to feed the best to them. I am currently feeding my two cats Whiskas. I heard it is very good food. I also heard these brands are awesome;-Fancy Feast-Iams-Science Diet-Friskies-Cat Chow-Purina One-Meow Mix - and the noname brands I have also heard are goodFeel free to add on the my list of cat foods. Thanks.

How do i start kittens out eating regular cat food?

I bought this "2nd Step" KMR weaning powder to mix with water like the guys at PetCo said I should do. Well the kittens arent big fans of it to say the least. Should I mix the powder with water and regular cat food and blend it? Their mother, Poptart, has been exhausted and Id really like to start the kittens on their own diet. They are about 6 weeks old now.

What do i feed my cat when i do not have any cat food?

Hello there, so I am in a pinch here. I have no cat food, and I need tofeed my cat. I cant go into the store at this moment in time. So waht should I feed him for now? I am getting food as soon as I can!

What is the most natural thing to feed a cat best cat food?

I want my kitty to get the food she would in the wild. Obviously I wont be slaying any mice for her pink princess food bowl but could I feed her chicken etc? What about vegetables/ grass? She loves eating grass when I take her outside. What is the most natural diet for a cat? Also, what is the best cat food? I feed her science diet.

How long can i let cat food sit out?

How long can I leave out canned cat food for a kitten, What kind of schedule do you use for your cat. My kitten is 10 weeks old and I feed him a mixture of science diet canned food with the dry food mixed in.

What are some of the healthy brands of cat food that are available at pet stores?

I want to get my cat healthier food than the Purina shes eating right now, so what are some good brands to buy?

My puppy likes to eat out of the cat food bowl what effect does eating cat food have on dogs?

Ive heard that cat food contains taurine and that cats can tolerate but dogs cant. What are the symptoms?

How do i know the sodium content of dry cat food brands?

My cat has been diagnosed with a heart murmur, and one of the recommended actions is feeding him a lower sodium cat food. I currently feed him Iams Indoor formula, but I see nothing on the bag that indicates the sodium content. How do you compare brands by sodium content?

What is a healthy low fat name brand of cat food for an adult cat?

I was shopping for cat food and and I was told eukkanuba is a good brand, but noticed 21 % fat content. I noticed the previous brand I was using, Whiskas, had less than15%. Is buying pet food from the pet store causing more harm than good for my cat..Anyone else counting calories for their indoor cat. I would like to know what the better diet would be. She is not overweight.

What canned cat food has the highest calories?

My cat has cancer and is loosing weight rapidly. She will only eat canned food, and even then she just picks at it. What canned food has the highest calorie content? She likes Evo kitten, but will likely tire of it soon.

What is the best cat food to feed hedgehogs?

Im getting a baby hedgehog next friday (from a breeder) and i wanted to know the best cat food to feed hedgehogs.

What brand of cat food do you feed your cat?

I have a new turkish angora cat am going to pick up tommorow. What brand of cat food do you feed your cat. It cant be exsesively expensive like science diet or royal canin. Sumthing you can buy in your local supermarket or pet store. Not too cheap like a savon osco brand or FMV, or Pet Pride. What were your results from the cat food.

How do you get a dog to quit eating cat food?

My wife and I were wondering why hes barely eating his food, yet is taking massive, uh, "poops". Then this morning we noticed that were re-filling the cat food bowl MUCH more frequently than usual. My wife suggested just feeding him cat food, but it seems that dog food is formulated specifically for dogs, and vise-versa. Serious answers only, please. Answers such as "tape his snout shut", "a.30-06 from about 20 feet", or "fill his mouth with expanding foam insulation" wont help us much. Thanks.

I just changed cat food one cat eats it the other cat has not eaten in 4 days how long do i wait?

I went from an indoor food by purina to a weight management kind by nutro max. The male cat is a sweety and will eat anything. Its the female thats being a brat about it. Will she starve herself or finally through in the towel. And how long will that take?

Is it ok to feed a dog cat food?

My dog will not eat her dry dog food unless I am watching over her. She would rather steal food from the cats dish. Is it ok to feed a dog cat food? All dogs seem to like it better than dog food. I have bought different brands of food but she still does not want to eat it. She wouldent even eat Nutro (the best brand you can buy) I dont want to feed her any thing cheap that has corn as the main ingredient. I dont want to feed her canned dog food because she has long white hair will get it all over herself. Any suggestions?

How old should kittens be before they start eating cat food?

My kittens are a month and 2 days old. today i took some dry cat food and made it all mushy with water and the kittens seem to love it are they to young to be eating cat food. p. s.the food says for adult cats is it safe for kittens